Critical appraisal form – Article 1

Laplante-Lévesque et al., Stages of change in adults with acquired hearing impairment seeking help for the first time: application of the transtheoretical model in audiologic rehabilitation.Ear and Hearing (2013).

Section 1: Internal validity
In a well conducted study... /
Does this study do it?
1.1 / The study addresses an appropriate and clearly focused research question / Yes 
No 
1.2 / The importance of the question is clear / Yes 
No 
1.3 / The choice of study design is justified / Yes 
No 
1.4 / The data is collected in a way that addresses the research issue / Yes 
No 
1.5 / The results are clear and complete / Yes 
No 
1.6 / The results provide information of relevance to clinical practice / Yes 
No 
2.1 / Were steps taken to minimise the risk of bias in this study? / Yes 
No 
2.2 / Are the results of this study directly applicable to the patient group targeted? / Yes 
No 
2.3 / How well was the study conducted? / High quality (++) 
Acceptable (+) 
Unacceptable 

Critical appraisal form – Article 2

Barker, F., et al.,Applying the COM-B behaviour model and Behaviour Change Wheel to develop an intervention to improve hearing aid use in adult auditory rehabilitation.International journal of audiology. (2016)

Section 1: Internal validity
In a well conducted study... /
Does this study do it?
1.1 / The study addresses an appropriate and clearly focused research question / Yes 
No 
1.2 / The importance of the question is clear / Yes 
No 
1.3 / The choice of study design is justified / Yes 
No 
1.4 / The data is collected in a way that addresses the research issue / Yes 
No 
1.5 / The results are clear and complete / Yes 
No 
1.6 / The results provide information of relevance to clinical practice / Yes 
No 
2.1 / Were steps taken to minimise the risk of bias in this study? / Yes 
No 
2.2 / Are the results of this study directly applicable to the patient group targeted? / Yes 
No 
2.3 / How well was the study conducted? / High quality (++) 
Acceptable (+) 
Unacceptable 

Critical appraisal form – Article 3

Heffernan, E., et al.,Understanding the psychosocial experiences of adults with mild-moderate hearing loss: An application of Leventhal’s self-regulatory model. International journal of audiology. (2016)

Section 1: Internal validity
In a well conducted study... /
Does this study do it?
1.1 / The study addresses an appropriate and clearly focused research question / Yes 
No 
1.2 / The importance of the question is clear / Yes 
No 
1.3 / The choice of study design is justified / Yes 
No 
1.4 / The data is collected in a way that addresses the research issue / Yes 
No 
1.5 / The results are clear and complete / Yes 
No 
1.6 / The results provide information of relevance to clinical practice / Yes 
No 
2.1 / Were steps taken to minimise the risk of bias in this study? / Yes 
No 
2.2 / Are the results of this study directly applicable to the patient group targeted? / Yes 
No 
2.3 / How well was the study conducted? / High quality (++) 
Acceptable (+) 
Unacceptable 