Commercial Lines Insurance Test

1. Insurance handles risk by

  1. Reducing it
  2. Avoiding it
  3. Transferring it
  4. Ignoring it

2. An insurance policy is a contract between an insured and an insurer in which

  1. Specific future losses will be covered in exchange for payment
  2. Risk of loss is reduced
  3. Payments are sure to increase
  4. None of the above

3. The payments an insured makes to an insurer are called

  1. Product options
  2. Benefits
  3. Premiums
  4. Deductibles

4. Which of the following is not an unfair claim settlement practice?

  1. Misrepresentation of pertinent facts of policy
  2. Failing to promptly acknowledge, settle, or deny a claim
  3. Rebating
  4. Attempting to settle a claim for less than entitled in insured policy

5. Which names below are well-known insurance rating services?

  1. Standard & Poor’s and A.M. Best
  2. Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson
  3. Medicaid and Medicare
  4. Crosse and Blackwell and Caswell-Massey

6. What type of hazard is a deliberate creation of loss by an insured in order to collect insurance payment or benefits?

  1. Morale hazard
  2. Physical hazard
  3. Moral hazard
  4. Legal hazard

7. Which statement about state regulation of insurance is correct?

  1. Rate structures may be excessive but not discriminatory
  2. Different rates may be charged to groups of policyholders who pose different degrees of risk
  3. Companies may offer discount rates that cover costs but do not show a profit
  4. States strictly regulate how much money is spent to advertise insurance products

8. What prevents an insurance company from denying a fact because of a previous action?

  1. Warranty
  2. Waiver
  3. Estoppel
  4. Consideration

9. What part of the policy structure answers the following, “Who, what, when, where, and what limits?”

  1. Injuring clause
  2. Declaration
  3. Definitions
  4. Conditions

10. What is not an element of negligence?

  1. Intervening cause
  2. Legal duty
  3. Standard of care
  4. Proximate cause

11. What is the concept that a policy applies separately to each insured listed?

  1. Tort
  2. Intentional tort
  3. Liability
  4. Severability

12. Which of the following is a basic perils exclusion?

  1. Fire
  2. Lightning
  3. Explosion
  4. Falling object

13. Which of the following is excluded as money in a crime policy?

  1. Checks
  2. Coins
  3. Traveler’s check
  4. Registered check

14. What type of bond is written to protect an employer from theft by employee?

  1. Surety bond
  2. Fiduciary bond
  3. Judicial bond
  4. Fidelity bond

15. What type of coverage protects a business for care, custody, and control of a non-owned vehicle?

  1. No benefits to bailee
  2. Commercial auto coverage
  3. Drive other car coverage
  4. Garagekeepers

16. What is coverage that protects property movement on land?

  1. Trucker
  2. Cargo
  3. Ocean marine
  4. Inland marine

17. Angela works for a global telecommunications company. As a cost-cutting measure, the company terminated Angela’s position and those of 499 of her co-workers. Angela is probably eligible for

  1. Workers’ compensation benefits
  2. Unemployment benefits
  3. Medicaid benefits
  4. Social security benefits

18. When you buy liability insurance, your insurer agrees to represent you if you are sued. What does your insurer have the right to do?

  1. Settle the case without your permission
  2. Settle out of court
  3. Raise your premiums
  4. All of the above

19. Which statement about workers’ compensation is correct?

  1. Workers’ compensation will pay death benefits
  2. Workers’ compensation will pay medical expenses and all lost wages
  3. Workers’ compensation will pay college tuition
  4. None of the above

20. Which of these injuries or health problems would probably NOT be covered by workers’ compensation?

  1. Breaking your wrist slipping in the office stairwell
  2. Breaking your ankle playing Frisbee in the parking lot
  3. “Brown lung” disease from inhaling cotton fibers in the mill
  4. Multiple fractures after a co-worker bumps your ladder with a forklift