SRJ Bailey Elementary School

School Organizational Team Meeting

SRJ Bailey Library

Wednesday, January 17 2018

2:30 PM

School Organizational Team Members:

Bille Gay Hepa, Member

Tracy Dreeke, Member

Charly DeLaRosa, Member (Not Present)

Billie Stewart, Member (Not Present)

Samir Mustafa, Member

Tinisha Williams, Member

This meeting agenda is posted publicly on the school website at

The School Organizational Team may take items on the agenda out of order; may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to items on the agenda at any time.

Speakers wishing to speak during the public comment period for this meeting may call Stephanie Tatman at 702-799-7510 or sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the meeting. Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed up. No one may sign up for another person or yield their time to another person. Generally, a person wishing to speak during the comment period will be allowed two (2) minutes to address the School Organizational Team. Speakers may also submit additional comments in writing.
It is asked that speakers be respectful to each other, Team members, the principal and school district staff. Speakers that are disruptive will be asked to leave the meeting.

1.0  Welcome & Roll Call, Review of Minutes

Charley Dela Rosa and Billie Stewart were not present.

2.0  New Items

No PTA updates (No Meetings were held)

Discussed the garden plans, Bev is going to add us to the garden website. Caren Johnson from UNLV is going to assist with the garden as well. Ms. Tatman Suggested a garden donation fund ex. If we wanted to grow a specific garden item we can have that as a donation request.

Community partnerships – 2 third grade classes will write letters to first responders.

Intervention Discussion – Ms. Tatman likes I-Ready since it benchmarks 3 times a year and they cover the whole spectrum of K-5. Also another notable thing that I-Ready has is math focused interventions. Ms. Tatman is going to meet with a representative.

Scheduled another February SOT meeting for the 7th.

3.0  General Discussion

3.1  QUESTIONS. Ms Hepa asked about the transfer of responsibilities that the CCSD had advertised earlier in the year and if there were any follow ups.

4.0  Information

4.1  Next Meeting: February 7, 2018

5.0  Public Comment Period (10 minutes maximum allotted)

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