Brierley Primary School

Year Long Term Plan (2017/18)

CYCLE: A / Term 1a / Term 1b / Term 2a / Term 2b / Term 3a / Term 3b / Transition/Move Up
Maths / Number: PLACE VALUE
Reasoning / Problem solving
Recognising and naming the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
Drawing and making 2D and 3D shapes
Reasoning / problem solving
Area / perimeter / Number: Multiplication and division
Reasoning / Problem solving
Different units of measure / Number: Fractions
Reasoning / Problem solving
(YEAR 4)
Year 3 – Measurement – Time
(am/pm sequencing / months of year / Number: Fractions
Reasoning / Problem solving
Statistics –(Can make graphs/pictograms in science/computing )
Interpret them
Additional Maths / Weekly mental arithmetic
Times tables drills 100 to complete in 7 minutes – every day / Weekly mental arithmetic
Times tables drills 100 to complete in 7 minutes – every day / Weekly mental arithmetic
Times tables drills 100 to complete in 7 minutes – every day / Weekly mental arithmetic
Times tables drills 100 to complete in 7 minutes – every day / Weekly mental arithmetic
Times tables drills 100 to complete in 7 minutes – every day / Weekly mental arithmetic
Times tables drills 100 to complete in 7 minutes – every day
Whole Class
Reading and Writing / Story settings – Write a section of a narrative focusing on a setting and organising paragraphs around a theme
Instructions – Write a set of instructions with consistent use of present tense and the use of imperative verbs and time adverbials
Narrative poetry – Recite some narrative poetry by heart / Write and perform a playscript based on a familiar story
Explanation- Write an explanation text
Write a limerick / Traditional tales – write an alternative version of a fairy tale from key character’s perspective
Recount- Write a recount with the consistent use of past tense and first person
Riddles- Read and write own riddles / Traditional tales – Fables – Write a new fable to convey a moral
Persuasion – Persuasive writing – Write a persuasive letter using persuasive language
Structure: Haiku, tanka and kennings-Read and write own / Adventure stories – Write an adventure story focusing on a plot
Report – write a report using simple organisational devices
Choose a favourite poet – explore the different poems written
Personal response to poetry – which one is your favourite? / Traditional tales – Myth quests- Write own myth
Favourite book – To create one or more written outcomes linked with favourite fiction / non-fiction books already covered this year
Choose a favourite poet – explore the different poems written
Recite poems by heart – perform to an audience
Reading / Story settings
Play scripts (Link with Christmas play scripts)
Explanation texts
Narrative poems
Limericks / Story settings
Play scripts (Link with Christmas play scripts)
Explanation texts
Narrative poems
Limericks / Fairy tales
Persuasive texts
Haiku, tanka, Kennings / Fairy tales
Persuasive texts
Haiku, tanka, Kennings / Adventure stories
Choose poet to explore / Adventure stories
SPAG / Consolidation of capital letters, full stops, questions marks and exclamation marks
Consolidate the use of paragraphs
Imperative verbs
Colon to introduce a list
Secure use of compound sentences using co-ordinating conjunctions
Develop use of complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions
Consolidate prepositions / Apostrophes for singular possession
Consolidate using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time and cause / Punctuating direct speech
Relative pronouns and relative clauses
Choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately
Consolidate apostrophes for omission / Ed clauses as starters
Expanding – ing clauses as starters
Drop in – ing clause
Technical language
Bullet points
Science / Living things and their habitats / Living things and their habitats/plants / Sound / States of Matter / Electricity
RE / Christianity / JUDAISM / ISLAM
Geography / FIELDWORK / Ancient Greeks/The World:
History / Egyptians / Ancient Greeks
Art / DT / D+T Cooking and nutrition / Main focus : Painting and drawing / Main focus: 3D / Textiles
-Hand puppets or cushions – link with fairy tales or Egyptians / Technical knowledge
D+T linked with electricity / Main focus: Printmaking
PSHE/SMSC opportunities
Inc. British Values / Year 3
to research, discuss and debate topical issues, problems and events that are of concern to them and offer their recommendations to appropriate people
why and how rules and laws that protect them and others are made and enforced, why different rules are needed in different situations and how to take part in making and changing rules
that they have different kinds of responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school, in the community and towards the environment; to continue to develop the skills to exercise these responsibilities
what being part of a community means, and about the varied institutions that support communities locally and nationally
that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment across the world
/ Year 3 to recognise and respond appropriately to a wider range of feelings in others
that their actions affect themselves and others
to work collaboratively towards shared goals
how to recognise bullying and abuse in all its forms (including prejudice-based bullying both in person, online and through social media)
that two people who love and care for one another can be in a committed relationship and not be married or in a civil partnership / YEAR 3
what positively and negatively affects their physical, mental and emotional health
to recognise opportunities and develop the skills to make their own choices about food, understanding what might influence their choices and the benefits of eating a balanced diet
about change, including transitions (between key stages and schools), loss, separation, divorce and bereavement
that bacteria and viruses can affect health and that following simple routines can reduce their spread
strategies for keeping physically and emotionally safe including road safety, and safety in the environment (including rail, water and fire safety)
strategies for keeping safe online; the importance of protecting personal information, including passwords, addresses and the distribution of images of themselves and others
to research, discuss and debate topical issues, problems and events that are of concern to them and offer their recommendations to appropriate people
why and how rules and laws that protect them and others are made and enforced, why different rules are needed in different situations and how to take part in making and changing rules
to resolve differences by looking at alternatives, seeing and respecting others’ points of view, making decisions and explaining choices
that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment across the world
/ YEAR 4
to recognise what constitutes a positive, healthy relationship and develop the skills to form and maintain positive and healthy relationships
to judge what kind of physical contact is acceptable or unacceptable and how to respond
the concept of ‘keeping something confidential or secret’, when they should or should not agree to this and when it is right to ‘break a confidence’ or ‘share a secret’
how to recognise bullying and abuse in all its forms (including prejudice-based bullying both in person, online and through social media) / Year 4
how to make informed choices (including recognising that choices can have positive, neutral and negative consequences) and to begin to understand the concept of a ‘balanced lifestyle’
to recognise opportunities and develop the skills to make their own choices about food, understanding what might influence their choices and the benefits of eating a balanced diet
to differentiate between the terms, ‘risk’, ‘danger’ and ‘hazard’
school rules about health and safety, basic emergency aid procedures, where and how to get help
strategies for keeping safe online; the importance of protecting personal information, including passwords, addresses and the distribution of images of themselves and others
about people who are responsible for helping them stay healthy and safe; how they can help these people to keep them healthy and safe
Music / YEAR 3
Performance/ Composition
Begin to play and perform in ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with some accuracy, fluency, control and expression / YEAR 3
Composition/ Performance
Can they create repeated patterns with different instruments? (Link to Egyptian walk/ Cave man sounds / Appraisal
Begin to develop an understanding of the history of music/ Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music and from great composers and musicians:
Performance/ Composition
To play and perform in ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with some accuracy, fluency, control and expression. / YEAR 4
Composition/ Performance
Understand some staff and other musical notations / YEAR 4
Can they explain the place of silence and say what effect it has?
Listen with some attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory
MFL / Can I listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by beginning to join in and respond?
Can I begin to speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures?
Can I begin to explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and begin to link to the spelling and sound?
Can I begin to engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others? / Can I begin to develop accurate pronunciation and intonation?
Can I begin to describe people, places, things and actions orally and begin to in writing? / Can I appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language?
Alphabet (Speaking, listening)
Can I start to broaden my vocabulary and develop my ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary?
Can I begin to write phrases using modelled supports?
COMPUTING / Do I understand what algorithms are?
Do I know how algorithms are implemented as programs on digital devices? (e.g. as instructions)
Do I understand the need for precise and unambiguous instructions in an algorithm?
ESAFETY / Do I understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration?
ESAFETY / Do I understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration?
PE / GAMES (Tag Rugby)
* Use a tag rugby belt correctly.
* Avoid a tag.
* Basic passing and catching under passive pressure.
* Run with the ball. / GAMES (Hockey)
* Gripping the stick correctly.
* Stop and move the ball with control.
* Dribbling in large areas.
* Push passing in pairs.
* Short / long passes. / GAMES (Netball)
* Chest pass
* Basic shoulder, overhead and bounce pass (passive).
* Pivoting with the ball.
* Shoot towards a target.
* Balances – recap stork, etc. Add shoulder stand and handstand.
* Basic rolls- Dish, teddy, forwards.
* Jumping off low-medium level equipment. Tuck, star, pike and straddle.
* Combine basic movements to form short sequence.
* Underarm bowling technique
* Catching with two hands
* Overarm throw to a target.
* Basic batting skills
* Running around the bases.
* Basic gameplay.
* Introduction to Track and Field Athletics.
* Standing sprint start
* Starting sequence.
* Striding and arms
* Javelin- basic grip, standing start.
* Long jump- taking off and landing.
* Basic relay
* Underarm bowling technique.
* Catching high/ low.
* Underarm and overarm throw at the wickets.
* Batting skills of a cone and from a drop- correct grip.
* Basic game play- bowler, batter, fielder.
* Introduce Diamond Cricket.
Trips/Workshops / Out in local area as part of fieldwork study
Library visit with reading genres focus / Pantomime – Lyceum / Trip to Manchester / Liverpool museum for Egyptian workshop
Library visit – Ancient Greeks focus
Swimming Year 4- 6 weeks / Swimming year 3
6 weeks / Library Visit – Myths and legends focus
Charity/Community work / Selling biscuits made from D+T project to raise money
MB to form a school link with a school in Barcelona – Ongoing throughout the year / Sponsored walk to raise money / Sell prints made by children in art – make frame to go around them – Summer Fair stall –
Assemblies/Parent Partnership Opportunities / Meeting with parents first week back – welcome to phase 3
Meeting / Year 4 – parents meeting for maths –written calculation methods – support at home
Year 3 – Parents meeting for maths – written calculation methods – support at home. / SPag Workshop for Parents
Reading Workshop for parents / Phase 3 assembly – Invite parents