Outline role descriptions for Woodcraft Folk volunteers

Role descriptions with a concise list of tasks for Woodcraft Folk Groups and Districts to function at what is currently considered best practice.

The roles are not prescriptive and, if required, can be combined or altered to suit local conditions.

However, there must be a clear understanding of what the volunteer’s tasks are in any role that the volunteer might carry out on behalf of Woodcraft Folk. (For further guidance on this issue please refer to the Woodcraft Folk's VolunteeringPolicyandCodeofGoodPractice.)

At the present time all volunteering roles within Woodcraft Folk in England, Wales and Scotland require a Standard Disclosure by the CRB(S). Some roles within Woodcraft Folk Scotland require an Enhanced Disclosure by the CRBS.

Group Roles

●GroupHelper - Undisclosed(a transitionary role while waiting for Disclosure)

●GroupHelper – StandardDisclosure

●WoodcraftFolkGroupLeader – EnhancedDisclosure

Woodchip Leader (up to 6 years)

Elfin Leader (6 – 9 years)

Pioneer Leader (10 – 12 years)

Venturer Leader (13 – 15 years)




District Roles

●DistrictCoordinator / Chair





●DistrictChildProtectionOfficer – Enhanceddisclosure

●DistrictDisclosureSignatory – Separateformrequired, enhanceddisclosure

In order for groups and/or districts to be fully proactive within their community there are other roles where volunteers could play an important part. Some possibilities are given below.

Other Roles

●Funding Officer


●Group Web Manager

●Training Officer

●Local Co-op Representative

In any of the roles outlined in the following pages where contact with children or young people is involved, all volunteers should remember that the safety and well being of the children attending any Woodcraft activity is their prime responsibility.


Group Helper - Undisclosed

While waiting for their disclosure they must continually be in presence of two other disclosed volunteers and not be given any child care responsibilities

Where working with young people is involved all volunteers should be encouraged to become a registered member of the Woodcraft Folk and ideally an “acknowledged” Woodcraft Folk Leader by a mixture of experience through participation in group nights and other events, and attending specific training events as suggested by the group leader or district coordinator.

Group Helper: must be over 14. – Standard Disclosure

●Take an active role as agreed with the Leader(s).

●Encourage and help the children to participate fully in the activities.

●Are aware of Woodcraft Aims and Principles, Code of Conduct, Child Protection Policy and Safety Guidelines.

●Is fully supported and supervised by the Group Leader or other assigned responsible person.

Group Leader: must be over 18 – Enhanced Disclosure

●An experienced Woodcraft Member – with an accepted minimum standard of experience (what we mean by “minimum” is still under discussion)

●Ensures group is run according to the aims and principles and program of the Woodcraft Folk

●In co-operation with others (including young people) plans and co-ordinates the activities of the group

●Where necessary supervises and empowers helpers to lead activities and be involved.

●Attend District meetings

Group helpers and Group Leaders may have other tasks that they can carry out on behalf of their group or District.

Group Treasurer

●Collect subs

●Keep good Group accounts

●Prepare financial report for Group meetings

●Reimburse volunteer expenses

●Keeps Records of Gift Aid declarations

●Prepares end of year accounts for AGM or passes to District Treasurer for consolidation into District accounts.

●Pays Group contribution to District Treasurer (including registration fees)

●Gives annual account at District AGM

●Returns annual accounts to Head Office for consolidation into their accounts

●Pay Group registration fees

Group Co-coordinator

●Oversees the group activities and is its contact number

●Ensures the group functions within its constitution or district constitution

●Ensures the group is functioning well and working within the Woodcraft Folk Constitution, its Aims and Principles and Program.

●Calls group meetings

●Encourages the groupto take part in District, national and international events.

●Receive complaints and grievances

●Ensure all adults are made aware of group program

●Liaises with other group leaders on group progression of young people

(The tasks below could be given to a Volunteer Co-ordinator if you decide to have one)

●Acts as contact number for new volunteers

●Help recruit and place volunteers

●Develop effective partnerships with individuals and organizations that can support the local volunteering strategy.

●Plan, organize and co-ordinate the induction of all new volunteers

●Help volunteers develop the knowledge, skills and competence they need, both to fulfill their roles within the Woodcraft Folk and as part of their personal development.

●Gather and record personal information about volunteers, store this information securely and use it only for agreed purposes in line with data protection legislation (duplicate with District Membership Secretary)

●Provide volunteer support

●If one is not already in place, develop with others, a volunteering strategy for the Group and /or District

●Conduct exit interviews

The tasks below could be given to a Group Secretary if you decide to have one.

●Keep a copy of all the children health forms

●Keep records of all children attending the group

●Processes membership applications

●Pursues applicants references

●Keeps up to date records of all Adult volunteers in the group

●Takes minutes at Group meetings

●Distributes Minutes and Correspondence to Group Members

●Receives and Distributes letters


District Coordinator/Chair

●Oversees District and its groups.

●Is the contact number for the Woodcraft Folk in the area

●Ensures District functions within its constitution

●Calls District meetings and draw upan agenda

●Ensures groups are functioning well and working within the Woodcraft Folk Constitution, its Aims and Principles and Program.

●Acts as contact number for new volunteers

●Receives and Distributes letters

●Encourages groups to take part in District, national and international events.

●Receive complaints and grievances

District Volunteer Coordinator

●If one is not already in place, develop, with others, a volunteering strategy for the Group/District

●Help recruit and place volunteers

●Develop effective partnerships with individuals and organizations that can support your volunteering strategy.

●Plan, organize and co-ordinate the induction of all new volunteers

●Help volunteers develop the knowledge, skills and competence they need, both to fulfill their roles with the Woodcraft Folk and as part of their personal development.

●Gather and record personal information about volunteers, store this information securely and use it only for agreed purposes in line with data protection legislation (duplicate with District Membership Secretary).

●Provide volunteer support

●Conduct exit interviews

District Treasurer

●Keeps good District accounts

●Prepare financial report for District meetings

●Reimburses volunteer expenses

●Gives annual account at District AGM

●Returns annual accounts to Head Office

●Pays group registration fees.

●Keeps Records of Gift Aid declarations

District Membership Secretary

●Processes membership applications

●Pursues applicants references

●Keeps up to date records of all Adult members in District

●First contact in District for volunteer enquiries.

●May be first contact in District for group membership.

●Directs enquiries to appropriate groups.

●Holds Disclosure outcome Information.

●(This post-holder could also be a district disclosure signatory – see below description)

District Secretary

●Takes minutes at District Meetings

●Distributes Minutes and Correspondence to District Members

●Sends letters as directed by District committee

●Receives Letters

District Child Protection Officer - Enhanced disclosure

●Have some training in the area of child protection

●Provide training to new volunteers in child protection

●Keep up to date with current legislation regarding child protection

●Be responsible for ensuring that procedures regarding child protection (incl health and safety, CRB checking volunteers etc) are followed

●Be ready to intervene in any hazardous situations involving a child and encourage others to do so as well

●Be the first port of call for any leader, helper etc who has concerns about a child

●Liaise with (and at times pass on information to) the statutory child protection agencies.

District Disclosure Signatory – Separate form required, enhanced disclosure

●Meet disclosure applicants and check their photographic identity and other ID documents in their presence, and that details have been correctly entered on their form

●Help applicants with any queries regarding the disclosure form

●Complete the signatory part of the form and check the form has been filled in correctly

●Send forms to the collator (Scottish officer if in Scotland).

●Be responsible for informing group leader / district co-ordinator of outcome of disclosure process (this job is often taken by the district / group membership secretary).


All the volunteers described above will need a disclosure if they are at any time, in a childcare position.

“A child care position is a position whose normal duties include caring for, training, supervising or being in sole charge of children.”

It is clear that all volunteers, helpers or leaders that run groups nights, outings and camps will have to be CRB disclosed.