/ Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor

State of California
Health and Human Services Agency
721 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-1313 Phone
(916) 558-5806 FAX
(916) 558-5807 TTY
Supported Employment Programs / November 3, 2008

Dear Supported Employment Program:

The Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2008-09 (Assembly Bill 1781) authorizes changes to the rates paid for Supported Employment Program (SEP) services. The 10% reduction included in Assembly Bill 1781 includes services provided on or after October 1, 2008 as follows:

Old Rate New Rate

Job Coaching - Individual & Group (SE and non-SE) $34.24 p/h $30.82 p/h

SE Intake - Individual & Group $400.00 $360.00

SE Placement - Individual $800.00 $720.00

SE Retention - Individual $800.00 $720.00

To invoice against current authorizations after October 1, 2008, use the new rates. To invoice against authorizations for services provided through September 30, 2008, use the old rates. For existing authorizations at the old rates that include services to be provided after October 1, 2008, use the new rates.

To invoice individual job coaching, use DR385A Invoice Summary in MS Word and DR385B Invoice Detail (Individual Placement). Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) versions of all SEP invoicing forms, including DR385A and B, are now available in on the DOR Website at http://www.dor.ca.gov/public/forms.htm. Complete and

mail DR385A and B to the local DOR district office with applicable reports attached.

To invoice group job coaching on contract numbers assigned to each service provider, use hard copies of CAS170AA Department of Rehabilitation Client Accounting System Clients Authorized to Use Contract (mailed to the service

provider monthly by DOR accounting) and DS 1964 Supported Employment Group Billing and Attendance Form. Revised DS 1964 is available on Department of Developmental Services’ website at: http://www.dds.ca.gov/WorkServices/Forms.cfm.

Supported Employment Programs

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Complete and mail CAS170AA to DOR Central office at

Department of Rehabilitation, Attention: Accounting Services, PO Box 944222, Sacramento, CA 94299-9222, Re: SEP Group Invoices. Complete and

email DS1964s to for supported employment

groups (SEP GP) with VR consumers.

Group contract numbers allow the hourly job coaching rate to be prorated among the group members based on actual attendance. If a new contract number is needed to authorize SEP Group Services, please contact Lydia Perez at (916) 558-5742 or . Information Lydia requires to establish a new contract number is the facility name, mailing address, tax identification number, and DOR SEP facility number.

Rates for other services, such as personal vocational social adjustment (PVSA), are not affected by this legislation.

Please contact Sandra Hamel, the Statewide Supported Employment

Coordinator, at (916) 558-5471 or if you have any questions.


Pat Santillanes, Acting Assistant Deputy Director

Community Programs Support and Development

cc: CRD North and South

SEP/WAP Specialists