1. Be on time to class. I expect you in your seat when the bell rings, or you may be marked tardy.

2. Respect other students and their property.

3. Bring all of the necessary materials to class everyday. (COVERED textbook, 3-ring binder w/paper or spiral

notebook, pencil, scientific calculator) You WILL NOT be allowed to go to your locker after class has begun.

4. Students will be expected to pay attention in class, take notes, and actively participate in the lesson.

5. Each student will be allowed TWO bathroom passes per semester, worth 10 points Extra Credit each. If you use

up these BP’s, using the bathroom during class may cost you 5 points.

6. Students may not use any electronic devices without the teacher’s permission.

7. Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. Do not pack up before you are told or you may be the

last to leave the classroom.

HOMEWORK (5 points) Homework will be assigned almost every day.

1. ATTEMPT all of the problems to receive full credit.

2. You need to show PWA (Problem, Work, & Answer) for every homework assignment.

  • ProblemCopy all of the problems. (For word problems, show where you started the problem.)
  • WorkShow ALL of your work!!! (If you’re not sure if you’re showing enough work,

then you are not showing enough work!)

  • AnswerCIRCLE, BOX, OR HIGHLIGHT your answers.

NOTEBOOK/PRENOTES (points will vary) Each person will be expected to maintain a notebook.

Students will keep notes in a 3-ring binder or spiral notebook containing class notes and homework.

TESTS (100 points) There will be some mid-chapter tests (points will vary) and one chapter test (100 points) for each chapter. The final exam is comprehensive for the semester and worth 200 points.

PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES (points will vary) There will be occasional projects and activities designed to enrich the lessons being taught.


A = 90% - 100%Tests & Quizzes Approximately 70% of the grade
B = 80% - 89%Homework, Projects, Etc. Approximately 25% of the grade
C = 70% - 79% Participation Reflection Approximately 5% of the grade
D = 60% - 69%
F = less than 60%


1. After an EXCUSED absence, copy the notes and assignments for the day(s) missed from another student.

2. You have ONE WEEK from the day you come back to school to make up any homework, quizzes, or tests.

3. Make-up work must be labeled “ABSENT” and the DATE of the absence at the top of the paper.

4. Make-up work must be turned in to me personally outside of class.


------Complete the section below. Tear off and return to Mr. Smits by Wednesday ------

I agree to follow the policies above or accept the consequences.

Student Name (print) ______Student Signature ______Per. ___ Date ______

I have read and discussed the classroom policies with our child.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Parent Email Address ______