Research & Innovation Services.

Application to the MRC Confidence in Concept Scheme Round 4

Please refer to the guidance note for this call and adhere to the word count limits to ensure your application is considered by the external review panel.
Internal use only Application number
Project name:
Amount requested from the Fund:

1 – Applicant Details

Primary Investigator:
Affiliation (TUOS/ STH/ SHU/ SCH):
Department/ Academic Directorate:
Phone number:
Departmental Administrator:

2 – PI Institutional reference and/or TUOS ICE/COD System Details

STH/ SCH/ SHU reference:
STH/SCH/ SHU Business Manager:
TUOS ICE/COD number:
TUOS Commercialisation/ Business Manager:

3 – Project Details

Do not cross-refer to web addresses or add annexes.
Project start date:
Project end date:
In one sentence please state clearly the concept that is to be taken forward during the project
Non- Confidential Summary
Please provide a short non-confidential summary of the project – this may be placed on the Institutional and/or RIS websites if the application is successful.

General summary of project proposal (maximum 300 words)

Describe briefly: (1) The history, nature, and scope of the proposed project including a brief synopsis of medical need and alignment of the work to the MRC strategy; (2) Distinguish clearly between the previous basic research, which underpins the project and; (3) The concept that would be developed with CiC funding which will help to secure more substantial funding; (4) The objective(s) that will be achieved by the CiC funding and; (5) How these outcomes will confirm the validity of the concept?

Project Plan (maximum 250 words)

Present the plan for the proposed project indicating key milestones and associated outputs.

Immediate Follow-on Plan post CiC funding (maximum 200 words)

The aim of CiC funding is to generate the data package needed for more substantive translational funding applications. What is the next stage of development on completion of the CiC project and what translational funding schemes (from research councils/charities/commercial organisations) will you target to fund the next stage? (Please name actual schemes and anticipated application dates).
Translational Path (maximum 150 words)
What is (are) the suggested development route(s) to translate the concept towards making a tangible societal impact and addressing the unmet healthcare needs you have identified? Clearly outline possible exploitation route(s) for realising the potential of the concept? Please include details of any discussions with external partners.

Commercial Potential (maximum 200 words)

Describe the potential commercial opportunity for the concept and how the project will help to achieve this. What competitor products, if any, already exist? If competitor products exist, describe how your concept/ solution will be differentiated from these and what additional advantages your concept/solution offers? Describe the economic/social benefit which would accrue upon ultimately successful development of the concept.

Status of the Intellectual Property (IP) underlying the project (maximum 120 words)

Is the project novel? What proprietary knowledge and knowhow will be generated by the project? Can IP developed in the project be protected? What existing IP or prior art has been identified via searches of patent and publication databases? Please provide details of the search terms used and reference the prior art identified. Does the project have freedom to operate? If not, explain why you believe freedom to operate will be obtainable on reasonable terms?
Status of the project: is this an ongoing or new translational project?
(maximum 100 words)
Is this a new opportunity or has it already been registered with Medipex (STH; SCH), Sheffield Hallam or University of Sheffield commercial systems? If the opportunity has been previously assessed please describe what is different about this application or is a new development.
Industrial partners (maximum 100 words)
Please detail any industrial partners and their contribution to the project. Are any formal agreements in place? If there are no industrial partners currently, please identify companies you would anticipate having an interest in this work specifying why. If no industrial partners are anticipated please detail why this is the case.

Other information (maximum 100 words)

Is there any other information you would like to provide?
Justification of costs

Please provide an outline of the requested funds and describe why these are required to deliver the project and the timescales in which they will be required. Please note that the scheme will not fund capital equipment purchases. Please detail the 10% in kind contribution that STH, SCH or SHU are providing to the project (TUOS have already provided this match to the programme at source).

4 – Project costs

Please note: Only direct costs (DI) will be funded by a Confidence in Concept project award

Staff costs

The award will pay for:
(a)  all or a proportion of the salary of the researchers (s) whilst working on the project;
Staff costs will not be paid as personal salary.
(b)  Access to equipment, consumables, travel and expenses (necessary for the project only) and other direct costs.
As the University of Sheffield is the institutional holder of the award of CiC funds from the MRC, partner costs for the project will need to be entered into the University of Sheffield URMS system. Non University of Sheffield staff will therefore need to provide the costs for their part of the project to University of Sheffield faculty based support staff or R&IS Pricing Team staff as per existing arrangements for other collaborative grants between the partners. University of Sheffield staff accessing the system need to use Medical Research Council as the sponsor with a programme name of Confidence in Concept Round 4.
Please note: Applicants are not required to enter Impact costs on their URMS entry for this scheme (see scheme guidance notes).
URMS project code no.




Staff costs

Travel & subsistence

/ /
Other costs

Total Funding requested (Direct Costs only)


5 – Signatures


I confirm that I wish to apply for funding from the Confidence in Concept Scheme. I confirm that the information presented in the application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Principal Investigator:
I confirm that I agree to this application to the MRC Confidence in Concept Fund.
Signature of PI’s Head of Department/ Head of Academic Directorate:
Print name:
Signature of SHU/STH/ SCH Business/ Commercial Manager working with the PI
Signature of TUOS Business/ Commercial Manager
6 – Return

A signed electronic copy of the application form can be emailed to or the original posted to Rachel Dwyer, Research & Innovation Services, New Spring House, 231 Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2GW. Deadline for receipt 6 April 2016.

Applications will not be considered unless signed by the Head of Department/ Directorate.

For RIS Office use only

UBASE Project Fund



Authorised Budget



MRC Confidence in Concept Application Form Round 4 – Jan 2016 1