WYLD Governing Board

Conference Call Agenda

Sep 13, 2016 1:30 p.m.

Call to order – President Marci Mock called the meeting to order at 1:31pm

Roll call

Members present were:

Marci Mock, Brad Matthies, Paula Sabatka, Kate Mutch, Joan Brinkley, Jo Otterholt, Rebecca Schuh, Brian Greene, Jamie Markus, Linda Herget

Approval of the Minutes from August Meeting

Members said they had read the minutes and there were no changes. Rebecca Shuh made a motion to accept the August minutes, Brad Matthies seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

WSL Updates - Jamie Markus reported that they had finalized the county budget survey today and there was a 9.5% reduction in their budgets. The final numbers will be released within the next month. Jamie said that the Sirsi bill was finalized today and will be paid within the next two weeks. He and Brian will start billing local libraries. Jamie also reported that Jacob Mickelsen, the new director for Carbon County Public Libraries attended New Director Training at the state library. He feels Jacob will be a great addition to the library community. Jamie reported that Jacob seemed confident he can overcome the obstacles in Carbon County.

WYLD Office Update - Brian Greene did not have a report but asked Marci to add Sirsi fees to the agenda for the October conference call.

President’s Report - Marci Mock reported that the By-laws ad hoc committee will start meeting in January. She asked members to review the edits to the Delegates Handbook for October meeting, so we can finish up this item of business. Marci said that she is still working on the Database Guidelines with Bobbi and they should be done by the end of the year.

Governing board members – reports/issues

a.  Academic—Brad had no report but wanted to thank Marc and Des in the WYLD office for their help with recent issues.

b.  K-12— Paula said had no report but she wanted to thank everyone for agreeing to change the time of the conference call to accommodate her teaching schedule.

Marci reminded the members that the date of next conference call is October 11, 2016 @ 1:30 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:42pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Linda Herget, Recorder