Grade Nine Independent Novel Studies

You will be required to read a novel and respond through various activities throughout the next few weeks. Every Monday and Friday will be devoted to your novel study; you will be expected to read in advance for these classes and be prepared to work on the activities assigned in class.

The novel you pick must be age appropriate. While Miss Bennett and I will have various novels available for you to choose from, you are more than welcome to bring one of your own or choose from either the school or public library.

Within a duo-tang you will be able to place all your assignments similar to a book.

For this novel study you will have selection for most activities but there will be two required assignments that everyone will have to do.

Required: 1. Create a title page for your novel study and make it the first

page in your duo-tang. You have the option of making it

hand made or made through a technological source.

2. At various points throughout your novel write 5 check point summaries. Depending on the size of your novel, you can determine when your summaries need to be written. The length depends on how much needs to be written to provide the reader with what is occurring within your novel. This assures me that you are reading your novel, but also provides me with a summary of your novel.

Choice: 1. Write an update of a characters life 20 years from now. Should

be at least one page.

(Any 8)2. Pick 5 quotes from the main character of your novel and

explain how they describe him or her.

3. Write a speech pertaining to a topic within your novel, by the

main character.

4. Make a character map for 2 of the main characters from your

novel. (Work sheets available, but optional.)

5. Create a new ending for your novel.

6. Write a day in the life entry of what a typical day would look

like for the main character of your novel.

7. Create a postcard and send it from one character to another.

8. Would you add anything to the novel? Explain why.

9. What would you remove from the novel? Explain why.

10. Was there any predominant characters the novel could have

done without? Explain.

11. Create a newspaper article surrounding a topic in the novel.

Keep in mind there are many different types of articles that

make up a newspaper.

12. Create a magazine ad for any subject/character in your novel.

13. Make a photo collage for your novel (Make it fit to you novel! Could use magazine pictures, google images, newspaper, etc.)

14. Make a word cloud with words that pertain to your novel. (ex:

15. Make a character’s cell phone, it could include the phone apps

or a text conversation. (Ask for worksheet)

16. Compare and contrast two characters from the book.

17. Write a response that starts with one of: I wonder…I notice…I

question…I would change…I predict…I like/dislike…I didn’t


18. Write a biography for the author of your novel based off


19. Draw a map for the setting of the book (town, village, school,


20. Design an object from the novel (sword, sweater, quilt, toy,

etc.) and explain its importance/why you decided the design

this item.

21. Make a wanted poster for the villain of your novel.

22. Write out 3 recipes that relate to a character from your novel.

Explain why you choose these recipes and how they relate to

your character(s).

23. Create a story map for your novel.

24. Write a letter from one character to another.

25. Alphabet: Write out the letters from the alphabet and provide

each letter with a word that begins with that letter that has a

connection to your book.

26. Have your character endorse a product.

27. Compare and contrast to a different novel you’ve recently read.

28. Have you read any similar novels? Provide me with the name

and summary of the novels and how what their similarities are.

Final Project: 1. Interview a character from your book. You must ask your

character at least 12 open ended questions (their answers

can not be yes or no).

2. Create a social media page for one of the main characters

of your novel.

(Pick 1) 3. Create a board game for your novel.

4. Create a newspaper. Include articles, photos, classifieds, etc.

5. Create a community journal (could be a school journal, town journal, mall flyer, etc.)

6. Create a comic book based off your novel.

7. Create a diary for the main character of the novel.

8. If the novel became a movie, what the movie and write a compare and contrast report.