IPEDS ListServ Help
1. How do I sign up?
To sign up to the IPEDS ListServ go to https://ipedslistserv.rti.org/
If you have already registered, enter your email address in the yellow ‘Email address:’ box and press the Submit button. This will take you directly to the IPEDS ListServ forum.
The blue box allows you to subscribe to the ListServ. Enter the email address you would like to use for the Listserv. Enter your name, and password and click on the subscribe button. A pop-up box will appear confirming your request to be added has been to the list administrator. Click OK.
The next screen indicates you will receive a confirmation email when your request has been approved.
2. How do I Access the IPEDS ListServ Forum?
Once you are registered and log in from https://ipedslistserv.rti.org/, you will be taken directly to the forum.
3. How do I unsubscribe to the IPEDS ListServ?
There are two ways to unsubscribe to the ListServ. You may either use the web interface to unsubscribe, or you can use email.
Unsubscribing via the website
After signing into the site, click on My Forums. Then click on the unsubscribe link to the left of the IPEDS forum name.
This will bring up a warning message, click YES to confirm.
Unsubscribing via email:
At the bottom of all emails received from the ListServ there will be a footer attached with directions on how to unsubscribe. Just follow the instructions to unsubscribe.
4. How do I post a new message to the IPEDS ListServ Forum?
Create a new message by clicking on the Create New Message box in the upper right corner of the forum.
This will take you to a new screen labeled New Message. Fill the subject and your message and then click OK, which is located in the lower right hand corner of the box.
Your message will then be added to the top of the Messages list.
5. How do I reply to a post?
There are a couple of ways to reply to a post on the forum. You can reply using the web interface, i.e., logging into the IPEDS ListServ and replying once logged in. You can reply via email either to the list, or specifically to the individual who posted the message.
Replying to a post via the web forum
From the main forum page find the message you want to reply to and click on the Subject. You will see a page that has numerous text boxes. The first box is the original message that was posted and the subsequent boxes are the individual replies to the message. Each of these boxes will have a Reply button in the bottom right hand corner.
This will take you to a Reply screen. Enter your reply in the message box and click OK in the bottom right hand corner screen to submit your reply.
Replying to post via email.
To reply to a post via email just reply as you would to any other email. These emails will automatically be archived under the original message on the forums and can be viewed at anytime.
Replying to or contacting a member directly
If you want to reply directly to a post without having to post on the forum you can click on the authors name right above their post.
This will take you to another screen that will have a box with the author’s name, email, and their total number of posts; to send an email to the author click on the Send email button next to their email address.
This will take you to screen that is identical to the posting screen. Fill in your message and then click on the OK button in the lower right hand corner to send the email.
You can also click on a member’s name via the main forum page and follow the same steps.
6. How do I change my email preferences?
Once logged into the IPEDS forum, you can change your email preferences by clicking on the My Account button on the left side of your screen.
This will bring up a screen that has two tabs Essentials and Advanced. Under the Essentials tab by the heading Membership type there will be a drop down menu containing ways of receiving email from the forum. You have the choices of receiving messages as they are contributed, a digested daily email, an index email that contains only subject lines, or you can choose to not to receive emails. Once you make your selection click on the Save Changes button in the lower right hand corner.
Use the Advanced tab to change your email preferences related to your own postings. Use the drop down menu for “See My Postings” to choose whether or not you want to receive an email copy of your postings and click on the Save Changes.
7. How do I change my password?
You can change your password by clicking on the My Account tab on the left side of the screen. Then click on the Advanced Tab, enter your old and new password in the corresponding boxes, then click on the Save Changes button in the lower right hand corner.