FoKGVPF Meeting 3/4/13


1. Present.

Alan F, Eva, Sue, Michelle, John, Alan D, Molly, Ian S, Pat, Trevor.

2. Apolls.

Elsa, Barbara, Joyce, Fred.

3. Last Mins.

a. Ok

4. Matters Arising.

a. Will come up in groups.

5. Chair.

a. Signed agreement with Veolia for phase 2 of KFP £5000.

b. We didn't get Pride of Tameside went to Reubens Retreat.

c. Anyone for Friends of meeting at Liverpool for north west. No.

d. Did everyone get their seed packs Pat didn't she will check.

e. Chasing up the Community First grant, £1000 for heating, should have been approved in Dec.

6. Sec.

a. Not got one.

7. Treas.

a. Ian handed out bal sheets a/c at bank stands at £4218.14

8. Groups.

a. Ashton DA still waiting for twister, beam and tyre swing we need them now before the summer, if we get one, finishes. (Ian C, Kevin Nicola) Ian C did give us the Ashton blue paint for the planters to be repainted (Pat).

b. Bees, Hive is going to be put in orchard next to GP as more secure and safer from vandals by John and his B team. Hive coming on Sat 8/4/13 6.00pm as bees should be asleep. (B team) Sue, Eva, Michelle now completed their training £330 Youchoose monies, and asked for 3 bee suits @ £90 and 3 memberships £25. Agreed £345 from Youchoose grant.

Birds, Lots of birds been on table, Pat and Trevor have put more feeders up.

c. Com Payback have not come back yet, this will be a problem with the Veolia grant as they are were providing the volunteers. (Alan to check)

d. Dog show, 7/7/13 9.30 set up 11.00 to book in 1.00 for show till 4.00 ish.

Posters by Elsa and Sharon, Sue can print them need to put web site on and hand out to people to put up.

Leaflets group weren't to keen delivering these, but we will still need some

Catering booked Molly

Scout Trailer booked Alan F.

First Aid booked Alan F.

School parking Alan F to book

Scout radios booked Alan F.

Gourleys Vets booked Elsa

News radio and notice boards Alan F

Dog artist Elsa/Sharon

Dog photo Elsa/Sharon

Police Dogs Elsa

Police Sharon/Alan F

Therapist, I presume for dogs Elsa

Volunteers needed ;-

High Viz jackets in GP

1 Sign erector dog orders at each entrance and car park signs at school 9 to 9.30 Signs & string Alan F ( ? )

2 Bin taker outerer and litter picker 9 to 4 Bins & litter pickers GP ( ?? )

? Catering staff on shifts 9 to 4 Food Molly (Molly, Alan D + ????)

2 First Aid (Alan F+ ? )

1 Gate Marshall to only lets stall holders in 9.30 to 11 ( ? )

1 FoKGVPF vol to promote group ( ? )

1 FoKGVPF vol to promote bees (Poss John Bee man)

Needs updating and names for ( ? ) at next meeting ( Everyone)

e. Elsa now finished painting till ext to kitchen sorted It looks great.

f. Football ntr.

g. GP Grant still waiting Dave Reed for extension. (Dave) Been donated a micro wave. Molly after banner for gates up to £120. (Molly) Cafe now opening again when fine and Green flag flying.

m. Mens bowls Alan F email them for new poster for notice board. (Vinie)

n. News Big tree plant in Rep 7/3, In Bloom in Com news Feb, Park tree damaged Rep 21/3, Creating a buzz in Rep 28/3, Birds and Bees in Advert 28/3.

o. Orchard, Pat, Trevor and Manhar have done some pruning on the fruit trees.

p. P.P.PCSO,PW Still waiting for info on by laws on bikes and quads in park and why KG not on police system. (P.P.PCSO)

s. Site, Brass plaques going on wall on Sunday 10.00am (Trevor, Ian S)

t. Trees, amazingly are still there, a few have been damaged but now repaired and only one missing. Pat has a map of them. Thanks to John's familey for donation for Mothers day tree planting.

w. Women's bowls, Barbara reported that the green fees were cheaper than expected thanks to Tameside.

9 Safety.

a. Molly asked what is the safety implication of people playing golf in the park (Ian C, Kevin)

10. AOB.

a ntr

DoNM. 7.30pm 1/5/13 at GP