Biography Project Directions

File Folder Report

Your Name Famous Person

Written Report Due: Biography Tea ______

File Folder Report:

Front Cover: Attach the drawing of your famous person

Inside Left Cover:

Inside Right: Staple at the top all pages of the written report

Back Cover: Attach the fact and opinion sheet (5 facts/5 opinions)

File Folder Tab: Write the famous person’s name and your name

Background Information on the person

You will need to read and locate information from at least two sources:

1. Biography novel

2. Encyclopedia (on-line or print)

3. Internet source

Famous Person Drawing

Draw a picture in color of your famous person on the paper

provided. Decorate the background of the drawing. Label your person’s full name in large neat lettering and dates of birth and death if applicable. Write your first and last name and date in small lettering the lower right corner of the paper.

Fact and Opinions –5 points

Record 5 facts about your person and 5 opinions that are about those facts. Make sure to explain why you feel that way.

Interview-5 points

Write an interview between your person and you. Your job is to ask him/her at least 5 questions and answer them as if you were that person.


*Write a poem for your famous person and hide it somewhere on your folder (Hint: be creative)

*Create pop-ups throughout your folder showcasing your information

Helen Adams Keller

1880 – 1968

By Heather Renz

Written Report: Use Microsoft Word or write your final copy in your best printing about your famous person. Include information in a logical order to include a minimum of 2 paragraphs

Introduction paragraph – person’s full name, date of birth and death (if applicable), where he/she is from, family and childhood information, education and/or occupation, and other interesting facts.

Paragraph 2: Major Accomplishments

Why is this person famous? What did/does this person do to become famous? How has this person made an impact on others' lives?

Fill out the bibliography information sheet showing at least two sources used and attach it as the last page of your report

Biography Tea - Public Speaking

You will dress up (as much as you can) as your person and pretend you are the person or make a puppet/dress up a doll to show your person. You will tell all about your contributions, and about your life. You will need to rehearse at home. You will also ask questions of other famous people.

Remember you will be graded the following three items:

1.  Participation

2.  Being prepared to answer questions about yourself (similar to the notes you take on your famous person)

3.  Writing and bringing at least five questions to ask other famous characters.


Important Book Poem

Margaret Wise Brown was the author of a book entitled The Important Book.

Use this as a model and write a poem entitled “The Important Thing” using your famous person as the subject of the poem.


The important thing about is that he ______(what he is famous for)

He ______. (list one thing he did)

He ______. (list another thing he did) He ______. (list a third thing he did)

But the important thing about is that he was ______. (what he is famous for)

Here is an example poem:

The important thing about Sir Francis Drake is that he was an English explorer. He was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world.

He followed secret orders from Queen Elizabeth as a pirate who attacked Spanish ships and towns.

He later became Vice-Admiral of the English navy as commanded by the queen.

But, the most important thing about Sir Francis Drake is that he defeated the Spanish Armada and kept England safe.

Student Name ______

Bibliography of Sources Used


Book Title:

Author Name of Publisher Place Published

Date Published


Book Title:

Author Name of Publisher Place Published

Date Published


Internet Web Site Title Internet Address Date you used this site


Internet Web Site Title Internet Address Date you used this site


Name of person: ______

Report Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Informed and well-focused with one clear topic and quality details. Clear sequence of information with time-order words. Informative voice.
Vivid, precise words to express ideas.
Clear sentences; no run-ons.
Few, if any, errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. / Generally focused report with clear topic with adequate details. Reasonably clear sequence with some
time-order words. Somewhat informative voice. Clear words to express ideas. Mostly clear sentences. Several minor errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. / Report lacking focus; unclear topic and/or needs more supporting details. Confused sequence of information; few
time-order words. No informative voice. Language adequate. Some sentences unclear; too many ideas in some sentences. Errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation that detract from writing and may interfere with understanding. / Report with no focus or clear topic and lacks development and details. No attempt to put information into
sequence. No distinct voice. Vague, dull, or misused words. Incoherent
sentences or short, choppy sentences. Errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation that hamper understanding.

Total Score: ______/4


Name of person: ______

Record 5 facts about your person and 5 opinions that are about those facts.

Make sure to explain why you feel that way. (Use complete sentences.)