Dee Jacobsen, Ph.D.
Department of Kinesiology
Louisiana State University
112 Huey Long Fieldhouse
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Office: (225) 578-3548
Fax: (225) 578-3680
2004Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. Ph.D. in Human Performance: Administration and Teaching.
1984Master of Education. University of New Orleans, LA.
M.Ed. in Physical Education.
1977-78Graduate Work. Southeastern LouisianaUniversity. Guidance Counseling.
1976Bachelor of Arts. Southeastern LouisianaUniversity, Hammond, LA. B.A. in Health, Physical and Safety Education; Minor: General Science, Biology; Certification: Driver Education and Traffic Safety.
1972-73Undergraduate Work. University of New Orleans. Physical Education.
Assistant Professor- Professional Practice, Louisiana State University, Department of Kinesiology. Responsibilities: teaching undergraduate Kinesiology courses in the B.S. in sportadministration, undergraduate program coordinator for B.S. in Sport Administration, working with undergraduate and graduate students in Sport Management to obtain internships, working with LSU-Disney J1 Academic International program
Instructor, Southeastern Louisiana University, Department of Kinesiology and Health Studies. Responsibilities: teaching undergraduate Kinesiology and Health Studies courses in sport management and pedagogy, academic support – departmental class scheduling coordinator (administrative duty), departmental internship coordinator (administrative duty), undergraduate curriculum coordinator, summer departmental advising coordinator, undergraduate student advisement, research and scholarship, professional service.
Instructor – Tenure Track Position, DelgadoCommunity College,
West Bank Campus, New Orleans, LA. Responsibilities: Supervised the fitness/wellness center, part-time teaching load, faculty advisor Student Government Association, and coordinated intramural program.
Athletic Director, ArchbishopChapelleHigh School, Metairie, LA. Responsibilites: Monitored athletes’ eligibility, hired coaches, attended all athletic events and functions, and managed financial budget. Taught physical education and driver’s education. Coached cross-country, track and field, and basketball. Coordinated intramurals for student body of 1200.
Assistant Principal-Disciplinarian and Coordinator of Student Activities, ArchbishopChapelleHigh School, Metairie, LA. Responsibilities: Mediated and resolved school based conflict, monitored campus clubs and organizations, supervised and evaluated faculty, attended conferences, coached cross country and track and field.
Physical Education Teacher and Coach, ArchbishopChapelleHigh School, Metairie, LA. Responsibilities: Taught health, physical education, and driver education. Coached volleyball, basketball, and softball.
CCELL Service-Learning Faculty Scholar Grant, 2009
Teaching Enhancement Grant, Southeastern Louisiana University, July, 2006
Co-authored with Dr. Kay Daigle and Dr. Charlotte Humphries
“Middle School & High School Physical Education Equipment” – Award Amount: $1435.20
Teaching Enhancement Grant, Southeastern Louisiana University, September, 2004
Co-authored with Dr. Ed Walkwitz and Ms. Dee Hurtt
“Enhancing Student Learning Through Movement in Music” – Award Amount: $1200.00
Student Technology Fee – Small Project, Southeastern Louisiana University, April 2004
“Enriching Students Meaningful and Relevant Experiences in Sport Management through the use of Computers in the Field Experiences” – Award Amount: $4109.93
Faculty Development Grant, Southeastern Louisiana University, June 2004
“An Examination of Gender Equity Compliance in High School Girls’ Sports – Award Amount: $668.00
Jacobsen, Dee & Merckx, Christina. May, 2008. “The How-To: Design and Implementation of a Sport Management Degree” in The Chronicle of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education.
Kilpatrick, Marcus, Hebert, Edward, & Jacobsen, Dee. April, 2002. “Physical Activity Motivation: A Practitioner’s Guide to Self-Determination Theory” in The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance.
SDAAHPERD Conference, February 2012 – Orlando, FL
“Attracting International Graduate Students through Sport Management”
Dee Jacobsen, LSU and Kathy Hill, LSU
LAHPERD Conference, November 2009 – Baton Rouge, LA;
“Sport Management Internship & Employment Opportunities – Think Outside the Box”. Christina Merckx, SLU and Dee Jacobsen, LSU
LAHPERD Conference, November 2009 – Baton Rouge, LA; “Hiring and Race, a Case Study: The Amite, LA Football Coaching Situation. Christina Merckx, SLU and Dee Jacobsen, LSU.
LAHPERD Conference, November 2008 – Baton Rouge, LA; Sport Management Faculty Professional Meeting.
AAHPERD Conference, April 2008 – Fort Worth, TX; Don Imus…Were His Comments Racist or Sexist?
NASSS Conference, November, 2007 – Pittsburgh, PA; Presentation: Gender Identity, De-feminization of Women in Sport and Don Imus.
NGWSD Conference, February, 2005 - Shreveport; Presentation: Gender Equity Report Card for Louisiana Girls’ High School Sports.
LAHPERD, November, 2004 – Baton Rouge; Presentation: Assessment of Gender Equity in High School Girls’ Sports.
NAPEHE, January, 2002 – San Antonio, TX. Major contributor to presentation: S.P.I.C.E (Sport Pre-professional Internship Competency Evaluation) – Evaluating a Sport Management Internship.
SDAAHPERD, February, 1997 – New Orleans; Presenter – Team Handball: Fun and Fit For All
Louisiana State University
Taught the following courses: Introduction to Sport and Leisure Administration , Sport in Society, Sport Administration, History and Philosophy of Kinesiology, Practicum in Sports Studies, Financial Issues in Sport, African Americans in Sport, Race and Gender in Sport Leadership, Health and Physical Education for the Elementary School, Special Topics in Kinesiology, Independent Study
Sport Administration Undergraduate Program Coordinator.
Assisted with the development of the proposed undergraduate Sport Administration degree – course development and degree proposal.
Louisiana State University
School Level –
*Courses and Curricula Committee (2012 – present)
*School of KinesiologyAdvisory Committee (2012-present)
*Assessment Committee (2007 - 2013)
*Kinesiology Golf Classic Committee (2007 - 2013)
*Committee for LSU-Disney International Program (2007 - 2012)
*Awards Committee (2008 - 2013)
*SAA co-advisor (2008 - 2010)
*SAA Advisor (2011, 2012)
*Strategic Planning Committee – Undergraduate Education (2009- 2011)
College Level -
*Courses and Curricula Committee (2012-present)
*Distance Learning Committee (2013 – present)
*College Residential Life Committee (2014 – present)
SDAAHPERD VP Sport & Leisure (2013-2015)
LAHPERD VP Sport & Leisure (2011-2013)
LAHPERD Convention Manager (2008, 2009, 2010)
Board of Directors – Louisiana Senior Olympic Games (LSOG)(2008-2011)
LAHPERD Honor Award (2012)
LAHPERD President’s Award (2011)
Southeastern Louisiana University – Kinesiology and Health Studies Department
Alumnus of the Year (2006-2007)
Nominated for the President’s Excellence Service Award for Kinesiology and Health Studies Department (2001).
NAGWS Pathfinder Award – Louisiana (1998); presented at the AAHPERD convention for contributions and dedication to the advocacy, recruitment, and enhancement of girls and women in sport.