Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts

April 9-14, 2012
Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Hotel
Tucson, Arizona
Sponsored by:
The Center for Consciousness Studies,
The University of Arizona

Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC) conferences have been held annually since 1994, alternating between Tucson, Arizona and other locations around the world. The tenth biennial 'Tucson Conference', Toward a Science of Consciousness will take place April 9-14, 2012.

Known for rigorous and leading edge approaches to all aspects of the study of conscious experience, TSC includes neuroscience, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, psychology, philosophy, neurobiology, medicine, quantum physics and cosmology as well as art, mind technology and experiential and contemplative approaches. TSC is the largest interdisciplinary gathering probing fundamental questions related to conscious experience. An estimated 500 scientists, philosophers, psychologists, experientialists, artists and students from over 60 countries are due to take part.

For the first time, Toward a Science of Consciousness will be
held at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Hotel in the Catalina Foothills above
Tucson, Arizona (with a special conference rate of 99 dollars/room/night). See:

Plenary/Keynote Session themes will include:

·  HOT or NOT: Debate on higher-order theories of consciousness

·  War of the Worldviews: Chopra and Mlodinow on consciousness

·  Consciousness and Echolocation

·  Fractal consciousness: Scale-free brain structure and dynamics

·  Retrocausality and consciousness

·  Searching for consciousness in coma and anesthesia

Speakers will include:
Daryl Bem
Ned Block
Melanie Boly
Deepak Chopra
Biyu Jade He
Daniel Kish
Victor Lamme
Hakwan Lau
George Mashour
Leonard Mlodinow
David Rosenthal

…and others

As in previous conferences, program sessions will include Plenary and Keynote talks,
Concurrent talks, Posters, Art/Science demos and exhibits, Pre-Conference workshops, Side trips and Social events in the Tucson conference
tradition. For Information see:

Abstract Submission

TSC 2012 Conference Abstract Submission System is now open. Abstracts considered for Plenary, Concurrent, Poster and Art/Tech Demo sessions

Schedule of Deadlines -- Tentative
December 10 Abstracts Due
January 5 Decisions
January 15 Early Registration Due
March 1 Final Abstract Edits Due
Call for Pre-Conference Workshop proposals
Toward a Science of Consciousness 2012
April 9-14, 2012
Proposals for pre-conference workshops are invited in all areas related to
understanding conscious experience. Workshops provide in depth, detailed
treatments of various methodologies, perspectives, reviews and approaches.
Workshops may be solo presentations, or include two or more presenters.
Attendance fees are $60 for 4 hour workshops and $80 for full day workshops,
split evenly between presenter(s) and the conference which provides the room,
A-V, promotion/advertisement and refreshments. A minimum number of registrants
will be required.

The conference Plenary program opens Tuesday April 10 at 1:45 pm.

The pre-conference workshops will be held in three 4 hour sessions
1) Monday April 9th, 9 am to 1 pm
2) Monday April 9th, 2 pm to 6 pm
3) Tuesday April 10th, 9 am to 1 pm
Workshop presenters (up to 2 per workshop) also receive free registration for
the conference. Please submit a 500 word (or less) abstract/summary and
presenter information by email directly to

Deadline for Workshop proposals is November 1
Submitters will be notified by November 15

On behalf of the

Program Committee - Toward a Science of Consciousness 2012.
David Chalmers, Australian National University, Co-Chair
Stuart Hameroff, University of Arizona, Co-Chair
Uriah Kriegel, University of Arizona
Hakwan Lau, Columbia University
Marilyn Schlitz, Institute of Noetic Sciences
Heather Berlin, Mount Sinai Medical Center
Jonathan Schooler, University of California, Santa Barbara
Melanie Boly, University of Liege
Moran Cerf, UCLA/NYU

Abi Behar-Montefiore, conference manager,
Abi Behar-Montefiore, Manager, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of
Arizona -

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