Bermuda, September 2005

The 29th annual Concours International des Jeunes Commis Rôtisseurs was held in Bermuda on September 30, 2005.

Nineteen competitors from around the world represented their countries at this prestigious event.

Countries represented included Australia (Nathalie Jane Kingsford), Austria (Wolfgang Vollmann), Belgium (David Ledent), Bermuda (Marissa-Lynn Simons), Canada (Matt Batey), Colombia (Jhon Alvarez), Finland (Arto Rastas), France (Jean-Claude Hinard), Germany (Stefan Beiter), Great Britain (David Hammond), Hungary (Àgnes Tòth), Kenya (Anderson Atenyo), Malaysia (Siti Arini Darsom),

New Zealand (Mathew Jones), South Africa (Peter John Vadas), Sweden (Magnus Persson), Switzerland (Karim Madhour), Turkey (Recep Akbas), and the United States (Matt Weber).

The young cooks, under the age of twenty-seven at the time of the competition, qualified for this competition by winning their respective local, regional and national competitions. To compete at this level in this type of competition is a true achievement.

The competitors were greeted at a welcome reception on their first night by local and national members. Prior to the competition they participated in events organized by local volunteers that were designed to enhance their culinary knowledge.

The day of the competition the first young cooks were in the kitchen by 6:00 am. They were presented with a "black box" of ingredients that they were required to use in the preparation of their meals. The ingredients of the black box were confidential until the day of the competition.

You can download the black box by visiting the website.

The young cooks were allowed 30 minutes to compose their menus, and 3 ½ hours to produce three courses for four people. The menu was required to include an appetizer, a main course and a dessert.

Competitors were judged at every stage of the competition, from their creative use of ingredients to their cleanliness in the kitchen. The Jury included 16 professional and non-professional Chaine members from around the world.

The competition and Grand Chapitre was organized by Bailli Délégué Josée Roy-Froncioni, Membre du Conseil Magistral, and her team. This was the culmination of an 18 month planning process, and ended with the awards ceremony, inductions of the Jeunes Commis and other local members, and an exceptional Grand Chapitre dinner.

The competition was very intense and the calibre of the cooks was very high. The winner was Arto Rastas from Finland; in second place was Peter John Vadas from South Africa; in third place was Matt Batey from Canada.

Arto Rastas was presented with the Arthur Bolli Memorial trophy, the Chaine des Rôtisseurs Gold Medal, and a scholarship to le Cordon Bleu Académie d'Art Culinaire in Paris. Peter John Vadas was presented with the Gaston-Landry Panuel trophy and the Chaine des Rôtisseurs Silver Medal. Matt Batey was presented with the Jean Valby Memorial trophy and the Chaine des Rôtisseurs Bronze Medal.

All competitors received a one-year membership in la Chaine des Rôtisseurs, a Bragard chef jacket, a one year subscription to Art Culinaire magazine, a Chef's Hat Inc chef jacket, and numerous other gifts.

The next Concours International des Jeunes Commis Rotisseurs will be held in Adelaide, Australia in September 2006.