Christmas Maltings and Clements Practice – information for patients
Suffolk GP Federation is taking over the management of Christmas Maltings and Clements Practice. It means there will be changes to the way the practice is run.
New way to book appointments
- The current way of accessing appointments will change.
- Patients will have to contact the practice in advance.
- You will be allocated an appropriate appointment over the phone – either for the same day or at another time depending on the reason for your call.
Wider clinical team
- It may not always be appropriate for patients to be seen or treated by a GP.
- To help reduce some of the pressure facing the practice we will be using the expertise of other clinical staff.
- This means – where appropriate – you may be seen by a nurse, pharmacist or paramedic instead of a GP.
Zero tolerance approach to unacceptable patient behavior
- We expect all staff to be treated with respect.
- Unacceptable patient behaviour will not be tolerated.
- Any patient acting in an aggressive, intimidating or violent way will receive a written warning.
- If problems continue they will be removed from the patient list and will have to register at another surgery.
- If the behavior is particularly serious then the individual will be removed from the patient list immediately.
Kedington Surgery
Patients registered at Kedington Surgery will experience no change.
Christmas Maltings building
- Over time we hope to move out of Christmas Maltings.
- All services will be transferred to the Clements building in Greenfields Way.
- The quality of care experienced by patients will not be affected.
How can you have your say?
- We want patients to have their say and to help shape the future of Christmas Maltings and Clements.
- Youcan join a new Christmas Maltings and Clements Practice Board.
- It is the first time an employee and patient board will be responsible for managing a GP practice in Suffolk.
- For more information please contact Practice Manager Marion McLaine on 01440 840380 or .
Who are Suffolk GP Federation?
- Suffolk GP Federation is a not-for-profit community interest company owned by most of the GP practices in Suffolk.
- We employ around 150 staff and are growing rapidly.
- Our core values are:
-Patient centred and continuity of care
-The highest clinical quality and the best patient experience
-Team working and collaboration
-Nurturing talent and fostering innovation
- We already run several patient services in Suffolk, including community based ultrasound, cardiology and urology clinics as well as managing all diabetes care in North East Essex.
- We also manageWalton Surgery in Felixstowe and are responsible for Suffolk GP+ - providing extra evening and weekend GP appointments in Ipswich, Bury St Edmunds, Felixstowe, Stowmarket, Wickham Market and Leiston.
- Our work also includes a comprehensive recruitment and career development programme for GPs, practice managers and nurses.
- For more information visit
If you have any further questions about the changes please email or speak to any of the practice Partners