Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -


1.Quick Review of Assignments from first 90 days together:

  • Envision It Forward COMPASS—especially “doing” part of mission statement
  • Aim It Forward MAP—especially landmarks
  • Speaker ID
  • Speaker Brand
  • PMS: Problem/Pain Message/Moment/Me  Solution/Success/Skills
  • SPEAK UP Preparation System
  • DiSC Training with Jill Davis (Platinum members)

2.2nd Quarter Goals (October-December)—Please Post!


  • Killer Keynote Conference—December 8-9 (5 Seats Left)
  • Speak It Forward Boot Camp—May 10-12 (Platinum FREE)

4.NOTE: There is a chance we will NOT get through all these notes this evening. Most important goals this evening:

  • Clarity from the first 90 days
  • Clarity from Retreat

5. Recording Reminder—Someone (ANYONE) remind me 

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

Pyramid of REAL Success

4 Building Blocks for Real SUCCESS and PROFIT as a speaker…

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

Fast is Slow and Slow Is Fast – Reflections/Questions on First 90 Days

Real Success – ME

  • Envision It Forward COMPASS
  • Aim It Forward MAP

Real Profit – MESSAGE

  • Speaker ID
  • Speaker Brand Statement
  • PMS: Problem/Pain  Message/Moment/Me  Solution/Success/Skills
  • SPEAK UP Preparation

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

Retreat Follow Up









Kylie Jean


Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

Preparing & Positioning—Become An EXPERT

Become an EXPERT in 3-Months or Less™

E = Read, watch, listen (minimum time investment – 1 hour a day)

  • Read publications about your market (and read them every month)
  • Find websites and online networks that host discussion forums for people in your market
  • Subscribe to email groups and e-newsletters regarding your market
  • Don’t miss your “lowest hanging fruit”

X = Invest in yourself!

  • Attend conferences, seminars, workshops, and trade shows regarding your market
  • Hire a coach
  • “Mastermind” with others in your market

P= Act as if

  • Balance confidence and humility

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

E = Goal –Setting & GOAL-Getting!

  • Expectation & execution

R = Real networking = building relationships and serving

  • Authentically connect with “Center of ” people.
  • “Pay to ” strategy
  • Treat other experts to meals

T = Effective marketing creates TOMA and an aura of staying power

  • Fish your (Be “deep” before going “wide”)
  • “Fish with a instead of a pole” – Jonathan Sprinkles
  • Book Recommendation: Nurturing Customer Relationships by Jim Cecil and Eric Rabinowitz
  • Be (articles, news releases, radio interviews, online “social” networks)
  • Develop your and communicate regularly with them

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

T = The “gold-standard” of expertise!

  • See Kent’s testimonies on
  • Get testimonies from ALL “just like you” people:
  • Meeting Planners & Event Coordinators:
  • Audience Members:
  • Coaching Clients:
  • Get testimonies from “Center of Influence” people
  • Use Technology—audio, video, telephone

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

Preparing & Positioning—How to Differentiate & Add Value

5 Basic Steps to Differentiation and Adding Value:

Step 1: The Idea Must Make in Your Market

Step 2: Find the Idea

  • Think “Nordstrom” versus “Department Stores”
  • Think “Starbucks” versus “Church Coffee”
  • Think “Dave Ramsey” versus typical “OPM” Advice

** Step 3: The “Marlow’s” and “Dog Treat Bank”

  • Better
  • Faster
  • More
  • Less
  • Unique
  • “Fun-ner”

Step 4: Have or Get the

  • Think “Where’s the Beef?”
  • Think “America’s Friendliest Airline” (before American’s “low-cost” airline)
  • Think “I’m Not Just the President, I’m Also a Client”

Step 5: Communicate the

  • Remember…You cannot over-communicate your difference!

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

Preparing & Positioning—The 9 P’s For Building Your Platform

The 9 P’s Building Your Platform as a Speaker

REMINDER: Because there are several ideas associated with “platform,” we use the term as a say to pull together two “stages” a speaker must stand on if he or she wants to experience real SUCCESS and PROFIT:

  • The Speaking Stage—Speaker ID, Speaker Brand, Message, Programs, Expertise, Etc
  • The Marketing Stage—Website, Social Media, Marketing Pieces, Testimonies, Videos, Etc.

P brand

  • Develop a who you are statement (will likely be similar to others)
  • Develop a what you speak about and to whomstatement (will likely be similar to other speakers)
  • Develop a how are you differentstatement (this is what makes you unique and makes your brand “personal”)
  • NOTE: Your PMS statement often gets “weaved” into this statement.

P statement

  • Your tagline on steroids
  • 7-9 second rule

P (i.e. your websites)

  • Make it PROFESSIONAL…not only the “look,” but the content (press kit, request form, tech requirements, speaking introduction, etc.)

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

P (Niche, Niche, Niche)

P (i.e. “Powerful” Testimonies)

P and Video Clips

P Skills (i.e. be UNFORGETABLE)


  • Low / Middle / High
  • Bonuses


  • Hire people and/or organizations as “agents”

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -


The challenge from here on out…

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC


Coaching & Mastermind Program


- Session Four -

Additional Notes

Copyright © 2015 Live It Forward LLC