PSYC 200 – Introduction to Professional Practices

FINAL EXAM – Spring 2010

This test is worth 50 points. There are 52 points available (i.e., you can miss 2 points and still get a 100%). Please answer all questions thoughtfully after carefully reading the instructions and the prompt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE (1 pt. each)

1. When using decimal numbers,

a. a zero is used before the decimal point (0.05) only when the number cannot be greater than one (e.g., correlations, proportions, and levels of significance; r = 10.96, p < 0.05)).

b. a zero is never used before the decimal point (.05).

c. the author should check with the editor of each specific APA journal.

d. a zero always is used before the decimal point (0.05) when numbers can take on values greater than one.

2. Edit the following for the expression of numbers:

Of the schools that participated, two were community colleges, eight were state universities, and eleven were private colleges.

a. leave as is

b. Of the schools that participated, two were community colleges, eight were state universities, and 11 were private colleges.

c. Of the schools that participated, 2 were community colleges, 8 were state universities, and 11were private colleges.

d. Of the schools that participated, two were community colleges, 8 were state universities, and 11were private colleges.

3. Edit the following for application of APA reference style:

Brickman, P., Coates, D., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (1978). Lottery Winners and Accident Victims: Is Happiness Relative? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 917-927.

a. leave as is

b. Brickman, P., Coates, D., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (1978). Lottery Winners and Accident Victims: Is Happiness Relative? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 917-927.

c. Brickman, P., Coates, D., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (1978). Lottery winners and accident victims: Is happiness relative? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 917-927.

d. Brickman, P., Coates, D., & Janoff-Bulman, R. (1978). “Lottery Winners and Accident Victims: Is Happiness Relative?” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 917-927.

4. Each entry in an article’s reference list MUST be

a. relevant to other entries. c. published in a credible journal.

b. cited in the text also. d. All of the above

5. When a work has more than two authors and fewer than six authors, cite

a. all of the authors every time the reference occurs in text.

b. all of the authors the first time the reference occurs in text; in subsequent citations, use the last name of the first author followed by et al.

c. the last name of the first author followed by et al. every time the reference occurs in text.

d. None of the above

6. Edit the following for correct use of abbreviations:

Three kinds of scene identification tasks were given to the police officers: a murder scene, a robbery scene, and an assault scene. The identification tasks were given in either an MS-RS-AS or AS-RS-MS sequence.

a. Define the abbreviations earlier by putting them within parentheses following the terms they abbreviated.

b. Use no abbreviations because they are not known by most readers.

c. Make no change because the connection between terms and abbreviations is obvious.

d. Make no change because the writer used standard abbreviations.

7. Which noun is incorrectly capitalized in this example?

Bem’s Theory of Self-Perception suggests that a woman will like a stranger more after she dances with him.

a. Theory c. Perception

b. Self d. All of the above are incorrect.

8. When using a slang or coined phrase, set the expression off with

a. double quotation marks the first time the expression is used.

b. double quotation marks every time it is used.

c. dashes every time it is used.

d. single quotation marks the first time it is used.

9. Edit the following for use of nonsexist language:

Before an experienced computer programmer attempts a particular solution, he tries to relate the problem structure to other problems he has solved successfully.

a. leave as is

b. Before an experienced computer programmer attempts a particular solution, he/she tries to relate the problem structure to other problems he/she has solved successfully.

c. Before experienced computer programmers attempt a particular solution, they try to relate the problem structure to other problems they have solved successfully.

d. Before an experienced computer programmer attempts a particular solution, the programmer (he or she) tries to relate the problem structure to other problems they have solved successfully.

10. Edit the following for correct punctuation:

The floor was covered with cedar shavings and paper was available for shredding and nest building.

a. leave as is

b. The floor was covered with cedar shavings; and paper was available for shredding and nest building.

c. The floor was covered with cedar shavings, and paper was available for shredding and nest building.

d. The floor was covered with cedar shavings. And paper was available for shredding and nest building.

11. Edit the following for use of pronouns and nouns:

The team achieved a 38% improvement in their scores after undergoing imagery training.

a. leave as is.

b. The team achieved a 38% improvement in its score after undergoing imagery training.

c. The team achieved a 38% improvement in each of their scores after undergoing imagery training.

d. The team achieved a 38% improvement in scores after undergoing imagery training.

12. Edit the following for avoiding ethnic bias:

In each age group, the American citizens who were foreigners performed better on the American history test than did the Americans.

a. leave as is

b. In each age group, the American citizens who were foreigners performed better on the American history test than did the American citizens who were native-born.

c. In each age group, the naturalized American citizens performed better on the American history test than did the native-born American citizens.

d. In each age group, the foreigners who became American citizens performed better on the American history test than did the Americans.

13. Which of these sentences illustrates a correct use of the word while in scientific writing?

a. Bragg (1965) found that participants performed well, while Bohr (1969) found that participants did poorly.

b. While these findings are unusual, they are not unique.

c. Bragg found that participants performed well while listening to music.

d. All of the above are correct.

14. The reference page of an APA-style report should include citations of

a. all sources consulted in the preparation of the report.

b. all sources cited in the text of the report.

c. only sources cited in the text of the report.

d. b and c

15. The abstract of an APA-style report should

a. be between 150 and 200 words in length.

b. appear directly below the paper title on page 2 of the report.

c. be indented 5 spaces in standard paragraph form.

d. All of the above

16. Report your results in

a. the past tense. c. the present tense.

b. the past perfect tense. d. any of the above.

17. The title of an APA-style report should

a. be 10 to 12 words in length.

b. be a concise statement of the main topic.

c. identify the actual variables or theoretical issues under investigation.

d. All of the above

18. Choose the correct format for the use of three levels of headings:




Initial participants.




Initial participants.




Initial participants.




Initial participants.

19. A theory must be:

a. systematic

b. falsifiable

c. empirical

d. a and b

e. a, b, and c

20. A hypothesis is:

a. a specific, testable prediction based on a theory

b. a predication about events in real-life

c. a possible explanation for a set of events

d. an educated guess about a specific event

21. Select the most correct statement:

a.  In order to prove that a claim is true, psychologists need to gather evidence.

b.  Psychologists need to present all data (even individual scores) when reporting on research findings.

c.  Psychological researchers can only make truly certain conclusions after much intense investigation.

d.  Gathering empirical evidence is the method by which psychological research is conducted.

22. A tendency to place the burden of proof on skeptics, not proponents, of claims is a characteristic of

a.  pseudoscience

b.  weird science

c.  earth science

d.  psychological science

23. Sudden scientific “breakthroughs”

a.  are often the product of systematic peer-reviewed research.

b.  should be treated with scientific skepticism.

c.  violate the gradual synthesis model.

d.  a and c

e.  b and c

f.  a, b, and c

Operational Definition Practice (#24 & 25) – indicate which options are possible operational definitions of the following constructs: (YOU MIGHT SELECT MORE THAN ONE!)

24. Anxiety

a. a feeling of nervousness, uncertainty, or fear

b. sweaty palms and increased heart rate

c. uncertainty about future events

25. Love

a. the amount of time (in hours) spent with another person

b. the dollar value and quantity of gifts to given another person on days other than regular holidays

c. the number of positive words spoken about another person even when not in that person’s presence

26. An operational definition

a. dehumanizes mankind and minimizes the mystery of existence

b. should always be based on physiological (i.e., body-related) measures (e.g., heart rate)

c. should provide a specific way to understand the construct

d. should provide a specific way to measure the construct

For the following questions, you will be given a job, issue, or task that is part of the nature of one of the listed careers. Select the career that most likely would consist of the given job, issue, or task.

27. Investigate large-scale predictors of academic achievement, positive behaviors, etc.

a.  School Psychology

b.  Clinical Psychology

c.  Test Development Psychology

d.  Educational Psychology

28. Provide specialized treatment for behavioral disorders of individuals aged 2 – 16.

a.  School Psychology

b.  Child Psychology

c.  Consultant

d.  Educational Psychology

29. Attending and presenting at professional conferences.

a.  Academic Psychology

b.  Clinical Psychology

c.  Clinical Neuropsychology

d.  School Psychology

30. Post-traumatic stress disorder, human factors and safety, team effectiveness

a.  Organizational Psychology

b.  Clinical Psychology

c.  Psychology in Managed Care

d.  Military Psychology

31. Finding and improving questions that are unfair to certain populations.

a.  Test Development Psychology

b.  Educational Psychology

c.  Psychology in Government Service

d.  Health Psychology