Pushpanjali Enclave, Pitam Pura, New Delhi- 110034
Ph No. 011-27017260, 27011487 Fax No: 27018327
Email Id:, Website:
Registration form
For Admission Session Class Registration No.
Name of the Applicant
Date of Birth Date Month Year
Age as on 31stMarch’11 Years Months Days
Mother’s Name
Father’s Name
Residential Address
Contact Phone No(s)
Email Address
Gender BoyGirl
Sibling (real brother/sister only)YesNo
{Tick the appropriate}
If sibling in the same school,Sibling‘s Name
Give details of sibling Class – Section
School Alumni if yes, year of passing
(Tick the appropriate)
- Mother Yes / No
- Father Yes / No
Child with special Needs Yes No.
If yes, give details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Qualification Post GraduationGraduation Sr. SecondarySecondary School
OR ORSchool Examination Examination
Professional DegreeEquivalent 10+2 or Equivalent 10th or Equivalent
- Mother
- Father
Parents Occupation
Designation Organization
AddressTel. No.
Designation Organization
Address Tel. No.
I / We hereby certify that the above information provided by me / us is correct and I / we understand that if the information is found to be incorrect or false, my ward shall be automatically debarred from selection / admission process without any correspondence in this regard. I / We also understand that the application / registration / short listing does not guarantee admission to my ward. I / We accept the process of admission undertaken by the school and I / We will abide by the decision taken by the school authorities.
Signature of mother: ………………………………Signature of father: ……………………………………
Name of mother:…………………………………… Name of father: …………………………………………..
Date …………………………………………
S.No. / Criteria / Specifications / Range of Points / Put a tick mark at the appropriate place / For the schoolFor Parents
1. / Neighbourhood / 0-3 Km
Above 3 and below 6 Km
Above 6 and below 8 Km
Above 8 and below 10 Km
Above 10 Km / 20
No Weightage / /
2. / Sibling / 20 / /
3. / Alumni / Mother
Father / 05
05 /
4. / Any child with special needs / Child with special needs who can be mainstreamed under inclusive education / 05 / /
5. / Single Parent / 05 / /
6. / Girl Child / 10 /
7. / School Parameters / a) Are you a permanent resident of Delhi?
b) Do you plan to use the school bus? / 05
05 /
8 / Minority Criteria / 20 /
Remarks ………………………………………………………………
Signature of the parent …………………………………………Signature of the Principal …………………………………….