SEM II LESSON PLANS 4-2 thru 4-5-12 SPH

COMPETENCY: 5.00 Analyze consumer behavior in sports and entertainment marketing.

OBJECTIVE: 5.02 Explain product positioning.

DAY 1 and 2 – 4-2 thru 4-3-12

WARM-UP Quia Activities of Choice on 5.00

EQ: What do segmentational elements of the market include?

ACTIVITY 1: Students are to use the 5.02 class notes on the website to fill in the blanks below:

A.  Define positioning.

1.  Positioning is getting ______to think of a product in a certain way.

2.  Segmentational elements of the target market include:

a.  ______. ______segmentation divides the market based on personal characteristics such as age, gender, income, ethnic background, education and occupation. Consumers with high income are more likely to purchase ______.

b.  Psychographics. Psychographic segmentation divides the market based on values, ______and ______. Consumers who enjoy professional wrestling might not enjoy the ballet.

c.  ______. ______segmentation divides a market based on where a person lives. Consumers living in the Boone area are more likely to attend an event held in that area.

d.  Behavioral. Behavioral segmentation divides the market into groups based on what they are ______in a product and ______they buy the product. Consumers may be loyal to ______and go to as many of her concerts as possible.

e.  ______. Consumer segments brought together using several variables.

i.  Example: Psychodemographic segmentation might be based on education and lifestyle.

ii.  Example: Consumers with a high level of education tend to play more ______.

B.  Explain product positioning.

1.  The consumer’s ______impacts image.

a.  Marketers must understand the consumer’s attitudes and ______affecting perceptions.

b.  Consumer perceptions are based on ______.

c.  Position products based on image. Example: Mountain Dew sponsors “extreme” sports.

2.  Niche marketing is targeting an ______market. Characteristics of a niche market include:

a.  Smaller markets.

b.  ______needs.

c.  Example: Doritos targeting skateboarding fanatics.

3.  To increase market share, companies may choose to utilize a ______strategy. Multi-positioning is positioning the same product differently to a variety of markets. For example: Dell positions computers differently to ______markets than to tween markets. ______markets are positioned through the benefits of sending/receiving email and ______from family members. Tween markets are positioned through gaming and ______.

C.  Discuss product life cycle strategies.

1.  ______stage. Strategies during this stage should stimulate consumer interest and create ______. Example: A company may show more commercials to make its target market aware that the product is now available.

2.  Growth stage. Strategies during this stage ______of a product over its competitor’s products. Example: A company may say its brand is a higher quality product than the product its ______sell.

3.  ______stage. Strategies during this stage may include ______a product. Choosing a different target market to position the product. When the existing ______market gets tired of a product, choosing a new group of people to market the product will make the product seem new to them.

4.  Decline stage. Strategies during this stage may be to greatly ______marketing support or drop a product due to poor sales and lack of ______interest. At some point, consumers do not want a product anymore, therefore it is time to drop the product and find something new.


We will continue to function as teams this week with our activities. All team members are to play a role and not be dependent upon the designated captain:

Group 1 = Emmanul, Swinney, Luke, Daquan

Group 2 = Roger, Simmons, Lewis

Group 3 = Barber, Stocking, Dixon


Have students discuss an entertainment event that was recently held in your area and consider the following:

1.  How did the promoters of the event position the event in the market?

2.  Describe the target market.

3.  Was the positioning strategy obvious to the target market?

4.  Do you believe the promoters were successful in their efforts?

5.  What recommendations would you make to improve the strategy or to reach other markets that would be responsive to the event?



Have students use newspapers to locate ten advertisements for entertainment products. They should cut, copy or print out the ads and label each with where the ad was found and when it was published.

Next, students should analyze each ad by determining which method was used to segment the market and what elements of the ad (copy, headline, illustration, or publication) support their opinion. They should be specific in their analysis and strive to find examples of each segmentation method discussed in class.

DAY 3 and 4 4-4 and 4-5-12

WARM-UP View (The Swagger Wagon commercial by Toyota)

EQ: What are consumers’ perceptions based on?


Give the students the following activity:

Research the music industry, specifically a genre of your choice; country, rock, rap, hip-hop, pop, alternative.

Explain how the genre has positioned itself in the minds of listeners. Give examples of how music industry promoters show understanding of consumers’ attitudes and needs, how some recording companies/radio stations have taken advantage of niche marketing and how the genre is implementing strategies to increase listeners.

If the genre has experienced a loss of audience, examine what has led to this decrease and make recommendations for re-gaining audience numbers.


Each team is to research a reality show: Team Stocking is to research the Bachelor. Team Grimes is to research Survivor. Team Lewis is to research The Biggest Loser.

Instruct the teams to analyze the show in terms of its “life cycle” by researching ratings, advertising dollars earned, average viewership over time and show websites.

Teams should determine which stage of the life cycle the show is in, using examples from their research to support their opinion.



Ask students to create a computer-generated graph of the product life cycle. They should label each stage with an entertainment related product that is currently in that stage and list at least three facts (current sales, competitors, promotional strategy) to support their opinions.


Place the number representing the correct information in the appropriate column and row. This information represents responses to a survey about hypothetical consumer segments within the fast food marketplace. Eating behaviors have already been filled in to help you understand how the placement of information works.

Attitudes about health / Feel…. / Feel….. / Feel….. / Feel…..
Attitudes about eating and exercise
Eating behaviors / 5 / 19 / 3 / 22
Exercise behaviors
Marketing implications / Not a …….

1.  Feel primarily responsible for their own health; do not believe that good or bad health is a matter of chance.

2.  Think healthy eating and exercise are important, but, again, express concern about the cost of healthy eating, gym memberships, etc.

3.  Rarely cook meals at home; typically eat at fast food or other restaurants because it is easier.

4.  Younger, mostly single without children.

5.  Avoid fast food restaurants and rarely eat at other restaurants; try to cook all meals at home.

6.  Not a likely target, but can emphasize the healthier fast food options.

7.  Exercise as often as they can, but usually less than once a week.

8.  Feel responsible for their own health, but express concern about the cost of healthy eating, gym memberships, etc.

9.  Mostly married, many have children.

10.  Likely target, emphasize convenience of fast food restaurants.

11.  Do not feel there is anything they can do to improve their health; think that good and bad health are a matter of chance.

12.  Younger, mostly single without children.

13.  Feel generally responsible for their own health; although chance may play a role in health, they feel in control.

14.  Likely target, emphasize convenience of fast food restaurants.

15.  Do not understand their caloric needs and think exercise is a waste of their time.

16.  Try to cook all meals at home, but often end up eating at a fast food or other restaurants while they are out of the house, running errands, etc.

17.  Think healthy eating and exercise are important; understands how many calories they should eat in a day and how often they have to exercise to maintain their weight.

18.  They think healthy eating and exercise are important, but say they often do not have time to cook a healthy neal or exercise as often as they think they should.

19.  Try to cook meals at home, but complain about the cost of healthy food; eat at fast food restaurants to save both time and money.

20.  Exercise three to five times a week.

21.  Rarely or never exercise.

22.  Exercise as often as they can but usually once a week.

23.  Mostly married, many have children.

24. Likely target, can emphasize the convenience and cost efficiency of fast food restaurants. 3.

NOTE: At some point during the week to promote literacy I will provide my students with some information taken from “Raising Black Boys” by Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu. My focus will be on Chapter 19: Rap Music. He states that during slavery, control was around the wrist and the ankles. In the new form of slavery, the chains are around the mind.

My students in this class frequently like to discuss various “intellectual” topics and appear to be open-minded about what they consider to be racist. I have discussed the possibility of presenting this material to Mr. Davis who is familiar with Dr. Kunjufu. He did not see a problem with it.

NOTE: If there are spaces that need to be filled with activity, I will introduce this class to my game “Rapid Fire”. I have a list of terms and meanings I have collected since the beginning of the course. I normally designate two students to represent a team – we have a total of 2 teams) and designate someone to be the scorekeeper. I will say a term very quickly and the team whose time it is will quickly provide the answer. If they are correct, they score one point. If they are incorrect, the other team gets the chance to provide the answer. If the second team is correct, they will be awarded the point. It will also be their time to get another question. I have found this year that since I have a large # of jocks in SEM, they really enjoy the competition. The computer screens in the class will be blanked by the software on my computer, which will encourage people not on a team to be listening. 1st semester we would give each team 3 lifelines so they could call on someone in the audience for assistance.

I used the game for the 1st time in 4th period last Friday. Every student in the room was involved. Tyshawn Harrison even volunteered to keep the score and at one point, Marco Bailey went up to sit with Team 1 - - I felt extremely good to have all students involved in what we were doing. Prior to the game, We had conducted a taste test in the class. I gave each student 3 small cups of a Coca-Cola product. They had to ID the product on a piece of paper and then we determined who was correct. They really enjoyed that. My reason for doing it was to help them understand brands - - why Coke would have the need for Diet Coke as well as Coke 0 - - which Coke is basically targeting males with Coke 0 as it is their opinion that Diet Coke is considered to be a drink for females. My one problem with Rapid Fire is that due to the competition level of the jocks, it can become quite noisy. I plan to check with an administrator and see if I can get approval to move the class outside or somewhere when we are doing this review to make sure we are not disturbing our neighbors. When the students are engaged in this type of learning, I hate to have to continue to ask them to lower their voices.

