6th Grade Language Arts Sea Animal Research Project
Due Dates / Grade:
04/23/2010 /______Note Cards (minimum 4 encyclopedia/book and 4 internet)
05/11/2010 /______Research Paper Introduction
05/18/2010 /______Outline
05/21/2010 /______Picture Book
Objective: The student will complete a research project on an ocean animal.
My Life in the Sea
Project Description: Student will be assigned an animal that lives in the sea.
Student will:
1) research the animal using library resources (books, encyclopedia) and approved internet websites.
2) complete a detailed outline.
3) write an introduction for a research paper.
4) write a fiction story incorporating the information gathered in research. Include a simple problem the animal has and a simple solution to resolve the problem.
A sea life presentation will be presented in class. After the presentation, students will be assigned a sea animal to research.
Classification – Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Physical Characteristics -description - weight, length, color, etc.
Habitat – tell where your animal lives and give a detailed description
How does it move? Swim? Glide? Pedal? Attachment? Migration pattern?
Diet - What does it eat? How? When?
What are your topic’s predators?
What defense mechanism(s) does your animal have? Or special feature?
Fun facts
After research is complete, use note card information to complete a detailed outline. Example set-up:
Title: ______
I. ______
A. ______
1. ______
2. ______
B. ______
1. ______
2. ______
II. ______
A. ______
B. ______
C. ______
1. ______
2. ______
Research Question:
Choose a global (of, relating to, or applying to the whole of something; general) question, which can be answered using the information collected. Some examples of possible questions are:
Is it difficult for the American Lobster to survive in its habitat?
How well adapted is the American Lobster to survive in its environment?
Is the American Lobster important to the ecosystem?
Is the American Lobster a powerful predator?
Is the American Lobster vulnerable to predators?
Thesis Statement (the answer to the Research Question):
Answer the research question based on data collected. The thesis statement must include the topic, a precise opinion, and reasoning.
The color, movement, and location of its habitat cause the American Lobster to be vulnerable to predators.
***Note: The thesis statement includes (topic: American Lobster, opinion: animal is vulnerable to predators, reasoning: color, movement, and habitat location)
Research paper introduction:
Write three to five sentences describing the sea animal in your own words based on your research (keep your thesis statement in mind). At the end of the description, write the thesis statement.
Write rough draft research question, thesis statement, and introduction here:
Research Question:
Thesis Statement:
Sea Animal Book Final Product:
Due: 05/21/2010
Problem ideas for the fiction story:
“I look around and there are animals that have special talents. What do I have?”
“Everybody else seems so productive and sure of themselves. What is my purpose here on Earth?”
“Why do I have to look so different from all the other sea animals around me?”
“I don’t like something about my self and I don’t know how to change.”
“I have a boo-boo. Help!”
“I’m lost. Help!”
***Think of pictures books you have had read to you. Find a simple problem and resolve it with a simple solution.
- The final product is a picture book that includes research facts describing“a day in the life” of your animal.
- It needs to be a first-person narrative or another creative way to present your research. Your book can not be in a question-answer formula.
- The story must include as much of the research as possible, omitting anything too scary for your audience.
Rough Draft showing your organization and wording – any paper for this
Book must be bound – minimum is folder with brads (pockets optional)
- No notebook paper
- No staples
- No hole-punch with string or ribbon
A cover page with title, author, and illustration
Minimum 7 pages (Fun Facts are built into the book and do not require its own page)
At least 3 original illustrations - Can use internet images if cited correctly
Back cover with author information (name, current age, family, city and state you live, hobbies)
Bibliographic information (using the MLA format) on the inside back cover of the book
Style Options:
Chapter Style - Minimum of 1 page per question with each new question having a chapter number/name
(no matter how many pages you use, you will only have 7 chapters)
Index Style – Create 7 index topics at the end of the book with page numbers where the information
can be found
Fun Facts are to be incorporated into the book anywhere and designated by a box drawn around them (min 3)
Audience – 5 years old
“Jazz” on every page (make it unique; anything colorful; crayons, map pencils, water colors, ribbon, stickers, etc)
If using PowerPoint to type your final draft – do not use a color background when you print
Optional: table of contents, lamination
Glue Options:
Scrapbook Adhesive or Tape Runner – permanent; looks like white-out
Glue Dots – small or mini; packaged in a small box
Spray Adhesive
Glue gun – parent permission/supervision required
No Elmer’s
No School Glue
No glue sticks