This template must be submitted to the Director by the Verification Body before Offset Units can be credited by the Director. Verification Bodies should refer to the Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Regulation (the Regulation) and any guidance documents provided on the Climate Action Secretariat WEBSITE. Terms defined in the Act or Regulation are capitalized in this document.
Authors are expected to ensure the following report requirements are met:
All fields are completed.
All explanatory blue text is deleted.
All text in the Project Report is in black, Calibri 11 pt. font.
The document file name follows the following format:
- AIOU-Project Name-Name of Verification Body-month-day-year-Version (e.g., V1.0).
- Abbreviations/ truncations are acceptable to keep the file name to a reasonable length
- The document file name is in the footer of all pages
The document is provided as a ‘searchable’ PDF format (i.e., it is saved as PDF directly from Microsoft Word; it is not printed off and scanned as a PDF).
- This requirement is put in place to allow for efficient comparison and regulatory review between document versions, if applicable.
- Note: this requires electronic signature sign-off.
The document has been thoroughly reviewed and is free of grammar and formatting errors.
For planning purposes, the anticipated regulator review time that Project Proponents and Verification Bodies should expect for offset issuances is 30 business days from receipt of a complete application package consisting of: Project Report, Verification Statement, conflict of interest report and application for issuance. Anticipated review times are based on receipt of complete documentation in appropriate templates in accordance with the Act and regulations. Where incomplete or inaccurate information is received, the proponent will be notified and the review period can be expected to extend beyond the anticipated period based on time required to receive revised documents. The Climate Action Secretariat does not warrant that anticipated review times will be met as processing time may vary depending on workload and are provided as a recommended minimum time allowance.
Report authors may contact r guidance, questions or template suggestions. The intention is to provide consistent, clear and accurate templates.
[Enter full legal name of Verification Body](the Verification Body) has prepared this application for the issuance of offsets as per section 23(1) of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Regulation.This document, and the documents required in the table below will be submitted by the Verification Body to the Director through the BC Carbon Registry.
Application for Issuance of Offset Units Title: / [Application for Issuance of Offset Units title and version]AIOU-Project Name-Name of Verification Body-month-day-year-Version (e.g., V1.0)
Important: update the version and date if you are make updates/ revisions.
Project Information
Project Title (“The Project”): / [Project Title from Validated Project Plan, and consistently used in subsequent Project Reports]
This name must match that on Project Report page 1
Project Proponent: / [Project Proponent name]
Include full legal name of the Project Proponent. Trade name may be referenced in parentheses if applicable.
Project Crediting Period: / [month,day,year to month,day,year]
Project Report Period: / [month,day,year to month,day,year]
Requested Issuance
Offset Units to Proponent Holding Account: / [# of offset units]
Offset Units to British Columbia Government Contingency Account: / [# of offset units] or [Not Applicable to this Project]
Issuances for Sequestration or Storage Projects may be required to issue a portion of the Offset Units generated to a BC government administered Contingency Account. If this applies for this Project, please specify the amount of units to be issued to the BC government Contingency Account. (Section 24 of the Regulation)]
Documents to be submitted through the BC Carbon Registry with this application form
Project Report: / Include file name from footer of Project Report:
PR-Project Name-Name of VerificationBody-month-day-year-Version (e.g., V1.0)
Verification Statement: / Include file name from footer of Verification Statement:
VerS-Project Name-Name of Verification Body-month-day-year-Version (e.g., V1.0)
Conflict of Interest Report: / Include file name from footer of COI form:
Val (for Validation) or Ver (for Verification)-COI-Project Name-Name of Validation or Verification Body-month-day-year-Version (e.g., V1.0)
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File name: AIOU-Project Name-Name of Verification Body-month-day-year-Version(e.g., V1.0)
As described in more detail in theVerification Statement, the Verification Bodyis satisfied the Project Report, including the asserted Project Reductions, for the Project Report Period are materially correct, and a fair and accurate representation of the Project Reduction in accordance with the verification criteria, in all material respects, and are substantiated by sufficient and appropriate evidence.
[Verifier’s Signature]
[Verifier’s Name]
Authorized on behalf of [Enter full legal name of Verification Body]
[City], [Province/State] [Postal/Zip Code], [Country]
[Phone Number], [Email]
[Date]Ensure this date is consistent with date referenced in ‘Application for Issuance of Offset Units Title’ row and footer.