Orientation 2018

Student Orientation Coordinator Application

Academic and Community Standing Requirement

______(initial here) I certify that I am not on academic probation AND that I currently have a cumulative GPA (per my transcript) of 2.75 or higher AND am in good standing with the University. I understand that the Director of New Student Orientation will be checking grades and verify good standing with the Dean of Students each semester I am employed with NSOPR.

Position Requirements

______(initial here) I understand that I will be expected to participate and assist with mandatory Orientation activities including O-Team retreats, O-Team selection, O-Team training, Summer Orientations, August activities, and will schedule other activities during times that I am not committed to work.

______(initial here) I understand that as an employee of the University with student staff supervisory responsibilities, that I will be expected to follow University policies and Local, State, and Federal Laws.

______(initial here) I have read and understand the responsibilities and expectations of the SOC position(s) and am fully prepared to meet those responsibilities and expectations if I am hired.

Current Resume: Special Training or Qualifications

Please submit a current resume through Career Connect and submit this completed application form and essays through email to .


Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet and submit with your application and resume. Make sure you put your name on the sheet.

1. Why do you want to be a Student Orientation Coordinator?

2. What did you learn about yourself from your time as an orientation team member?

3. As you know the SOC positions all assist with supervising peers. What are the challenges you might anticipate holding peers accountable for their work and behavior?

2. Review the ethical statements from the National Orientation Directors Association Statement of Ethical Standards for Students at the bottom of this webpage [http://www.nodaweb.org/?page=ethical_standards]. Briefly comment on which statement you feel is most important for SOCs to do effectively, and explain why.

Recommendations (2)

1. Please identify the member of the Orientation Team (who was not your best friend) you were on that you have asked to write your recommendation, so that we may make sure to include them in your file.

Name Orientation Team Year

2. Please identify the member of the professional staff/ who observed your work with NSOPR and will be commenting on your performance in the second recommendation (Undergraduate Advising, Honors Faculty, etc.) so that we may make sure to include them in your file.

Name Office/Organization Title (if applicable)


I give my permission to the Director of New Student Orientation and Parent Relations to verify information on this application.


Resume must be uploaded to Career Connect by 3 p.m. on Friday, September 25, 2017. All other application materials and recommendations must be received by September 25, 2017 at 5 p.m. via email to Lisa McGuire or mail Attn: Lisa McGuire SAB 60G.

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