(Foster Parent)


foster parent’s Contact Information
Name of Foster Parent
Phone #’s / Home / Work / Cell
Email Address/s
Questionnaire Section
Information / Clinic
/ Dr’s Name / Phone #
Age of children in home
Medical considerations / Y / N / does anyone in your household have a medical condition that would be affected by having a cat in the home?
Pets in the home / Type of pet
(cat, dog, other) / Pet’s Name / Age / Sterilized Y/N / is cat declawed
Y/N / * vaccinated
* Please Note: When Cat Rescue Network places cats in a foster home they have not yet been vaccinated or vetted. For this reason CRN advises all fosters to have their cat’s vaccinations up to date (including feline leukemia); however, this is a foster parent’s choice.
Declawing / If cat/s is declawed or if previous cats were declawed please give reason:
Under what circumstances would you declaw a cat?
Have you had pets in the past? / Y / N / If yes where are they now?
Have you ever fostered an animal? / Y / N / If yes what type and for whom?
Where will animal be kept? / During the day / At night
Will others be caring for the animal? / Y / N / If yes who and what age?
transportation? / Y / N / Are you able and willing to transport the animal to appointments with the veterinarian &/or To and from the pet store in order to help find a home for the animal:
Prospective Adopters / Y / N / Are you willing to meet with and/or speak to prospective adopters? / Y / N / Are you willing to visit prospective adopter’s home to assess if it will be a safe and nurturing environment for the cat?
Primary reason for Fostering


CRN FA Oct 24/12

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(Copy to Foster Parent & copy to CRN)

The Foster Parent Recognizes That:

1.  The animal is the property of CAT RESCUE NETWORK and that it can be reclaimed at any time. Therefore, the animal cannot be treated medically, removed from the premises or given to anyone without the written release from CAT RESCUE NETWORK;

2.  The foster parent is responsible for the care and well being of the animal while it is in his/her care;

3.  CAT RESCUE NETWORK may remove the cat from the premises at any time;

4.  CAT RESCUE NETWORK is a network of volunteers and, as such, CAT RESCUE NETWORK, and/or any volunteer of the network, is not responsible for damages or injuries caused by the animal while in the care of the foster parent(s).

The Foster Parent Agrees to:

1.  Provide the animal with a safe physical environment (free of danger from other people, animals or toxins);

2.  Provide the animal with food, litter and physical care at the foster parents own expense;

3.  Isolate the animal indoors for 10 days in case it is incubating any disease and until vaccinations have had the time required to provide immunity.

4.  Introduce the animal gradually, one at a time, to other members of the household, especially pets.

5.  Ensure approved vetting is done as scheduled and to inform CRN after each vet visit.

6.  Notify CAT RESCUE NETWORK immediately if the animal becomes ill. If the foster parent contacts a veterinarian without the prior agreement of CAT RESCUE NETWORK, the foster parent is responsible for all of the expenses incurred.

7.  The foster parent will NOT declaw a kitten/cat, debark a dog or have performed any other form of cosmetic mutilation of the animal (tail cropping, ear docking).

8.  Return the animal to CAT RESCUE NETWORK if for any reason the adopter cannot keep the animal (the responsibility for the animal cannot be handed over to another foster home without prior consent from CAT RESCUE NETWORK.

9.  Refrain from fostering animals from any other shelter or rescue while fostering for Cat Rescue Network.


Animals with serious medical conditions will not knowingly be placed for fostering unless the nature of the condition is known to the foster.

1.  Inform the foster parent of the reason for fostering and the estimated length of time the animal will require foster care.

5.  Inform the foster parent of any diseases and the level of contagion;

6.  Ensure that the foster parent is informed of any minor medical conditions CAT RESCUE NETWORK is aware of and provide the foster parent with any medication the animal is currently receiving (eye ointment, antibiotics etc)

7.  Ensure that the foster parent understands and is comfortable providing any treatment the animal may require.

8.  Other: ______


CAT RESCUE NETWORK will not be responsible for any veterinary fees that have been incurred without the CRN Coordinators written permission.

Date: ______

Foster Parent

Date: ______

Cat Rescue Network Member

CRN-FA Oct 24, 2012