Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Trader Notice: ABP No. 7/2016
To: Operators of approved category 1 and category 3 rendering plants and
meat and bone meal (MBM) stores
Subject: Cleaning of vehicles in accordance with EU Regulations 1069/2009 and 142/2011, so as to alter carriage from raw products to derived products or alter the designated ABP category of the vehicle
1. Regulation (EU) 142/2011 (Annex VIII, Chapter I) sets out the dedication, disinfection and cleaning requirements of vehicles and containers used to transport animal by-products (ABP) and derived products.
2. This trader notice lays down the cleaning procedure that must be carried out when trailers are being rededicated for carriage and should be read in conjunction with the licensing conditions for hauliers of animal by-products.
Location of cleaning
3. Facilities where trailers transporting category 1 or category 2 ABP or derived products are cleaned must have a 6mm grid in place to capture material prior to entry to the waste water system.
4. Material collected in these grids must be disposed of in approved facilities in accordance with EU legislation.
Cleaning procedure
5. The following steps must take place during cleaning:
a) Visual assessment
· A visual assessment of each trailer to establish the physical condition of the container.
b) Gross material
· Any gross material must be removed from the trailer.
c) Wet cleaning
· All surfaces must be washed using a high-pressure/low-volume water spray heated to 80oC to remove any residual MBM.
d) Disinfection
· All surfaces must be sprayed using a standard disinfectant approved by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) (see Animal Health & Welfare à Disease Control à Disinfectants on the DAFM website) with ingredients with proven efficacy against prions (Appendix 1 lists these ingredients and their concentrations).
· All surfaces must be rinsed down with the minimum amount of water and allowed to dry naturally.
Note: the choice of disinfectant must take account of the end use of the material to be transported – feed grade disinfectants should be considered in the case of category 3 material destined for use in feed or pet food.
e) Confirmation
A completed cleaning and disinfection form (Appendix 2) must be provided by the cleaning facility to the operator responsible for the trailer or container confirming that the procedure has been carried out. The form must be retained on file for a minimum of three years.
Vehicle canopies
6. Canopies must be cleaned and disinfected as outlined above.
7. Because of the difficulty in adequately disinfecting some receptacle canopies, and because of the nature of concurrent wear and tear that makes disinfection procedures difficult, it may be considered following inspection of the canopy that it be disposed of when a category change occurs or when the vehicle or container is rededicated from transport of raw ABP to derived products or vice versa. Evidence must be retained of the safe disposal of the old canopy.
Date of issue: 12 December, 2018
Milk and Meat Hygiene/ABP/TSE Division,
(Animal By-Product Section),
Grattan House,
Grattan Business Centre,
Dublin Road,
Portlaoise, Co. Laois
R32 RY6V
Phone: 0761 064440
Fax: 057 8694386
Appendix 1
Ingredients Demonstrating Efficacy Against Prions and Ingredients Demonstrating Less Efficacy
Effective (>3 log10 reduction within 1 hour at temperatures of 20C–55C)
Alkaline detergent (specific formulations)Chlorine, 11,000 ppm
Copper, 0.5 mmol/L, and hydrogen peroxide, 100 mmol/L
Enzymatic detergent (specific formulations)
Guanidine thiocyanate, 13 M
Hydrogen peroxide, 59%
Peracetic acid, 0.2%
Phenolic disinfectant (specific formulation), 10.9%
Quaternary ammonium compound (specific formulation)
Sodium dodecyl sulfate, 2%, and acetic acid, 1%
Sodium hydroxide, x1 N
Sodium metaperiodate, 0.01 M
Ineffective (<3 log10 reduction within 1 hour at temperatures of 20C–55C)
AcetoneAlcohol, 50%–100%
Alkaline detergent (specific formulations)
Ammonia, 1.0 M
Chlorine dioxide, 50 ppm
Enzymatic detergent (specific formulations)
Formaldehyde, 3.7%
Glutaraldehyde, 5%
Hydrochloric acid, 1.0 N
Hydrogen peroxide, 0.2%, 3%, 6%, 30%, 60%
Iodine, 2%
Ortho-phthalaldehyde, 0.55%
Peracetic acid, 0.2%–19%
Phenol/phenolics (concentration variable)
Potassium permanganate, 0.1%–0.8%
Quaternary ammonium compound (specific formulation)
Sodium dodecyl sulfate, 1%–5%
Sodium deoxycholate 5%
Tego (dodecyl-di[aminoethyl]-glycine), 5%
Triton X-100, 1%
Urea, 4–8 M
Appendix 2
Cleaning and Disinfection Form/Clean Form 3
Owner/Name of Company
/Address of Company
Approval No of Company (if applicable)
/ /Category of material currently transported (description)
/Trailer / Container Identification Number
/ /Date cleaned and disinfected
Location of cleaning
Canopy; please comment (if applicable)
I am satisfied that this vehicle has been cleaned in accordance with the procedures set out in Trader Notice: ABP No. 7/2016.
Cleaning Facility Personnel or
Authorised Officer’s Signature
20161215 Final version Rev 0