10th April 2014

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Here are a list of dates to welcome you and your child to Ecclesall Infant School.

Coffee and Cake afternoon

Tuesday 17th June at 2pm-3pm for A-L surnames

Thursday 19th June at 2pm-3pm for M-Z surnames

We offer a “Coffee and cake” afternoon for new Reception parents and their children in our school hall. This will be an opportunity to meet the Reception teachers and the Head teacher. You will also receive a welcome pack with school information in.

By Friday 13th June, we will have informed you by letter of the class your child will be in from September 2014, either Koala Bears or Polar Bears.

1st classroom visit: Either Tuesday 24th June (A-L surnames)or Thursday 26th June (M-Z surnames)

New Reception children visit school for one of these sessions from 1.30-2.30pm depending on their surname and parents are welcome to stay in the classroom for this first session if they wish.

2nd classroom visit: Either Tuesday1st July (A-L surnames)orThursday 3rd July (M-Z surnames)

New Reception children visit school for their second session from 1.30-2.30pm depending on their surname. We encourage parents to leave for this session to allow children to settle.

3rd classroom visit: Tuesday 8th July (A-L surnames) or Thursday 10th July (M-Z surnames)

New Reception children visit school for their third session from 1.30-2.30pm depending on their surname.

Parents information meeting on Monday7th July1.30-2.30pm

This will be with Mrs Hardy (Head Teacher) and Mrs Ramsey (Acting Deputy Head Teacher) who will explain about school routinesin the main hall at 1.30-2.30pm

A member of our Reception team will also be visiting children from our local pre-school settings in June orJuly 2014 .

September Arrangements

Our new Reception children have a staggered entry into school, starting with morning or

afternoon sessions at first and then gradually moving towards full time days with lunch

included. Through parent questionnaires, we receive very good feedback re our arrangements and find this ensures for a very smooth transition for all our children. See overleaf for the staggered entry details.

Week commencing 1st September-5th September 2014 will be home visits for each of our 60 children where you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher. Times will be given out onMonday 7th July.

Week commencing 8th September-12th September 2014: Your child will be offered either morning or afternoon sessions for each day of this week. A-L surnames will be morning sessions and M-Z surnames will be afternoon sessions. If you find real difficulty with this and need to swap your session, then please see either Mrs Hardy or a Reception teacher and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Morning sessions will be 9.00-11.00am (A-L surnames)

Afternoon sessions will be 1.00-3.00pm (M-Z surnames)

Week commencing 15th September-19th September 2014:

Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th Sept: 8.45-12.45pm (with dinner or packed lunch)

Part-time Sept starters: 8.45am-12pm (go home for lunch)

Thursday 18th and Friday 19th Sept: In full time from 8.45-3.10pm (with dinner or packed lunch)

unless they are a part-time September starter: 8.45-12pm. (go home for lunch)

Week beginning Monday 22nd Sept your child will continue to be full time unless they have chosen to be part-time until October half term or Christmas.

Part-time September starters will be in school each day from 8.45am-12pm and will not stay for lunch.

Our main entrance doors open from 8.45am for all children and parents. The school day begins at 8.55am and ends at 3.10pm. At the end of the day Reception parents enter school from the side door near Reception classrooms.

We are really looking forward to meeting you and your child starting with our Coffee and Cake afternoon.

Kind Regards

Emma Hardy Nicole Ramsey

Head Teacher Acting Deputy Head Teacher


I, ______(child) will be attending Ecclesall Infants School on:

(PLEASE TICK the dates your child will be able to attend). We hope they can make all 3 sessions. Please return asap.

1st session

Tuesday 24th June (A-L surnames) 1.30pm-2.30pm

Or Thursday 26th June (M-Z children) 1.30pm-2.30pm

2nd session

Tuesday1st July (A-L surnames) 1.30pm-2.30pm

orThursday 3rd July 1.30pm-2.30pm

3rd session

Tuesday 8th July (A-L surnames) 1.30-2.30pm

Or Thursday 10th July (M-Z surnames) 1.30-2.30pm


I will / will not be able to attend the Parent Meeting on Monday7th July at 1.30p.mwith Mrs Hardy and Mrs Ramsey in the main hall. Please underline which date you are attending. Thanks

Name of Child:______Name of Parent:______