Is it a solid or liquid?

My Ooblek Investigation

TASK: During class we have been exploring what ‘Particles’ are and what they can do.

We cannot see particles because they are microscopic (very tiny!). They make up everything; solids, liquids and gases. Your ‘Ooblek Investigation’ is to be completed for homework and will be assessed. You are required to complete all parts. You do not have to bring to school your Ooblek.

There are four parts to this investigation.

1. You are required to make your own ‘Ooblek’ at home similar to the one which was demonstrated to you at school. You are then to design four different tests that you can conduct in order to investigate the properties of your Ooblek. Record (on this sheet) your observations and testing methods.

2. Complete the written scientific report according to the correct format.

3. Challenge The Expert (a minimum of 10 relevant ‘Thinking’ comments and questions is expected).

4. Use the knowledge that you’ve developed about the properties of your Ooblek to write appropriate comments/questions for the ‘Ooblek Cartoon’ (do this section last).

Some suggestions for you think about when testing the properties of your Ooblek. You do not have to do these tests.

i) What happens to the shape of your Ooblek when you pour it from one container to another?

ii) What happens when you slowly try and put your finger through your Ooblek?

iii) Try tapping your Ooblek with your fingers – does something different happen compared to when you slowly touch it?

iv) Do you think that your Ooblek would evaporate if you left it in an appropriate place?
v) Does the colour of your Ooblek have an effect on what it can do?

vi) Your own ideas

HOW LONG: Due Thursday 8th October

Challenge The Expert

Myth: the properties of an Ooblek are like glass marbles

Ooblek Cartoon

Title: My Ooblek investigation

Aim: ______


Materials: ______



Method: (describe the four different tests that you completed to investigate the

properties of your Ooblek):

Test 1 ______


Test 2 ______


Test 3 ______


Test 4 ______


Results: (record your observations for each of the four tests that you conducted)

Diagrams: (use a pencil to neatly draw diagrams to represent the results/observations of two of your tests)

Test number _____

My diagram:

Test number _____

My diagram:


Using our ‘Question Words’ write 5 of your own relevant analysis questions based on your investigation into the properties of your Ooblek.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______


Look back at your four different tests and observations and answer the following:

I think that my Ooblek is a (solid or liquid) ______because:

1. ______



2. ______

