7th Grade Life Science Syllabus – 2016 – 2017

Life Is All Around

Mrs. Wasmoen – Room 308

Welcome to a new year of science! Life science and chemistry are our two main themes this year. We will learn what life is, the 5 kingdoms of living things and how they relate to each other. We will discuss how we, as people, have an effect on nature. In a chemistry unit called Properties of Matter, we will run experiments that involve density, solutions, mixtures and chemical reactions. Our last unit covers the interactions of the human body systems.

Materials for class this year

ü  3 ring binder that will only be used for Science (at least 1 ½ inches) (AVID Students will keep the science binder in class.)

ü  wide lined loose leaf paper for your binder

ü  colored pencils to keep at home for homework and projects you need to finish

ü  pencil with eraser

Here is a quick overview of the year in science:

September to mid December

A. Unit Title: Natural Systems

Statement of Inquiry: The sustainability and balance of

natural systems is affected by interactions within the environment.

populations & ecosystems food chains & webs

habitats and survival conditions ecology

cycles trophic levels

B. Unit Title: Diversity

Statement of Inquiry: Science transforms our

understanding of the relationships and patterns of nature.

genetics & heredity evolution

December to March

C. Unit Title: Physical Properties of Matter

Statement of Inquiry: Patterns of Evidence drive decisions

over time.

mass volume density

D. Mixtures and Solutions

Statement of Inquiry: Evidence leads to scientific

innovations that create change in our society.

solutions & mixtures separation techniques

E. Unit Title: Elements, Compounds and

Chemical Reactions

Statement of Inquiry: Changing conditions

create patterns in the environment.

periodic table compounds

April to June

F. Unit Title: Structure & Function of

Living Things

Statement of Inquiry: Form and function drive

the relationships in living systems.

digestive system nervous system

respiratory and circulatory system

musculskeletal system skin system

unrinary system disease

General Information:

1. Anthony Science Teachers use an

MYP approach to grading. All

assignments are based on an 8 point scale.

2. Homework is assigned each Monday and is due Thursday.

Homework may be an assignment that supports our learning in class, a project that needs to be finished, a current events article or a review for tests.

3. Late work is not accepted.

I do have a system that allows students who have earned late points for homework turned in on time to be able to turn in an occasional late homework assignment. For every homework assignment a student turns in on time, the student earns a point. Each point equals one day of being late with an assignment. Weekends do not count when using points. A maximum of 5 points may be used on one late assignment.

For example:

Assignment #1 is on time = 1 point

Assignment #2 is on time = 1 point for a total of 2 points

Assignment #3 is on time = 1 point for a total of 3 points

Assignment #4 - oops! Forgot assignment and turns it in the next day – lose 1 point for a total of 2 points

3. Extra Help

If a student needs some extra help with science or with organizing their work, I am available for help after school on Tuesdays. Please ask your student to notify me before the extra help time. This helps me be prepared.

4. Communication

Please contact me if there is anything that I need to know. As I often say, “I try to catch everything, but sometimes I miss something.” Please let me know if this happens. I can be reached many ways.

Call me at school 668-3240 Voice mail 692-0869


Web page http://anthony.mpls.k12.mn.us/

I have 2 simple expectations of every student. I expect each student to come to class prepared to work as hard as possible and to be respectful of all people at all times. It is my job with this expectation to provide an environment in and out of the classroom that allows this to happen. I work to make every moment a learning moment in a safe, harassment – free, ability appropriate setting. I do this by seeing each student as a person first, then as a student who is in my science class. Students will be given every opportunity to succeed in my class. They will only be treated with kindness and respect.

I am looking forward to a great year!

Barb Wasmoen

Science Syllabus

I have reviewed the syllabus with my child.

Student Name ______(first & last name, please)

Science Period ______

Parent Signature ______

Parent phone ______

Parent Portal is a great way for you to check your child’s progress in class. If you have not done so already, please take a moment to check and update your contact information on Parent Portal. Thanks!

Things you would like me to know about your child, questions or comments you may have . . .




Students! Here is your first homework assignment. It is due Thursday September 1st.

1. Have you read and discussed your lab safety sheet with your parents? Yes No

2. Have you and your parents signed the lab sheet and this syllabus sheet? Yes No

3. What day is homework given? ______

4. What day is homework due? ______

5. How do you earn Late Points? ______


6. What day is Mrs. Wasmoen available to help after school? ______