Hi Kellie,

That is great, I just wanted to be up front with you as you have been so good to deal with. With the changes that have been placed upon us we have almost $5600 worth of time into your file. The bill will be less because I just can’t do that all in one shot. I can perform a review engagement for approximately $2500 to $3500 whereas an audit will be between $5000 and $6000. I will still prepare the audit annually but I think a review engagement would be a better use of Associations resources. The financials will still be the same but our work into source documentation will be greatly decreased. Because your organization has fairly consistent number we will be able to see when something is out of character and dig deeper into it. Let me know your thoughts and by all means call me if you have any questions.


From: SDHA [mailto:
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 3:40 PM
To: Kirby Drury
Subject: RE: AGM

I will bring this to Council’s attention as we are just reviewing our administrative bylaws. Can your firm do the review engagement as well or is that something we would have to do elsewhere? What is the annual cost for a review compared to a full audit?

Kellie Hildebrandt, RDH, MBA

Registrar – Executive Director

SK Dental Hygienists’ Association

114-3502 Taylor Street East

Saskatoon, SK S7H 5H9

Phone: (306) 931-7342

Fax: (306) 931-7334


From: Kirby Drury [mailto:
Sent: October-09-13 1:20 PM
Subject: AGM


I am not available that weekend either to attend your meeting as my daughters play hockey. We do need to get the draft financials approved by the board prior to issuing final financial statements. So please call me to discuss this and upcoming engagements. Due to the controls put on us by the Institute of Chartered Accounts, it is very difficult to issue an audited statement for less that $5,000. Can your organization have a review engagement prepared to help keep the fees down.

Please call to discuss at your earliest convenience.

Kirby Drury, CA