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Attachment to certificate IECEx ITA 12.0014X
APPLICANT:CCG Cable Terminations
ADDRESS:33-37 Forge Road, Spartan Ind. Area, Kempton Park
Gauteng, South Africa
Description of equipment
The series of cable glands consist of the following types and, made up of components as described in table 1: Where QS is indicated the glands that could be Quickstop gland versions are represented.
Table 1: Gland Components
Armoured / Non-armouredGland type / E1EX (QS) / D1EX
(QS) / EXCG (QS) / Stopex / Stopex-CG / A2F (QS) / A2FX (QS) / A2FCG (QS) / A2FH (QS) / A2EX (QS) / Stopex-F
sizes / 00-13 (metric) 00-7 (NPT) / 00-13 (metric) 00-7 (NPT) / 00-10 (metric) / 00-7 (metric and NPT) / 00-7
(Metric) / 00-11 (metric and NPT) / 00-11 (metric and NPT) / 00-10 (metric) / 00-7 (Metric and NPT) / 00-11 (metric)
00-7 (NPT) / 00-7 (metric)
00-7 (NPT)
Metric thread type (M) / 16 to 130 / 16 to
130 / 16 to 100 / 16 to 75 / 16 to 75 / 16 to
110 / 16 to
110 / 16 to
100 / 16 to 75 / 16 to
100 / 16 to
NPT thread type
(Alternate ISO Pipe thread BSP Parallel) / ½” to 3” / ½” to 3” / N/A / ½” to 3” / N/A / ½” to 4” / ½” to 4” / ½” to 3” / ½” to 3” / ½” to 3” / ½” to 3”
Sealing Gasket## / SG / SG / CG SG / SG / CG SG / SG / SG / CG SG / SG / SG / SG
Inner / E1EX / E1EX / E1EX / STOPEX / STOPEX / A2F / A2F / A2F / A2F / E1EX / STOPEX
Inner seal / E1EX / E1EX / E1EX / no / no / A2 / A2 / A2 / A2 / E1EX / N/A
Body / E1EX / N/A / E1EX / E1EX / E1EX / N/A / A2FX / A2F -CG / A2FX / N/A / N/A
Outer seal / E1EX / N/A / CG / E1EX / CG / N/A / A2 / CG / A2 / A2 / A2
Skid ring / E1EX / N/A / CG / E1EX / CG / A2 / A2 / A2F and CG / A2 / A2 / A2
Outer nut / E1EX / D1EX / CG / E1EX / CG / A2F / A2F / CG / A2FH / A2EX / STOPEX-F
Cone / E1EX / E1EX / E1EX / STOPEX / STOPEX / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / A2EX / STOPEX-F
Cone ring / E1EX / E1EX / E1EX / E1EX / E1EX / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Barrier putty* / N/A / N/A / N/A / STOPEX FR308 / STOPEX FR308 / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / STOPEX FR308
Clear Seal compound** / Yes / Yes / Yes / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / Yes / N/A
Corrosion guard body / N/A / N/A / CG / N/A / CG / N/A / N/A / CG / N/A / N/A / N/A
Lock nut*** / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional / Optional
O-ring / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / Yes / Yes
*The barrier putty is part of the flameproof characteristics of the gland. It forms a flamepath with the cone.
QS: The clear seal compound is optional.
** Use of metal sleeve and clear seal compound as indicated below. (Quick Stop – QS on Marking)
*** Lock nuts only applicable to metric threads.
(CG) Parts manufactured from Non-metallic or specifically adapted for fitment to corrosion guard.
## Not applicable to NPT thread. Applicable to all parallel thread (e.g. Metric and BSP parallel). Optional for Ex d application without IP rating.
Quickstop version:
The Quickstop version is utilised with a clear potting compound to achieve a hard setting seal inside the gland. The sealing compound is transparent and accommodates inspection. The compound may be utilised as follows:
- A seal within the front part of the gland, with no seal clamping on it.
- A seal within the front part of the gland, with the seal clamping on it, therefore acting as the bedding for the cable.
Note: Cables / cable bedding as above does not form part of the approval of glands.
- A seal within the front part of the gland applied around the conductors within a metal sleeve. The gland may only be used with the metal sleeve (when supplied with the gland and marked QS) since the internal gland construction only accommodates the large diameter of the metal sleeve for clamping.
The glands comply to the following Ex techniques:
Table 2: Ex techniques
Gland type / E1EX (QS) / D1EX (QS) / EXCG (QS) / Stopex / Stopex-CG / A2F (QS) / A2FX (QS) / A2FCG (QS) / A2FH (QS) / A2EX (QS) / Stopex-FEx d IIC Gb / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / N/A / Yes / N/A / Yes / Yes
Ex d I/IIC MbGb / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / Yes / N/A / Yes / N/A / N/A
Ex e IIC Gb / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Ex nR IIC Gc
(Not for NPT) / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Ex tb IIIC Db / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
IP66/67/68 (2m cont.)
(Parallel thread)* / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
IP65 (NPT) / Yes / Yes / N/A / Yes / N/A / Yes / Yes / N/A / Yes / Yes / Yes
Service Temperature / -20°C≤Tamb≤95°C
* The IP rating IP66/68 covers all IP ratings below IP68, including IP67. (Marking may not indicate the IP67 rating)
Conditions of certification / manufacture:
- It is a condition that instructions according to clause 30 of IEC 60079-0 and a copy of the Certificate must be provided / made available with the equipment. In addition, the installation torque and applicable maximum / minimum cable diameters must be made available / included in the instructions to the end user.
- The forming of the Stopex non-metallic flamepath and inspection criteria must be formalised in the instructions.
Special conditions of use:
- The quick stop glands supplied with the metal sleeve may only be used with the cementing and metal sleeve. Therefore, the cementing of conductors inside the sleeve and compressing the seal on the metal sleeve is essential since the internal gland construction only accommodates the large diameter of the metal sleeve for clamping.
- For the Stopex glands the barrier putty must be finished off to be fully formed within the cone and smooth along the full length of the cone since it forms a flamepath with the cone.