Welcome to cross country!! The sport of cross country provides a unique opportunity to not only participate on a team, but as an individual as well. Success is not always measured by who comes first, but by effort, hard work, and self-improvement. Any dedicated student/athlete is welcome to participate on our team. We will encourage all students/athletes to set realistic individual and team goals to work toward during the season. Cross country can teach a lifetime activity that encourages a healthy lifestyle leading to a fit adulthood. Our philosophy is that everyone who does his or her best is a winner.

Feel free to contact us if at any time you have questions, concerns, etc. regarding your child or our team.

Coaches: Jenny Weber Cell: 970-381-4443

Home: 970-330-4566

Shawn Williams Cell: 970-371-8865


The season begins Wednesday, August 23rd and runs through Saturday, September 30th (when we have our final meet). We will meet each afternoon on the south side of the track. In the case of light rain, we will meet in the cafeteria. If weather is looking threatening, practice will probably be cancelled, which will be announced prior to school being dismissed. Practice will be held Tuesday thru Friday from 4:15 until 5:15 PM. Please plan to pick up your child on time!

Make sure to bring either a water bottle or sports drink to all practices and meets. A healthy snack is also recommended.


Absences will be considered excused if school related, pre-arranged by the family, or due to illness. All others are at the coach’s discretion. 1st unexcused absence will result in not being allowed to participate in the next meet. 2nd unexcused absence will result in being asked to leave the team.

Grades will be checked the beginning of each week. Any student/athlete with two or more F’s on that Monday’s eligibility report will not be able to participate in meets or practice that week.

Profanity will not be tolerated.

Everyone will treat other team members with respect.


Most meets will be approximately 2 to 2.5 miles in length with the exception of the first meet on Wednesday, September 6th (that we host at Bittersweet Park) which will be 2.5K (1.5 miles). The meets will be run on various types of terrain including sand, cement, grass, and possibly mud!

There will be a separate boy’s race and a girl’s race at each meet. All grades run together.


Your Panther Coaches


Wednesday, September 6th 4:30 pm Greeley Meet 1

@ Bittersweet (Heath hosts)

Friday, September 15th TBA Wolverine Invite

@ Monfort Park (Frontier Academy hosts)

Tuesday, September 26th 4:15 pm Greeley Meet 2

@ Winograd (Winograd hosts)

Saturday, September 30th TBA Andy Meyers Invite

Middle School Championship

Island Grove

(GCHS & GWHS host)

Buses will transport students/athletes from Heath to the first three meet locations. For the championship meet, we will meet at Island Grove. Buses will not provide transportation back to Heath following the meets. We understand schedules are busy, but please make ever attempt to attend meets to support our Panthers!!!

Athletes will be issued a jersey to wear at the meets. We will be handing these out sometime during the second week of practice. Jerseys will need to be returned to coaches at the conclusion of the last meet on September 30th or to the front office at Heath Heath on Monday following the last meet. We ask that students/athletes wear black shorts at the meets. If your child does not have or cannot obtain black shorts, have them let the coaches know.

Remember to bring water or sports drink and a healthy snack to all meets!