St. Mark Children’s Day Out

Fall 2017 Registration Form


First ______Middle ______Last ______Gender: Male __ Female__

Birth date _____/_____/______Age (on September 1, 2017) _____ Street Address ______

City ______State ______Zip code ______Child’s Home Phone ______

Parent/Guardian - Contact Information

Parent/Guardian #1

First______Last______Ms. Mrs. Mr. Other ______

Work Phone ______Cell phone ______E-MAIL______

Occupation ______Employer ______

Parent/Guardian #2

First______Last______Ms. Mrs. Mr. Other ______

Cell phone ______E-mail______

Occupation ______Employer ______

Child lives with: ______

Please list any medical problems, including any required maintenance medication (i.e. Diabetic, Asthma, Seizures).

Medical Problem Required treatment Should paramedic be called?



Is your child presently being treated for an injury or sickness, or taking any form of medication for any reason?

Yes__ No__ If yes, explain:______

Is your child allergic to any type of food or medication?

Yes__ No__ If yes, explain:______

Does your child require a special diet?

Yes__ No__ If yes, explain:______

Please circle the day/days that you wish for your child to attend


Please indicate how you heard about St. Mark Children’s Day Out

Website ______YELP ______Church ______Word of Mouth ______Other; please share______

Church Affiliation:______

Terms of Agreement

I understand that by paying the $100 Registration fee that I am intending to enroll my child ______for the 2017-2018 school year that begins on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 and ends on Thursday, May 17, 2018. I agree to pay my child’s tuition by the 5th of each month, understanding that I also agree to pay September 2017 and May 2018 tuition due by

September 5, 2017. If my child needs to leave St. Mark CDO before May 17, 2018, I will give the director at least 30 days written notice in order to utilize my May tuition as my final month’s payment. I also understand that this $100 registration is non-refundable. St. Mark Children’s Day Out guarantees my child enrollment on the days circled above.

Parent Signature______Date______


DATE RECEIVED______Check#______Staff initials______