Pelham BaseballAA MINORBaseball Division

Charter and Rules

Revision History

Version / Revision Date / Prepared By / Revision Details
0.0 / Jan 17, 2016 / Michael Todino / FIRST DRAFT
0.1 / March 30, 106 / Michael Todino / Board Revisions Added

Document Purpose

This document is intended to provide details on what the AA Minor Baseball division is and how it is structured. It should be reviewed each year by the AA MinorBaseballVice Presidentas well as the individuals who are managing and coaching AA MinorBaseballand any Pelham Baseball Board members interested. Each year the goal is to improve upon any lessons learned, therefore this document can and should be updated appropriately if changes are deemed necessary.


The Pelham AA Minor Baseball division will consist of league age 7, 8 and 9 year-old players. This division will build upon the basic skills learned in T-Ball while introducing new focus areas on the pitching and catching position as well as exposing the players to a more competitive format of the game. The goal of the division is to have fun while developing the skills necessary to help players graduate to and succeed in the more senior divisions of the baseball program. The AA Minor division is part of the overall Pelham Little League baseball program and all games and practices will be scheduled accordingly with the league master schedule.

League Structure

The number of teams participating in the AA Minor division will be based on the number of players that register and qualify based on Little League player age. Roster sizes for each team will not exceed twelve (12) players and all players will be assigned to their teams via the program’s Player Agent. Teams will be, to the best of the program’s ability, be constructed to encourage balanced competition by assigning players based on knowledge of the player’s ability and input from coaches and parents where appropriate. While buddy requests will be considered the most important goal in team creation is to establish balanced teams throughout the division.


The AA Minordivision will play all its games at Muldoon Park AA Minors, Majors and Utility Field(s).


  1. General Game Play
  2. All games are scheduled for 6 innings
  3. Innings end after 3 outs or 4 runs have been scored. The exception to this is the home team during the last inning of the game.
  4. Coaches can help retrieve pitched balls that get by the catcher in the interest of moving the game along
  5. The batting team will ensure that all players not batting or in play are in the dugout / bench area. Bats are not allowed to be swung by any player except when they are batting.
  6. At the conclusion of each game team(s) are encourages to participate in a relay race around the bases with one team positioned at home plate and the other at second base. Upon the start of the race players from each team will circle all four positions and tag the next player on their team.

2. Pitching

2.1Players will have the opportunity to pitchat the coach’s discretion (Little League Pitching Regulations apply – SEE BELOW)

2.2If the team cannot field a pitcher the batting team’s coach will assume pitching responsibilities for their team

2.3The batting team’s coach will position themselves behind the pitcher and call all balls and strikes accordingly

2.4Once a pitcher is removed from the game he cannot return to pitch later in the game

2.5Any pitcher who hits 3 batters in a game must be replaced and can no longer pitch in that game

2.6If a pitcher throws 3 balls to a batter, a coach will then pitch to the batter. The coach will inherit the count that the batter had. The player cannot walk but can strikeout.

2.7The pitching rubber will be approximately forty (40) feet from home plate with the pitcher positioned near the bottom of the mound

  1. Catching
  2. Each team must field a catcher while on defense. All players should attempt to play the catchingposition at least once during the season
  3. Catchers must wear all protective gear and an athletic cup as a requirement for playing the position. Protective gear built into underwear are recommended
  4. Dugout coaches should assist catchers with removing their protective gear at the end of each inning and putting on the gear prior to returning to the field
  1. Batting
  2. All players on the roster will be in the batting order every game. This is called “roster batting.”
  3. We will not call a batter out due to the “infield fly rule”
  4. Batters will not be awarded extra pitches in an attempt to gain a base
  5. Batters will be coached on not flinging of flipping bats at the end of the at-bat
  1. Base Running
  2. The base runner will be allowed one base on an overthrow
  3. The base runner will be allowed to take home on an overthrow
  4. Leading from a base is not allowed. Runners should only advance once the ball is put in play
  1. Umpires
  2. Coaches for the batting / offensive team, stationed behind the pitcher, will call all balls and strikes
  3. Offensive base coaches will call all base running plays
  4. The strike-zone shall be shin to chin and the inside chalk line of each batter’s box (see illustration below)

  1. Scoring
  2. A volunteer scorer should be appointed before the start of each game to keep score when possible. When this is not possible a coach from either team should be appointed as scorekeeper for the game.
  3. Final game score should be communicated to the league at the conclusion of each game
  4. Standings for the division will not be kept

Little League Pitching Regulations

No pitcher may throw more than 50 pitches in a given day. If the pitcher reaches the limit while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue pitching until that batter is retired or becomes a runner, or the inning ends, whichever comes first, and then must be removed.

A pitcher must observe specific rest periods between pitching appearances, based on the number of pitches thrown the last day the pitcher pitched. A day’s rest is a calendar day in which the pitcher does not pitch, rather than a 24-hour period; a pitcher who throws over 20 pitches Tuesday may not pitch at any time on Wednesday. Any time a pitcher is eligible to pitch based on the observance of the stated rest period; the pitcher may pitch to the stated limit.