Welcome to the Shivela Photography Club!

We would love to have you join our club!

How do I join the Photography Club?

Sign up at your lunch break on Sept. 17th during Club Rush.

If you miss it, you can join anytime after that.

When does the club begin?

Our first meeting will take place on Sept 23rd from 3:15-4pm.

Where does this club meet each week?

In room 107, Mrs. Davis’s classroom

Who can join?

Any Shivela Middle School student currently enrolled may join the photography club- 6th-8th graders are welcome.

What you'll need to join:
Although no application is needed to join, you will need to have your parents
Sign a permission slip and bring it the FIRST time you attend a meeting.
Permission slips will be available during Club Rush as well as in room 107.

1. A camera, any camera will do. If you do not have access to a camera, we have a few you may use only during our meeting times.

2. A 4-8 GB flashdrive

3. A way to download your photos onto our school computer/flashdrive

4. A willingness to share, grow in your craft and have fun!

Other information:

This is our second year. Some of the things the members hope to accomplish are:

◦Fundraise to take a field trip to a photography museum or go to the Santa Rosa Plateau. We will accomplish this through

◦Selling photo related items we make such as mini calendars, the Panther Life Calendar, bookmarks and postcards

◦Sees Candy sales in November

◦Family Portrait Night in November

◦Photo Booth opportunities

◦Raffle Tickets for individual specialty portrait session

◦Grand Finale Gallery Night (where we will exhibit our photos gallery style and sell our Panther LIFE calendars)

Club Rules

If you join the Shivela Photograhy Club, you will definitely have FUN! Most students come prepared to plan for fun events and take great pictures. In order that the club run efficiently and safely, it is important that club members adhere to the rules set forth by the first governing body of the club. They are as follows:

1. All members are to follow ALL of the school rules set forth in the Shivela Student Handbook (available on the school's website).

2 Conduct oneself calmly, avoiding any rough play. When students chase and horse around their is a potential for things to get broken, people to get hurt and our club's status to become inactive!

3. Do not use the classroom computer unless you are given permission to do so by the club advisor(s).

4. Keep your voice level to an acceptable level. Avoid shouting, screaming and other means of making loud noises. There are often parent or staff meetings on campus after school and it is a disruption to them and us when students do not keep voices in check.

5. Treat all equipment with respect. Do not use cameras or equipment that belongs to others without their sole permission.

Good things to know:

◦Once you join the club, your name will be added to our very own Haiku page. It will keep you informed of any reminders or upcoming events.

◦Cameras that you bring to school may be locked in Mrs. Davis’s room for safe keeping on Tuesdays before school.

◦We accept donations for gently used cameras, flashdrives and laptops.