Yorkshire Regional Rehab. Officers Meeting

Tuesday 27th January 2015


Those present: Simon Labbett (Chair), Moira Fuller (minutes), Steve Williams (Barnsley), Heather Blundell (Calderdale), Nikki Sadler (Guide dogs), Sue Straw (Calderdale), Gunhild Wilcock (Calderdale), Margaret Hird (Bradford), Julie Day (Leeds), Caroline Kidd (Doncaster), Kerensa Barker (Doncaster), Asad Akram (Bradford), Robert Moulds (Wakefield)

Apologies: Ellen Gospel, Rachel Allison, Nicola Wood, Kate Taylor, Mary Sykes, Natalie Holmes, Sue Hutchinson, Denise Green, Martin Best, Linden Wrigglesworth, Pat Foster, Shelagh Smith, Alison Bowes, Julie Day, Nic Millar, Tracy Bellwood, Martin Heppell.

1.  Speaker – Debbie Steele, Senior Orthoptist from Bradford Royal Infirmary. Debbie did a presentation around what Orthoptists’ role is and how they can help patients. Please see attached PowerPoint presentation.

2.  Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

Minutes accepted as accurate record.

3.  Courses


Simon advised that there is a lighting course being held in Leeds called “The Lighting Journey” which will be covering Common sight issues in older people, assessment of functional vision, lighting theory, lighting design and lighting specification. To be carried out by Mark Gray. If you are interested then please contact Pat Foster at Leeds for more details as she is organising it. It is due to be held on 23rd April. Likely cost in region of £100 tbc.

Autism course:

Introduction to visual impairment and autism in children and young people – 10th February at Henshaws College in Harrogate. Can book a place by ringing 01423 886451.

4.  Travel Training protocols

Simon asked if other areas had any travel training schemes running for people to get confident using public transport. Doncaster advised that they had been asked for input in one such scheme for people with a learning disability there. Bradford are looking at such schemes also.

5.  Guide dogs ‘Business as Usual’

A query around the project ‘My Guide’ came up in discussion and Nikki advised the meeting that this project had turned into a service that Guide dogs now provide called ‘Business as Usual’. The scheme provides volunteers who will guide someone in their area to places a visually impaired person may wish to go to build up their confidence. Guide dogs have volunteers for the scheme but it is best to check if they have some in your area. The individual who needs a volunteer does not need to be registered they just need to have a visual impairment and want to go somewhere. Also need to be an adult. If interested contact your local Guide dog services.

6.  2nd Speaker – Mark Skelton

Mark spoke about a project called i-Care. It is an O2 project that makes android phones more accessible. Mark works for ‘Tote Direct’ and they work in 16 O2 stores where this i-Care project is set up. The project ensures there are O2 gurus in each store who will advise customers on what is the best tariff for them but also will set someone up with the Georgie phone apps (£4.99 for basic app and then 99p for any other apps e.g. taxi app, bus stop app (where can get information on when bus stop is coming up and which buses)) The gurus will set up half hour appointments but if it takes longer this is fine. People can book an appointment on-line. The gurus are not selling anything they are there to help visually impaired people. The person does not need to be an O2 customer.

See attached information on Georgie phone. Can see how it works if go on u-tube and put in Georgie phone.

There are 16 O2 shops with O2 gurus in them. Simon is due to send out the details of the shops when he gets them from Mark.

Any other business

7.  RO conference/training

Simon advised that the conference that BCU has ran the last two years will not happen this year due to pressure of their workload. However, they are hoping to set up an O&M training day along the lines of what is professionalism in O&M – possibly in the summer.

Simon advised that members of RWPN will get advance notice of this training and reduced rate.

8.  RWPN membership

If wish to join can pay by Paypal or cheque. Can join on-line at www.rwpn.org.uk

There are specialist interest groups on this website and Simon told the group that they need people who are interested in running these groups.

9.  Care Act for people with a Dual Sensory loss

There is a Department of Health guidance which incorporates the Care Act and Children’s obligations under Section 7. This supersedes Section 7. Can be found on front page of RWPN website or via www.gov.uk

Gunhild also advised that Sense have a guidance on the Care Act on their website. Look under professionals and the document is ‘A practical Guide to implementing the Care Act for Deafblind people.’


Birmingham have a course in DeafBlind studies – 1 year will come out with a certificate and 2 years a diploma.

10.  Training board. Simon told the group that there is a training board meeting being set up which will bring together employers of ROs so they can assess what they need from RO’s. This meeting is particularly focused on post-qualifying needs.

11.  Vacancies

-  Leeds - RO post available Look on their council website – it is currently under Support worker. Closing date 6th February.

-  Bradford advised that there will be a Habilitation post coming up soon. Again check council website for information.

12.  Access to work

Discuss around difficulty with access to work. In particular some people are finding their hours for support workers are being reduced. Some areas found that equipment provision was good but not tried for support or travel assistance.

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 19th May, Barnsley Building 18/19 Keresforth Centre, Keresforth Close, Barnsley, S70 6RS. You will need to press buzzer labelled Equipment, Adaptations & Sensory impairment and we can then let you in!

There is a cafeteria located on-site for food. Free parking also.