Regular Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Newberg School District Board Room

January 11, 2011

A duly called and noticed Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of Newberg School District 29J was called to order by Board Chair Melinda Van Bossuyt at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 in the Newberg School District Board Room.

PRESENTBoard Chair Melinda Van Bossuyt,Directors Mitsi Vondrachek, Jim Chogyoji, Debbie Hawblitzel, Todd Thomasand Deona Twenge. Director Ankeny joined the Board via teleconference at 7:21 p.m.


Present, in addition to Board members, were Superintendent Paula A. Radich, staff, patrons and Newberg Graphic reporter Laurent Bonczijk.

CALL TO ORDERBoard Chair Van Bossuyt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

FLAG SALUTEThe Pledge of Allegiance was led by Joan Austin Elementary student Lewis von Delius.

REVIEW AGENDAThe Board received a revised copy of item VIII:B Naming of Facilities.

STUDENT PRESENTATIONSJoanAustinElementary School: Lesley Carsley, Principal, JoanAustinElementary School, introduced LearningResourceCenterteacher Nicole Hyatt. Mrs. Hyatt introduced the eight students who call themselves The King Cobras. The King Corbras are a group of students who meet every Friday with Mrs. Hyatt to build on social skills. Each of the students talked about what they were good at, what was hard for them, and what they needed help with. The Board presented each of the students with a certificate and a pin. Students were: Michael Emerson, James Rightmire, Jack Copeland, Lewis von Delius, Kameron Mahaffey, Pacific Stensland, Jace Davis and Ryan Culp.

COMMENTS/QUESTIONSThere were no comments.


CONSENT AGENDAMOTION: Director Hawblitzelmoved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve the consent agenda as presented; motion was seconded and approved unanimously. The Board approved the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 13, 2010, and accepted donations of a Blue Ray surround sound system from David Irwin; a $2,160 grant from OMSI; $1,000 from Scott and Michelle Springer and a Conn trumpet from Debbie Thoren.

COMMUNICATIONS,Superintendent Comments: There were no comments.



Board Member Comments: There were no comments.

OLD BUSINESSBoard Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information, First Reading:Director Vondrachek presented. This policy was brought before the Board at the December Board meeting. The Board asked the Policy Subcommittee to reword the last paragraph of the policy. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt on first reading, Board Policy GBLA: Disclosure of Information; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Naming of Facilities: Tim Burke, Newberg School District Athletic Director; Dan Malone, Newberg High School Blue School Principal; and Kathy Brown, retired teacher, presented to the Board a proposal to name the basketball court in McGrath Gymnasium the Carolyn DeCrevel Court.The request was made to honor Mrs. DeCrevel’s dedication to NewbergHigh School students. Mrs. DeCrevel retired in 2003 after 42 years of teaching physical education at NewbergHigh School. DeCrevel is credited for starting the women's athletic program at the high school. Mrs. DeCrevel is now in her 51st year as the Head Cheerleading coach. MOTION: Director Hawblitzel moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors approve naming the basketball court in the McGrath Gymnasium on the Newberg High School Campus the Carolyn DeCrevel Court; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Preliminary 2011-2012 School Calendar, Revised. Dr. Radich presented. The Board adopted the preliminary calendar for 2011-2012 at the December 13, 2010 Board meeting. The dates for Spring Break were in error. Rather than the week of March 19-23, 2012, the dates should be March 26-30, 2012. MOTION: Director Thomas moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors adopt the revised preliminary 2011-2012 school calendar as presented; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS Proclamation: Board Appreciation Month: Dr. Radich read a proclamation proclaiming the month of JanuarySchool Board Appreciation Month. A gift basket made by students from the Transitions Program was at each Board member’s desk in honor of School Board Appreciation Month.

State Standards Assurance Compliance: Dr. Paula Radich reported that the District is in compliance with all Division 22 Standards with the exception of Oregon Administrative Rule OAR 581-022-0413 Prevention Education Programs in Drugs and Alcohol.

(1) (a) "In addition, at least annually, all high school students, grades 9-12 shall receive age-appropriate instruction about drug and alcohol prevention." Our current curriculum only instructs students in health class not in each grade.

(3) "Staff development in the district shall: (a) Inform all staff of the district plan and their responsibilities within that plan; and, (b) Provide alcohol and drug abuse prevention education to all staff."

Corrective Action: The Director of Teaching and Learning will work with administrators at NewbergHigh School to discuss implementing prevention education programs in student advisories. Students are required to attend advisory daily for four years of their high school experience.

Given the current course configurations, one year of health and one year of physical education, it is difficult to make certain 100% of high school students receive instructional annually.

EXECUTIVE SESSIONThe Board convened Executive Session at 7:52 p.m. according to ORS192.660(1)(i)Evaluation of the Superintendent.

REGULAR SESSIONThe Board reconvened regular session at 8:35 p.m.

REPORTSAudit Report: Tara Kamp, a representatives from the District’s auditing firm Pauly, Rogers and Co., P.C., was present to discuss the 2010 audit report and answer any questions. There are three areas of an audit: Accurate Reporting; Oregon Minimum Standards Compliance, and Federal Single Audit Compliance. Kamp reported the District hand no audit findings.

Chair Van Bossuyt inquired as to what the recommendations were for internal control systems. Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations, reported to he had been researching models used at other surrounding districts and was working on the document. Superintendent Radich suggested that the internal controls document be ready by July 15, 2011 for Board review.

NEW BUSINESSAccept 2010 Audit Report: Nathan Roedel, Director of Finance and Operations presented. MOTION: Director Chogyoji moved that the Newberg School District Board of Directors accept the Audit Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 as submitted; motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

ITEMS FOR FUTURENo new items were added.

EXECUTIVE SESSIONThe Board convened Executive Session at 9:00p.m. according to ORS192.660(1)(i)Evaluation of the Superintendent.

ADJOURNMENTNo further matters appearing to come before the Board, there was agreement for adjournment at 9:05 p.m.

Toni Wyss

Board Secretary


Superintendent-Clerk Board Vice Chair