South Oldham High School Professional Development Plan 2016-2017

Presented to SBDM, May 24, 2016

Identified Need / PD Activity Title / Training Description / Location, Date, Time / Intended Participants / Number of PD Hours
Curriculum and Instruction
As the new NGSS curriculum is implemented, content PLCs continue to need time to develop lessons and student activities that truly address the new standards, as well as common formative assessments to track student progress on their mastery of those standards. The development of formative assessments will allow identification of struggling students and can therefore guide individualized intervention strategies / Science Curriculum Implementation PD / Teachers will work in content-teams to revise and develop further lessons and student activities that truly embody the NGSS. Teachers will also develop common formative assessments to track student progress and identify intervention needs / August 4-5, 8:30-3:30 at SOHS / Science teachers / 12
According to ACT data, the percentage of juniors meeting the math benchmark by taking the ACT in March has stagnated. For the past several years, between 62 and 68% of juniors have met the benchmark. More specific content and test-taking strategies are needed to raise thispercentage. Having more juniors meeting benchmark will mean more students are college-and-career ready and fewer students will need the lower-level transition math classes in their senior year. / Strategies for the Math Section of the ACT / Participants will take a sample math ACT and will analyze scores. Content of the test will be reviewed as well as test-taking strategiesincluding good usage of calculators. Participants will determine how to incorporate ACT preparation techniques into daily or weekly lesson plans. Led by Ann Pavon / SOHS room 223 6/10/16 8:30 – 3:30 / Math teachers / 6
In order to improve scores on End-of-Course Assessments and AP tests, students need to be precise in their mathematical language. Explanations need to include proper terminology, and such terminology needs to be modeled by teachers. / Precision in Mathematical Language / Communicating correctly is critical in the math classroom. Even our strongest students who understand the content will often lose credit because they don’t communicate well. This session will begin with several examples of common miscommunication in the mathematics classroom. Participants will also have time to reflect on their own assessments and how they communicate mathematically. Led by Laura Jones / SOHS room 220 6/9/16 8:30 – 11:30 / SOHS math teachers / 3
Calculus courses form the culminating math course for many students at SOHS. Since all Calculus courses now conclude with an AP test (rather than dual credit vs. AP), it is important that the three different levels of Calculus maintain some continuity. Teachers of these various levels of Calculus need time to collaborate and share strategies and resources. / Calculus – It’s all AP Now! / Participants will share resources and strategies for successful completion of the AP Calculus test. New teachers of Calculus will draw from the expertise of more veteran teachers. Led by Larry McCloskey. / Room 224 6/ 8 /16 8:30 – 3:30 / SOHS Calculus and Pre-Calculus teachers / 6
District, state, and national standards provide standards of “Mathematics Teaching Practices.” These standards have not been examined or implemented to their fullest potential. / Mathematics Teaching Practices / Participants will examine the 8 standards of mathematics teaching practices and will determine ways to implement them in daily lessons. Effective, meaningful, and realistic writing tasks will also be incorporated into lessons. Led by Debbie Thompson / Room 223 6/13/16 8:30 – 3:30 / SOHS math teachers / 6
Innovative strategies and new resources are needed to keep the teaching of mathematics fresh, invigorating, and relevant. Attending conferences allows teachers to hear from innovative educators and to implement the ideas in their own classrooms. / Conferences – Chicago, KCTM, NCTM / Teachers will attend conferences in Chicago and/or state, regional, or national Council of Teachers of Mathematics sites. Teachers may choose to attend workshops, seminars, or keynote speaker sessions. / Various / SOHS math teachers / 3-18
In connection with CSIP smart goals, students will receive enriched and updated curriculum to increase their scores on the KOSSA test. / 2016 Career & Technical Education Summer Program / CTE updates, along with content specific curriculum update, and exhibits area / The Galt House Hotel, Louisville July 18-20, 2016 / CTE Teachers / 15
Establish, implement, and evaluate components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) in which to implement the LMAS action plan / 50 Million Strong with KY SHARE / 50 Million Strong is a call to action for all of America’s health and physical educators to unite and focus on a common purpose — getting all of the nation’s children physically active, enthusiastic and committed to making healthy lifestyle choices. / July 27, 2016 Corbin, KY / Health/ PE Teachers / 6
Establish, implement, and evaluate components of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) in which to implement the LMAS action plan / PAL Learning System / The Physical Activity Leader (PAL) Learning System is a resource within Let's Move Active Schools designed to develop and support individuals who will champion an effort in their local schools/school district to ensure 60 minutes a day of physical activity for all school-age youth. The twelve month PAL Learning System is a dynamic, action-focused initiative resulting in skilled individuals who will initiate tailored plans of action in their respective school settings. / August 8, 2016 Erlanger, KY / Health/PE Teachers / 6
Students will benefit from teachers studying books related to common content within the department. / ELA Book Study / Teachers will focus on improving instruction by studying a group text. / Sept., 2016-Feb. 2017; After School, room 120 (6 one-hour meetings) / English teachers / 6
Refining the process of understanding Disciplinary Literacy had become a focus in the district for Social Studies. / Book Study and/or PLC Curriculum Development / We will meet over the course of several weeks as we focus on Teaching Strategies. Teachers will model Best-Practices Strategies in the Classroom and share with their PLC. Teachers will develop common lesson and assessments / TBD / Social Studies teachers / 3-6
Curriculum Alignment / Spanish and French Standards-Based Curriculum / Teachers will rework curriculum to be based upon standards of performance. Teachers will rework the Spanish curriculum to prepare for the new dual credit offerings. / July/August 2016
SOHS room 202 / Johnson, Staib, Ortiz / 12
In connection with CSIP smart goals, students will receive enriched and updated curriculum to increase their scores on the KOSSA test. / 2016 FCCLA National Leadership Conference / Adviser professional development sessions are provided on a range of FCS & FCCLA content specific current topics presented by the National Team and exhibitors such as community service opportunities ideas for students, entrepreneur projects, student leadership curriculum, technology resources, lesson planning, national curriculum standards, etc. / July 3-7
San Diego, CA / CTE teachers / 16
Refresh best practices in the Visual Arts. / KyAEA Conference / Best practices in Art Education; Improve and expand best teaching practices in classroom. / October, 2016 / Beverly Luciano Jacqueline Winter / 6-9
Refine instructional support and policies of high school libraries/media centers / KLA Summer Refresher / Continue working with other LMS personnel throughout the state to build instructional support for classroom teachers and students / July 2016; NOHS / All Certified LMS / 6
Educational Technology
According to our SACS review, we need to increase student use of technology in the classroom. This PD will help us refine instructional use of edtech in the classroom and learn about ways to use technology to enhance and transform existing classroom instructional practices. / Innovate, Integrate, Motivate – Local! / An opportunity foreducators to explore effective uses of technology in education. / SOHS, August 11, 12:30-3:30 / Teachers in English,
Social Studies, and Fine Arts
All Interested Certified Staff / 3
According to our SACS review, we need to increase student use of technology in the classroom. This PD will help us refine instructional use of edtech in the classroom and learn about ways to use technology to enhance and transform existing classroom instructional practices. / Google Tech with Noel / Effective Use of Google Products
Implement new uses and refine existing use of Google Classroom, Docs, Sheets, Forms, etc. / SOHS, June 1312:30 to 3:30 / Social Studies teachers / 3
In an effort to increase student achievement and engagement, English faculty have requested PD on using Google in the classroom. / Using Google in the Classroom / Teachers will learn about and practices varied Google Applications for classroom: Drive, Forms, Classrooms, Docs. / July 27, 2016 8:30-11:30 / English teachers / 3
According to our SACS review, we need to increase student use of technology in the classroom. This PD will help us refine instructional use of edtech in the classroom and learn about ways to use technology to enhance and transform existing classroom instructional practices. / Teach Tech Learn / A two day opportunity for K-12 educators to explore effective uses of technology in education. / KCD, June 20-21, 8AM to 4PM / Jim Riffe, Karen Letendre, Colleen Davis, Noel Gnadinger / 12
According to our SACS review, we need to increase student use of technology in the classroom. This PD will help us refine instructional use of edtech in the classroom and learn about ways to use technology to enhance and transform existing classroom instructional practices. / Edtech Share Fair / An opportunity for classroom teachers to learn how other teachers have used edtech in their classrooms this year. / SOHS, TBD – March 2017 / Social Studies teachers and interested Certified Staff / 3-6 hours
According to our SACS review, we need to increase student use of technology in the classroom. This PD will help us refine instructional use of edtech in the classroom and learn about ways to use technology to enhance and transform existing classroom instructional practices. / Ed Camp KY 4.0 / An opportunity learn about use of technology in the classroom for certified teachers Implement new uses and refine existing uses of edtech in the classroom / Southside Elementary, Shelby County, July 21, 2016, 8:00-4:00 / Social Studies teachers and interested Certified Staff / 6
As the new NGSS curriculum is implemented, the use of authentic, inquiry-based laboratory activities are crucial to student attainment of the new standards. Vernier offers the technology that will allow students to design investigations in order to develop their own understanding of the content. / Vernier Training / Training on the integration of Vernier probeware to current lab activities, and the development of more / August (date and time TBD) / Science teachers / 3
As part of the revision of the OCS Writing Plan, this third district-wide PD will focus on use of the revised writing rubric, understanding the research on effective feedback, and calibrating scoring through the use of benchmarks. / District-Wide Writing PD #3 / This PD will introduce next steps for implementing the revised OCS Writing Plan, focusing on the content-specific rubric field tested this spring. / August 9, 8:30-11:30 / All SOHS Certified Staff / 3
Genesis Project Logistics / ELA Writing Program PD / ELA will work together to set up the logistics for the Genesis Project Exit Presentations and the e-Portfolio that will be created. / August 10, 8:30-11:30 / English teachers / 3
Motivation and Engagement
Student achievement is directly affected by the Community, Motivation and Engagement teachers are able to create in classrooms. / Continuing Our Work on Community, Motivation and Engagement / This session will review the research connecting student self-efficacy with increased motivation, engagement, and achievement. Motivation is not a fixed quality that can be used up or emptied out. Teachers will work with specific content and apply learning to their goals for a positive classroom environment. In this session, teachers will experience whole group instruction, small group collaboration, and independent work time. / August 9, 2016
12:30-3:30 / Teachers in English,
Social Studies, and Fine Arts
All Interested Certified Staff / 3
After working for the past few years on creating and refining common units and assessments, the next logical step is to continue to address student motivation and engagement by revising and refining academic conversations and common vocabulary among teachers and students. / Let’s Keep Working on Designing and Sustaining Academic Conversations / This session will focus on identifying the specific vocabulary needs of particular disciplines, designing support structures for increasing the use of academic language in conversations, and naming the thinking to be assessed during academic conversations. We will use the research detailing the benefits of increased student discourse. / August 10, 2016
12:30-3:30 / Teachers in English,
Social Studies, and Fine Arts
All Interested Certified Staff / 3
One barrier to student achievement, motivation, and engagement is a lack of differentiation strategies among teachers. With more training, teachers will be more effective at reaching students at both ends of the academic spectrum. / Differentiation for 21st Century Learners / This session will explore the ways that teachers use pre-assessment and on-going, formative assessment to plan curriculum, assessment, and instruction. / August 11, 2016
8:30 – 11:30 / Teachers in English and Fine Arts
All Interested Certified Staff / 3

1 SOHS PD 2016-2017, May 11, 2016