Friday, February 1, 2013
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Board of Governors (BOG) Minutes
Attending: Mark Casagrande, Gary Olson, Lance Egley, Rick Terzick, Heidi Kammer, Jonathan Lofgren, Naomi Ochsendorf, Ted Tessier, Dustin Chapman
Attending by phone: Jim Monson
Management: Bill Monn
Guests: Kevin Evenson, Director of ADAD/DHS; Mike Frisch
Not attending: Karen Edens, Jenine Koziolek, Joe Whitehawk, Steve Tschida, Brian Teuber,
A quorum was present
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 by Casagrande, MARRCH vice president.
The meeting opened with an award presentation to Ollie Stocker, MARRCH Counselor of the Year for 2012. The Board extended the deadline to accept nominations for the Counselor of the Year award in advance of the MARRCH Annual Conference in October, 2012. This timing missed the deadline to request a proclamation from the Governor. MARRCH was able to secure a Certificate of Recognition from the Governor’s office and presented that document to Stocker.
Casagrande opened the meeting with a public acknowledgement thanking Kevin Evenson for the rapid response by DHS to questions raised by the field in regard to billing requirements by DHS for organizations to file. Evenson said that DHS is working hard to review how it does its work and will continue to seek input from organizations in the field.
- Approve Board minutes from previous meeting
Moved by Chapman seconded by Lofgren to approve the Board minutes from the January 4, 2013 meeting. Passed on a voice vote
- Treasurer Report: Approve financials
Egley reviewed the December financials. He noted that 2012 was a good year for MARRCH both on the revenue and expense sides.
- Two requests were made for budget modifications
- A formal Budget Modification Request was made by Kammer to retain a consultant to assist MARRCH with monitoring and impacting healthcare reform.
Moved by Egley, seconded by Tessier to approve the budget modification request to spend up to $10,000 for a consultant. Passed on a voice vote
ACTION: Kammer, Chapman, Casagrande to outline next steps in identifying a person and structuring the work assignment.
- The Education Committee asked for additional funds to be allocated for speaker honorariums for the Annual Conference. Following discussion, it was determined that the committee would like an additional $3,000 for speaker honorariums. Chapman said that the Education Committee is meeting Feb. 13 and will formalize its request.
ACTION: Chapman to formalize a budget modification request from the Education committee and present to the Board
- D&O Insurance renewal. A proposal was presented to renew Directors & Officers insurance for the MARRCH Board at an improved rate ($956 annually versus the current fee of $1,680) for comparable coverage. The proposal also offered an opportunity to lock in the rate for three years. Following discussion,
Moved by Egley, seconded by Olson, to purchase D&O insurance as proposed and lock in for a three year period.Passed on a voice vote
- MARRCH Audit - Egley reviewed research he has done to identify potential firms to conduct an audit of MARRCH’s financials.
- Updates to 2013 goals. Board members agreed to review goals and have full updates for the Board meeting in March.
- DHS financial reporting requirements. Evenson reportedly asked MARRCH to assign 1-2 representatives to a DHS work group. Edens said that Evenson also asked for representation from a small, 1-2 person program. Board members felt it would be difficult for a very small agency to commit the resource to serve on a panel. Also, it was felt MARRCH represents a wide range of agencies in the field including the very small agencies.
Moved by Kammer, seconded by Chapman to appoint Olson and Egley to serve on a work group being put together by DHS to review financial reporting requirements for CD programs.Passed on a voice vote.
ACTION: Monn to contact Evenson and ask if MARRCH representatives from outstate Minnesota is appropriate for these meetings.
- HCR/ACA report.
Kammer provided a brief summary of activities on health care reform and the affordable care act.
- IDDT update (Kammer)
Kammer reported that a meeting is scheduled for Friday March 1 with interested parties at Ewald Consulting.
- MARRCH Summit – need a convener to develop topic, identify speaker(s), etc.
Chapman said that he brought up the Summit to the Education committee, although that committee generally has not worked on this event. He said timing that he believes best is late August. Lofgren offered a number of ideas for speakers and a program and suggested Aug. 14 or 15.
ACTION: Board members Lofgren, Chapman, Kammer, Ochsendorf agreed to meet to develop topics and programming for the Summit and communicate with Kelly Sprague, MARRCH event planner, to look for a location
- BHBusiness update(Monn)
Monn reported that MARRCH had applied to be a convener of a work group under the BHBusiness initiative and distributed a list of agencies that said they would like to participate. He also said some agencies had requested to be part of the group following the deadline (Jan. 28). He has responded that if MARRCH is selected and if there is an opportunity to add agencies, it would be addressed when appropriate. Organizations applying to be conveners should be told the week of Feb. 28. Work period is March through August
- Committee & Section Reports
- Communications (Newsletter, Website)
Monn noted that the teleconference phones used at Ewald are not a good fit for the conference center room where MARRCH moved its public policy and board meetings starting last year. He said board meetings would need to move back to the conference room upstairs to achieve better communications with callers on a conference phone line. It was recommended to ask DHS if they could provide technical support or financial assistance to review options for improved teleconference communications in the Ewald Conference Center
ACTION: Monn to contact Evenson at DHS to determine if technical help and/or financial assistance would be available for teleconferencing in the Ewald Conference Center
- Education (Events)
Chapman provided a brief update of actions taken by the committee
- Ethics
Egley provided a brief update of recent actions by the committee
d. Membership
e. Public Policy
Board members said there was good discussion at the public policy committee meeting earlier in the day on a number of topics
f. Detox Section
Terzick reported on some recent activities. He said there was discussion about “sober stations”
in the Twin Cities that would provide a mattress for $60/night for intoxicated persons picked up.
g. School Section
Chapman said the section has been doing well since it moved to four meetings per year rather than monthly during the school year.
- Additional business items
- Compile list of MARRCH activities in process, developmanagement plan (Edens)
The board reviewed the list of open items identified by Edens
- MARRCH Board diversity training. Hold the date: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., June 7
- Adjourn
Being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.