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Present: Cllrs Mrs Bennett, Brailey Cann, Causley, Harris, Mrs Holland, Jury, Mrs MacCormack-Hole, Morrish, Mullen, Piper, Miss Thomas.

In the absence of Cllr Ellerton, the Chair was taken by

Cllr Mrs Holland.


The Chairman led the Council in prayers.

0510/20Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Daltrey, Ellerton and Sharp.

0510/21Declarations of Interest

Cllr Miss Thomas declared an interest regarding item 12.

0510/22To agree the agenda between Part A and Part B (confidential information)

It was resolved to agree the agenda as published.

0510/23Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman announced that there would be a CCD Conference at

Filleigh Village Hall on 19th October 2005.

Rita Skinner's Farewell Do will be on Friday 21st October 2005 at Fremington Quay at 6.30pm.

0510/24Police Report

Inspector Davies gave a report on police community support officers

(PCSO'S).He explained that PCSO'S in Ilfracombe had been privately

funded. Certain areas of the Parish would be ideally suited to having

PCSO'S and it was hoped that substantial Government Funding would

be available to provide PCSO'S in the future.

He then went on to speak about speeding on Yelland Road, he expressed sympathy with the residents involved in the accident last year, however government guidelines require evidence of a problem before cameras can be installed. Currently the requirements are 4 serious injury/death accidents over 3 years, within a distance of 1 kilometre.

He then took questions from councillors and members of the public.

Concern was expressed about lack of police enforcement when speed limits were in place, also difficulty in contacting police on the 0845 phone number and poor response to reported incidents.

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0510/24(contd.) PC Jim Benbow then gave a brief report in which he said that during

the past two months there had been the following crimes reported:

Criminal damage - 4

Burglary from dwellings - 7

Theft from motor vehicles - 9

0510/25 To receive questions, deputations and petitions, or to provide replies to questions previously submitted by parishioners.

There were no such questions.

0510/26 To confirm and sign the minutes of meetings previously circulated

It was resolved with no votes to the contrary to confirm and adopt the

minutes of the following meetings as a correct record:

-Fremington Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 12 September 2005 at 7pm

- Supplementary & Planning Meeting held on Monday 26 September 2005 at 7.30pm

0510/27To consider and adopt the minutes of committees and

sub-committees previously circulated

It was resolved with no votes to the contrary to confirm and adopt the

minutes of the following meetings as a correct record:

- Parks and Playing Fields Committee held on Wednesday 14 September at 10.45am

- Finance & Personnel Committee held on Monday 26 September 2005 at 6.45pm

0510/28To receive reports on matters of policy or major decisions affecting North Devon and this Parish in particular from the County Councillor or District Councillors

County Cllr Cann reported that the new Chief Executive designate is Phil Norrey who is currently the Director of Education.

The next Development Control Committee will be in Barnstaple on October 12 and the Fullabrook Wind Farm Application is on the Agenda.

Our Devon, the biggest public consultation campaign ever was launched on October 3, this will enable people to have a real say

in shaping the future of the County.

Devon Fire and Rescue Service are offering all householders a 'free of charge' Home Fire Safety Visit. Freephone 0800 73 11 822. Text Information Line 078 00 00 2476. Alarms can be supplied free to qualifying residents under the ODPM initiative.

DCC have been approached by SWW with a proposal to lay a

sewer along part of the Tarka Trail, negotiations are ongoing for

improved surfacing on the length of trail affected.

Cllr Cann also spoke about Greensweep, there were not expected to

be any collections for 3 - 4 weeks over Christmas.


He also spoke about Home Farm, an important area of farmland and foreshore at Yelland, which has been turned into a haven for birds and wildlife.

Cllr Mrs McCormack-Hole spoke about the response she had

received to her letter concerning noise from Fremington Army Camp. A copy of the letter is appended to these minutes. She was unhappy with the reply she had received.

Cllr Jury declared a prejudicial interest as a resident of Fremington Quay. He left the meeting and took no further part in the discussion.

It was resolved to write to Colonel Portman on the issue of clay-pigeon shooting over public areas.

Cllr Brailey reported that Ellerslie Road had been used by mini

motor bike riders. Some had been apprehended and police warned

that in future the bikes would be confiscated. There was discontent

regarding speeding in the area and also drivers entering the road

during restricted times. A recent attendance by police had resulted

in warnings being issued, but people caught in future will be


A Community Day at Sticklepath School had raised £1300.

0510/29 Update on action on flooding

Cllr Morrish reported that the County Council came out to clear a drain in Yelland Road, but were unsuccessful. They advised him that they do not clear culverts unless requested to.

0510/30 To consider street naming for the development off Barn Park Road.

Cllr Miss Thomas declared a prejudicial interest as she is a prospective resident. She left the meeting and took no part in the discussion.

It was unanimously resolved that the street be named Aspen Grove and also that a sign to Griggs Gardens be erected.

0510/31 Taking forward the parish plan (Cllr Jury)

It was resolved that Cllr Jury write to each Cllr with his suggestions

which would be discussed at the next meeting.

0510/32 Matters to Note

It was resolved to note the following correspondence

-letter from Mrs Norman re trees (24 September)

- letters of thanks for grant from Cruse Bereavement Care; Fremington in Flower

- email from DAPC re theft of oil from tanks

- Standards Board for England case summary Cllr Harris

- Northern Devon Coast & Countryside Service Annual Report 2004/05 (available at

parish office)

- letter from NDDC re PA 40712 (26 September)

- letter from 50th North Devon Scout Group (24 September)

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0510/33 North Devon District Council - Planning Applications

North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, had asked for

comments from this Parish Council on the following planning applications:

40387Proposal: Application for consent for works to trees covered by a TPO in respect of various works to 4 limes, 1 chestnut, 1 Douglas fir & 1 Monterey Cypress

Location: West Brookfield, Bickington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr M Rhead

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this application be APPROVED.

40921Proposal: Erection of conservatory

Location: The Homestead, Pottery Lane, Yelland, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Coote

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this application be APPROVED.

40933Proposal: Application for consent for works to trees covered by a Tree

Preservation Order in respect of reducing crown of 1 walnut by 25%

Location: 40 Lower Cross Road, Bickington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mrs Julie Brooks

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this application be APPROVED.

40934Proposal: Erection of replacement garage together with erection of gardcn


Location: Bedrock House, Bickington Road, Bickington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Glenn Heywood & Joanne Mary Heywood

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this

application be APPROVED.

40958Proposal: Extension & alterations to dwelling & conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation together with demolition of existing & erection of new garage

Location: Curlews, South View, Tews Lane, Bickington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mrs Sanger

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this application be APPROVED subject to there being no adverse comments from neighbours.

40959Proposal: Extension to dwelling

Location: 21 Bramble Walk, Roundswell, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: N Langmead

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this application be APPROVED.

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40971Proposal: First floor extension to dwelling together with conversion of garage

to form additional living accommodation

Location: 38 Middle Combe Drive, Roundswell, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mrs C E Evans

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this application be APPROVED subject to satisfactory parking arrangements being made.

41014Proposal: Extension to dwelling

Location: White gates, Brynsworthy Road, Old Bickington Road, Bickington

Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs Smith

It was resolved to recommend to North Devon district Council that this application be APPROVED.

0510/34North Devon District Council - Planning Decisions

It was resolved to note that North Devon District Council, the determining Authority, had APPROVED the following applications with conditions as filed:

40438Proposal: Construction of veterinary hospital & clinic (use Class D1) together with associated access, car parking & service

Location: Land adjacent to Bus Link & Old Bideford Road, Brannam Crescent, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Jerry Kent

40642Proposal: Retention of general purpose storage building (planning permission 28956 expired)

Location: Woodlands, Lydacott, Newton Tracey

Applicant/Agent: Mr M Whitehouse

40646Proposal: Conversion of loft space to form additional living accommodation together with raising of roof

Location: 27 Lyddicleave, Bickington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: John Stromski & Associates

40690Proposal: Erection of 2 industrial units for B1, B2 & B8 uses together with associated access, parking & landscaping

Location: Land bounded by Fishleigh Road & Brannam Crescent, Roundswell Business Park, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Devon Contractors Ltd

40712Proposal: Extension to dwelling

Location: 13 Colombelles Close, Fremington, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: PB Associates

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40764Proposal: Erection of conservatory

Location: 1 Swallow Field, Roundswell, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mr L Lewis

40797Proposal: Erection of conservatory

Location: 2 Rushcott Close, West Yelland, Barnstaple

Applicant/Agent: Mike Bailey

Signed ………………………………………. Dated ………………………………..