
Course Outline for Nursing 69, Page 1

Fall 2005

ChabotCollegeFall 2005

Replaced Fall 2010

Course Outline for Nursing 69


Catalog Description:

69 - Gerontological Nursing1 unit

Nursing care of the aging client. Physical and psychosocial changes which occur with the aging process. Focus on successful adaptation to aging with emphasis on maintaining or regaining optimal health. Strategies for caring for the client who is coping with altered life styles as a result of problems associated with aging. Theories of aging and cultural influences on the aging process. Corequisite: Nursing 55 and 61, or Nursing 70, or possession of valid California LVN license. 1 hour.

[Typical contact hours: 17.5]

Prerequisite skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

  1. describe biopsychosocial theories of aging;
  2. identify and describe psychosocial concerns common to the elderly client;
  3. discuss the influence of ethnic origin on the client’s adaptation to the aging process;
  4. identify normal physiological changes which occur in the elderly client;
  5. adapt physical assessment skills to the elderly client;
  6. discuss age related changes of sensory loss;
  7. describe nursing interventions which assist the elderly client with adaptation to sensory losses;
  8. identify precipitating causes, symptoms and collaborative management of the elder who has been abused;
  9. explain the use of advance directives;
  10. describe the impact of chronic illness on the elderly client and the family support system;
  11. discuss the causes, symptoms and collaborative management of clients with dementia;
  12. list five community resources for assisting the elderly client in adaptations of healthy living;
  13. adapt health teaching to special needs of the aging client;
  14. discuss ethical considerations in the care of elderly clients;
  15. describe the impact of aging on the pharmacodynamics of medications;
  16. outline concepts of pain assessment and management in the elderly client;
  17. cite causes, consequences and prevention of falls in the elderly client.

Course Content:

1.Theories of aging

2.Psychosocial concerns in the elderly client

3.Cultural influences on the aging process

4.Physical changes associated with aging

5.Physical assessment of the elderly client

6.Conditions of sensory loss

7.Management of sensory losses

8.Elder abuse

9.Advance directives

10.Impact of chronic Illness

11.Community resources for the elderly

12.Special health teaching needs

13.Ethical considerations of gerontological nursing

14.Pharmacodynamics in the elderly

  1. Pain assessment and management
  2. Falls in the elderly

Methods of Presentation:


2.Audiovisual materials

3.PowerPoint presentations

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1.Typical Assignments

  1. Critique a video presentation about Alzheimer’s Disease
  2. Develop a research paper examining a social, psychological, or physical issue confronting the elderly population

2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

  1. Written examinations
  2. Research paper
  3. Video worksheet
  4. Reaction paper
  5. Final exam

Textbook(s) (Typical):

Gerontological Nursing, Eliopoulos, Lippincott, 2004

Special Student Materials:



Revised: 2/05