Room 31 News
Volume 8 Issue 35
May 6, 2016
Monday Day 3 Library
Tuesday Day 4 Gym
Wednesday Day 5 Music
Thursday Day 6 Art
Friday Day 1 Gym
Welcome to “Room 31 News” a newsletter to keep you up to date about what is happening in our classroom! Please take the time to read this newsletter with your child and talk about the information in it. I write to you so you and your child can be prepared for school. This is the primary source of communication between home and school. Thanks for reading!
Upcoming Events
5-13 Aloha Day
5-13 Franklin Institute Assembly
5-13, 5-16 and 5-17 Miss Vondran will not be in school
5-19 Young Learner’s Night 6:00
5-20 1st Grade Move Up Day
5-20 PTO Carnival 5:30-8:30
5-27 School Spirit Day
5-27 Early Dismissal 11:55
5-30 No School
6-1 Student Recognition Assembly
An electronic sign up will be sent home in the near future for this!
6-3 End of the Year Party 1:45-3:00
6-7 Last Day Of School For Students
Dismissal is at 10:20
Academic Dates
5-13 Reading Assessment
5-13 Spelling Assessment
Room 31 Is In Need Of…
Allergy season is here and our noses are running a lot! If you can, please send in a box of tissues for us!
Read 15 minutes
Study Spelling Words
Reflex- at least once a week at home
Math Homelink (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
A newsletterwill be posted in in BOX every week. Your child’s reading and spelling test will also appear in their BOX folder. Please remember to comment on these items verifying you have viewed them.
What’s Happening in Room 31?
Reading- Please refer to the Family Times paper that came home for the skills we will be learning next week.
Writing- We will be finishing up our oviparous creature stories.
Math- We will be learning about Trade-First Subtraction, Equivalent Money Amounts and Estimating Costs.
Social Studies- We will be learning about natural and cultural features.
Junior Achievement
Part of our Social Studies curriculum is a unit about Community. We will be having Marisa Jones come in to teach us six lessons about how our community works over the next month and a half. Marisa works at HERCO and is excited to visit our classroom!
717-531-2277 x5031