June 29, 2017 5:00 PM

Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call: Chair Dave Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Scott Hendrickson, Dave Johnson, Tane Barclay, Board Liaison Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk. Terry Quick arrived at 5:15 PM. Excused Absence: Brenda Silgjord. Sign-In Sheet attached.

Purpose of the Hearing: The purpose of the hearing is to take comments on the Corner Store application for a conditional use permit to build storage units.

Read Public Notice – Chair Dave Johnson read the public notice at this time and entered it into the record.

Enter Affidavit of Publication - The affidavit was received and entered.

Call for written comments – none

Two residents (not in attendance) informed the Deputy Clerk they had no opposition to the CUP.


Presentation of Application & Plan – Chad Knudson, owner of The Corner Store: Chad recently purchased property to the North of his store. His plans are to build five (5) storage units. At the present time he will be building only one (1). Each storage unit will have 36 units. They will be standard storage building construction. The colors of the units will match the store, with the roofs being green. In his drawings it shows a drainage plan where he intends to carry the water over also two (2) ponding areas. Chad stated he will also be adding a berm. As each storage unit is built it will be paved between the units. The lights will be down lighting (full cut off).

Chad stated he met with Randy Lee, Pillager Fire Chief in regard to the home on the property. Randy will have Hengel Construction do an asbestos test on the home. The plan is for the Pillager Fire Department to burn the house down possibly in September.


There was no one present.

Close Public Testimony:

With no one present Chair Johnson closed the public input portion of the public hearing at 5:20 pm.

Planning Commission Discussion:

Chair Johnson informed the Planning Commission members what their options were. With no opposition the Planning Commission members stated they would recommend sending this to the Sylvan Town Board. Scott Hendrickson moved to recommend the Town Board approve the Corner Store – Storage Units - Conditional Use permit with the current conditions being reiterated:

  1. All storm water must be contained on the owner's property.

2.  All lighting directed toward other property or a public road will be down lighting.

3.  Permit will be valid for 5 years. If more time is needed to complete the project the owner may apply for an extension. If an extension is granted further conditions may be applied.

4.  Meeting all State, County and Township requirements

Seconded by Tane Barclay. The question was called and the motion carried.


Scott Hendrickson moved to adjourn seconded by Terry Quick, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Minutes submitted by:


Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk

PC Member _Terry Quick__ moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by _Tane Barclay and the motion carried.


Date: 7-13-17