To access the Z39.50 SmartPort targets for importing MARC records the following ports need open through any firewalls. Networking staff need to allow outgoing UDP and TCP traffic to these addresses.
• Port 3054 to access ABRI (Acquired Bib Records for INFOhio)
• Port 210 to access the INFOhio MultiLIS Union catalogs (DEDUP, MEDIA, UNIQ)
• Port 3064 to access UNION (INFOhio Sirsi UNION catalog – availability TBA later)
• Port 7090 to access the LOC (Library of Congress catalog)
• 132.174.11.* Port 210 to access the OCLC WorldCat catalog (OCLC uses a range of IP’s, so must use the *)
• Port 3094 to access TEMPL (Templates for original cataloging)
• Troubleshooting - If nothing you try solves a problem with SmartPort, please submit a Service Desk ticket that describes your situation and what you have tried.
• IP address should be exempted from caching, either at the district or ITC.
• Requires that port 8000 is open on your network for both TCP and UDP. This port may need to be opened at district or ITC firewalls to allow searches to take place.
• Requires port 9797 is open in order to view articles.
• Troubleshooting - If nothing you try solves a problem with INFOsearch, please submit a Service Desk ticket that describes your situation and what you have tried. Refer to step 9 of for specific instructions.
• SchoolRooms Full – Will require that the Z39.50 port which is specific and unique to each Sirsi Instance be open for the OPAC feature to work in SchoolRooms
• should be exempted from caching, either at the district or ITC
DVC (Digital Video Collection)
• IP address should be exempted from caching, either at the district or ITC.
• Port 554 (UDP/TCP, both directions)
• Port 1755 (UDP/TCP, both directions)
INFOhio Core Collection of Electronic Resources
• The most current recommendations on file for the INFOhio Core Collection of Electronic Resources is always available on the page.
MORE – Statewide Resource Sharing
• Libraries participating in MORE need the following IP and ports opened through the any firewalls
o Ports 80, 8080, and 8085