Evolution Test
Study Guide – Due before the test on Friday
Go to http://mdk12.org/instruction/clg/public_release/biology/G3_E4_I2.html
1. Define the following terms.
Variation: Variation- small difference among individuals in a population or species that provide the raw materials for evolution.
Adaptation: Adaptation-is a feature that is common in a population because it provides some improved function and increases survival rate.
Natural Selection: a result of environmental pressure.
2. Mammals living in extremely cold climates typically have thick fur and a layer of fat to insulate them from the cold. What term best describes these characteristics? adaptation
3. Individuals within a population of rabbits have different colors of fur as shown in the diagram below.
The difference in the fur color of the individual rabbits is described as ___Variation______.
4. The mole rat is an animal that avoids predators by living underground. Its long claws and teeth allow it to dig deep holes. Scientists believe the ancestors of the mole rat lived above ground and had shorter claws and teeth. What process resulted in the long claws and teeth found in the modern mole rat?___Natural Selection______
5. Loggerhead turtles in the Atlantic Ocean return to lay their eggs on the same beaches where they hatched. Scientists have observed that the turtles have a “compass sense.” This sense allows them to use Earth's magnetic field to find their way back to the beaches where they were hatched. What term best describes the turtle's ability to use Earth's magnetic field?___Adaptation______
6. Plants grow in various environments. Some plants, like mangroves, grow in salty wetlands. Mangroves have specialized structures that prevent salt from entering their cells. Other mangroves have specialized glands that can excrete excess salt. Glands that excrete salt in the mangroves are examples of __Adaptations______.
What group do humans belong to? 5
Comparisons are made between two different organisms by finding the place where the two lines intersect. The number where the columns and rows intersect shows how many amino acids are different in the cytochrome c of both organisms. The larger the number, the greater the difference in the structure of the cytochrome c molecules of the two organisms. According to the table, which pair of organisms has 17 cytochrome molecule differences? Duck and rattle snake, (pig, sheep) and tuna and tuna and rabbit
9.) Estimate the amount of time you think it takes for each organism to evolve.
a. Humans____ slowly over millions of years______
b. Bacteria____in a humans lifetime, several years______
c. Elephants_____slowly over millions of years______
10. What process results in adaptations?______
11. The figure below shows the skeletal structure of a seal's flipper and a monkey's arm.
The skeletal structures of the flipper and the arm are similar, even though they have different functions. Seals use their flippers for swimming, while monkeys use their arms primarily for grasping and lifting.
A.) What term is used to describe limbs that have a similar function but different function?____homologous structures______.
B.) The seal's flipper and the monkey's arm differ in appearance. This difference is the result of_____Natural Selection______.
13.) Based on the chart below, which kingdom do flowering plants belong. 2
14.) Based on the chart below which species are most closely related? 2 and 4
14.) Looking at the following picture, what classifies these organisms as Eukaryotes? Answer: They have a ____nucleus______.
Top of FormScientists have shown that a newly discovered organism is a species of bacteria. Which of these is found in the cells of the new species? (Chloroplast, Mitochondria, a cell membrane, a nuclear membrane)