Custom Conditional SR Approval Rules to specific people, support group or multiple people

This guide will explain how to create custom conditional approvals to specific approvers depending on the answer selected.

Very helpful to use BMC User tool for these actions

Approval Question

  1. Access Type - menu (could be any applicable SR Type Field, lets say 15 for our case)
  2. desktop
  3. laptop
  4. both

Approval Requirements:

  1. If desktop is selected, assign approval to Backoffice Support
  2. If laptop is selected, assign approval to Demo
  3. If both is selected, assign approval to mmanager and appadmin

Steps to configure this approval:

  1. Backup current process:
  2. Open AP:Process Definition and locate the SR Level approval process
  3. Perform a copy to new, rename the process appropriately and save

  1. Open AP:Rule Definition and locate all rules related to the Service Request - Level process
  2. Copy to new for all rules, relate to new process
  3. Open APR:SYS-Approval Definition (Approval Process Configuration), search for records related to form SRM:Request
  4. Copy the record related to Service Request - Level
  5. On the new record change the 'Phase Name', 'Process Name' and 'Default Process Name' to reflect the new process name, save the record
  6. Offline the original record (NOTE: tested with it online and it works)
    Note: if you are configuring processes for multiple companies you will not offline the default process, you will simply change the company from -Global- and create a record for each applicable company
  1. Modify new process:
  2. Open AP:Administration and select the new rule from the 'Show for Process' drop down then select the Rules tab
  1. Select the create button and use the following values:

  1. Create another rule with the following values:

    *Using Prep Get rules we are first grabbing the value from 'SR Type Field 15' and storing it in a temp field then analyzing that value to see if it meets our criteria.
  2. Create a new rule with the following values for the multiple approver:

  3. Next create a rule for the specific person
  1. Create a rule for an approval to a support group
  1. Modify the rule named "SR Level - Get Next Approver", change 'Order' to 4, save
  2. Modify the rule named "SR Level - Get Next Approver - Grp", change 'Order' to 5, save
  3. You could add more rules for each of the menu items and its associated approver
  1. Create Approval Chain
  2. Open the App Admin console, under Custom Config navigate to SRM->Approval->Approval Chains
  3. Create a new chain for SRM:Request with appropriate Selection Criteria (i.e. SRD Name is Onboard Employee or the Nav Cats are x, y, z)
  4. Associate the new SR Level (ie SR Level AMOS) process to this chain, note that other processes can be added if required such as Management approval prior
  5. Enable the chain and close the form
  6. Change SRD
  7. Modify the SRD's Approval selection to "Custom" and uncheck the "Use Request Manager" option

Some additional thoughts:

-Support group can be used instead of a person

- This is a work in progress and could use optimization