Yonsei University Hills Governance Centre Report

The World Economy after London G20: Recovery, Trade, Finance, and Governance

The beginning of the London G20 Summit was held this month, continuing from the previous meeting in Washington 2008, as part of the international effort to resolve the global financial crisis. Since then, the G20 Summit is expected to bring about significant change to the world economic system especially in terms of global economic governance.Since the outbreak of the financial crisis there has been a huge demand for G20 London Summit to hold diverse and in-depth discussions, assessments and forecasts on the global economic situation.

The Yonsei University Hills Governance Center’s 6th anniversary seminar will be held on 28th April presenting the recent developments of the G20 summit, titled “Global economy after the London G20 Summit.”CarlaHills from the State Trade Representative (STR) and the Cochairman of the Council of Foreign Relations will be present. Roderick Hills, former Chairman of US Securities and Exchange Commission; OhSeok Hyun, President of KDI; Jong Goo Lee, Member of the Standing Committee of Financial Service Commission; Chung Min Lee, Dean of Yonsei GSIS; Jongryn Mo, Director of Yonsei University Hills Governance Centre; and distinguished domestic and foreign affairs and financial specialists will be present during the seminar.

During the seminar discussions will be held on early stage solutions and take a detailed look at the effects of innovative global economic governance agendas raised in the G20 London Summit, and how these will influence the recovery of the global economy, free-trade international financial cooperation, and direction of development in governance.

According to Professor Jongryn Mo, the 2009 London G20 Summit holds as much significance relative to that of the 1933 London G20 summit. The G20, the operational actor of the 21st century global economy, its potential and boundaries will be assessed during the seminar. Oh-suk Hyun (President of KDI) will be presenting a diagnosis of how the items raised at the G20 Summit will affect the recovery and stability of the global economy henceforth.

A presentation will be given by CarlaHills (USTR/CFR) titled “The G20 Summit and the Future of Free-trade” raising the issue of the transformation of the world trade system and the contributions of the G20 summit. Substantial assessments will be made on the trade barrier agreements deduced from 2008 G20 Washington summit, which came to a standstill, and the efforts to prevent the spread of protective trade discussed in London this year.

Roderick Hills (former president of SEC) will give a presentation based on his past experiences in the remodeling of stock regulation and control systems titled, “The role of the G20, Financial surveillance and Regulation Reform,” to convey the need to prevent a second financial crisis. He will present on the reformation of the international financial regulation in America and Europe, give a comparison of the rising nations’ different standpoints and itsreformation schemes. Jong Goo Lee (a member of the standing committee of the Financial Service Commission) will be explaining the Korean standpoint of the international financial regulation system and its financial reform efforts after the financial crisis in 1997.

The World Economy after London G20: Recovery, Trade, Finance, and Governance

Time: 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm, Tuesday 28thApril 2009,

Location: Yonsei University New Millennium Hall Main Auditorium

Host: Yonsei Hills Governance Centre

Sponsor: TBA


3:00 pm – 3:20 pm

GreetingsJongrynMo, Director of Yonsei University Hills Governance Centre

Congratulatory speechChung Min Lee, Dean of Yonsei GSIS

Congratulatory speechRoderick Hills, President of Hills Governance Program

3:20 pm – 4:00 pmThe results of London G20 Summit

Presenter: JongrynMo, Director of Yonsei University Hills Governance Centre

4:00 pm-5:30 pmRound table: The world economy after the London G20 Summit

Chairman: Chung Min Lee, Dean of Yonsei GSIS

CarlaHills, Cochair, Council on Foreign Relations

Roderick Hills, President, Hills Program on Governance, CSIS

Oh Seok Hyun, Director of KDI

Jong Goo Lee, Member of the standing committee ofFinancial Service Commission