12 DECEMBER 2016

Subject:Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP)

Lead Officer:David Buckland

Contact on 01789 260425

Lead Member/
Portfolio Holder: Councillor M Brain


The purpose of this report is to seek support from Council in calling for the publication of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Sustainability & Transformation Plan. A motion was agreed by Oxford City Council at its meeting of Council on Monday 5 December 2016 and this report recommends that Council endorses this motion in so far as it seeks to protect the services delivered at the Horton Hospital, Banbury, used by a number of Stratford-on-Avon District Council residents.

Recommendation to Council

1)That this Council confirms its strong support for the retention of all services at the Horton as a considerable number of Stratford District residents value and rely upon the Horton Hospital Services; and

2)That the action points included within the motion approved by Oxford City Council in relation to the publication of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP), identified at paragraph 1.4,is supported.


1.1At the meeting of Overview and Scrutiny (OSC) Committee on 2 November 2016, concerns were discussed regarding the services currently being delivered by the Horton Hospital, Banbury. The extract from the Minutes of OSC is as follows:

‘The Chairman discussed a presentation that had been delivered by OxfordshireClinical Commissioning Group (CCG) at a public meeting in October 2016regarding Health and Care Transformation in Oxfordshire.Concerns had been raised regarding staff shortages and issues surroundingservices at the HortonGeneralHospital in Banbury, which the closest residentsfrom Stratford District elect to use. These issues then impact upon otherhospitals, and the lack of public transport if residents have to travel, were allmajor concerns for the Council.

Following discussion, it was requested that Oxfordshire CCG be invited to attenda meeting prior to attendance by Warwickshire CCG, who are booked for theJanuary Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) meeting, in order to receivefeedback on what measures could be put in place in regard to theaforementioned concerns. It was suggested that questions be formulated inadvance of presentations from both CCG’s and forwarded prior to the respectivemeeting, and that presentations from the CCG’s were obtained in advance andcirculated with the agenda. In addition to agreement of the above, the Chairmanagreed to contact Stratford-on-Avon MP, NadhimZahawi, and Kenilworth andSoutham MP, Jeremy Wright, and that invitations be extended to Victoria Prentiss(MP for Banbury) and OSC representatives from Cherwell District Council to the meeting with Oxfordshire CCG once arranged.’

1.2Meetings with respective Warwickshire MPs have been organised for Friday 9 December 2016, with a report to go back to the next meeting of OSC in January 2017.

1.3In addition to the concerns that already exist around the current level of service at the HortonHospital, the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP,) whilst not published, identifies the need to deliver savings in excess of £480m over the next five years. Of these savings, around £200m relates to the Oxfordshire CCG. This issue was debated at the meeting of Oxford City Council on 5 December 2016. It was reported during the debate, that following the recent downgrading of the Paediatric and Obstetrics units at the Horton, the site may not be viable.

1.4Unlike the Coventry and Warwickshire STP published on 6 December, the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West STP, does not contain significant detail. In response, a motion was approved by the City Council, requesting that further detail be published. In response the motion included the following action points which were approved by their Council, specifically:

  • Ask the Oxon CCG to fully disclose to the public what changes are being considered with NHS England lifting its bar on publication;
  • Provide what support it can to the STP consultation;
  • Ask the Oxon CCG to start a full consultation as soon as possible on all aspects of the proposed changes;
  • Encourage the public to make their views on the services reductions and changes known by promoting the consultation on the Council's website, social media and through wider media communications;
  • Invite the County & District Councils to work together with the City to oppose any changes which will harm patients;
  • Write to the relevant Government Ministers to express Oxford’s grave concern about a plan which is being foisted upon NHS professionals and the public in this city without adequate or indeed any information about the change in the level of service.

1.5The Cabinet are asked to consider whether they wish to support these action points, obviously in relation to the final point whichmakes specific reference to the residents of Stratford-on-Avon District Council area.

2.Evidence Base

2.1Not appropriate.

3Implications of the Proposal

3.1Legal/Human Rights Implications

3.1.1There are no direct legal implications arising from this report.


3.2.1There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.


3.3.1There are no direct environmental implications arising from this report.

3.4Corporate Strategy

3.4.1Key Objective 2 within the Corporate Strategy 2015-19 relates to the Council supporting people and their environment. The specific priorities within this objective that relate to this issue are identified as follows;


  • Promote Health and Wellbeing including playing an active role in the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board.

3.4.2Key Objective 3 within the Corporate Strategy 2015-19 relates to the Council providing responsible community leadership. The specific priorities within this objective that relate to this issue are identified as follows;


  • Identify opportunities to improve access to local services, especially for those in remote communities;
  • Speak up for residents locally and nationally so that local communities are in a better position to help themselves.

3.5Analysis of the effects on Equality

3.5.1There are no direct or indirect impacts on equality issues for the Council arising from this report.

4Risk Assessment

4.1There are no direct or indirect impacts on risk issues for the Council arising from this report. Risks relate to residents being able to access the necessary health services.


5.1The development of Sustainability and Transformation Plans has not involved District or Borough Councils. A number of our residents use hospital services provided by the Horton Hospital, Banbury. There are fears that this site may be under threat and therefore the Council is being asked to support the motion approved by Oxford City Council in calling for more involvement in the development of the STP for Oxfordshire, in so far as it impacts our residents.

David Buckland


Background papers: None