Wednesday December 15th, 2010
CALL TO ORDERA meeting of the Country Hills Elementary School PTA was held on this date in the cafeteria.
Betsy Zaslav called the meeting to order at 9:23am.
MINUTESMinutes were not provided from the general meeting held on November 17th, 2010. The minutes will be reviewed and approved at January’s general membership meeting.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORTMrs. Stroup would to thank the PTA for the breakfast this morning and Betsy as well for writing the articles for the local newspapers regarding CHE events.
Article 6000.1 was amended re: state law and retaining children. All School Board policies are online.
Country Hills is looking forward to the Family Fun day event held next month.
Time for Kids fundraiser booklets, we receive$200 for every 30 booklets filled out. Antoinette made a motion to approve, Kim Mills seconds, approved by all in attendance.
Alysa Abzug made a motion to purchase a new lavaliere microphone. CHE has a broken one and had to borrow one from another school when we have had famous author visits this year and last year. Betsy seconds the motion, approved by all in attendance.
PRESIDENT’S REPORTAntoinette made a motion for PTA to purchase care packages for the classrooms in case of another emergency lockdown. Julie Walk seconds the motion, approved by all in attendance. PTA should also think about supermarkets donating food or maybe collecting $1.00 per student to pay for snacks and water bottles.
Betsy was happy to report that PTA purchased the website for $20.00, thank you to Debbie Coleman for taking care of this. We are hoping to have it up and running early January.
TREASURER’S REPORTKim Mills gave the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending November 2010. The cash receipts for the month totaled $13808.20; cash disbursements totaled $13938.20, leavingending cash balance of $37901.86.
SAC/SAFWendy Shepard said district is still looking at the school calendar for next year. Mrs. Stroup said that high schools and their exams are what “drive” the school calendar.
Cafeteria payments will soon be made online. There will be a $2.50 service charge per payment; some people are upset that the service fee might be considered high.
OPEN FORUMNicole Renert reported that the fun festival forms went out to the students yesterday, the cost is $15/per child and adults are free. After Jan. 7th, the cost is $20/per child. The wristbands entitle you to unlimited bounce house and arcade. Fun day will be held on January 29th from 10-3. There will be 2 shifts and 50 volunteers are needed.
Becca reported that we are still receiving money from the art work sale.
Alysa reported that we are still selling remaining copies of Lester Laminack’s newest book 3 Hens and a Peacock. There are autographed, hard copy books for $15.95 and will be delivered in January.
ADJOURNMENTThe meeting was adjourned at 10:15am.
ATTENDANCEBetsy ZaslavAntoinette Vlietstra
Alysa AbzugRaquel Alderman
Kim MillsNicole Renert
Becca LossKim Gill Potanovic
Julie WalkMrs. Stroup
Wendy Shepard