Regents Living Environment Lab
Course Syllabus
In addition to scientific inquiry, biology students need to develop proficiency in certain laboratory or technical skills in order to successfully conduct investigations in biological science. During the school year, students develop the capacity to successfully perform each of the laboratory skills listed below.
1. Follows safety rules in the laboratory
2. Selects and uses correct instruments
a. Uses graduated cylinders to measure volume
b. Uses metric ruler to measure length
c. Uses thermometer to measure temperature
d. Uses triple-beam or electronic balance to measure mass
3. Uses a compound microscope/stereoscope effectively to see specimens clearly, using different magnifications
a. Identifies and compares parts of a variety of cells
b. Compares relative sizes of cells and organelles
c. Prepares wet-mount slides and uses appropriate staining techniques
4. Designs and uses dichotomous keys to identify specimens
5. Makes observations of biological processes
6. Dissects plant and/or animal specimens to expose and identify internal structures
7. Follows directions to correctly use and interpret chemical indicators
8. Uses chromatography and/or electrophoresis to separate molecules
9. Designs and carries out a controlled, scientific experiment based on biological processes
10. States an appropriate hypothesis
11. Differentiates between independent and dependent variables
12. Identifies the control group and/or controlled variables
13. Collects, organizes, and analyzes data, using a computer and/or other laboratory equipment
14. Organizes data through the use of data tables and graphs
15. Analyzes results from observations/expressed data
16. Formulates an appropriate conclusion or generalization from the results of an experiment
17. Recognizes assumptions and limitations of the experiment
- Lab reports account for 10% of each student’s grade for Living Environment class.
- Proficiency in performing these laboratory skills may also be evaluated by items found on certain parts of the State’s Living Environment assessment.
- Each student MUST complete at least 1200 minutes of hands-on lab time and the four NYS mandated lab activities. These four activities WILL be on the Living Environment Regents Exam.
- Lab time missed due to absence MUST be made up, usually after school.
- Lab reports must be kept on file by the teacher; they will not leave the classroom.
- Lab report completion grades are on e-schools via the district web site.
- Internet links and other information can be found on Mrs. Knavel’s web site via the district web site.
or 827-6727 high school office